Sunday, August 25, 2019

Is Cutting Edge Textbook suitable for Saudi Cadets Essay

Is Cutting Edge Textbook suitable for Saudi Cadets - Essay Example They are given six months for experiment and see the suitability of these new textbook compared to the previous textbook which they used. Previous textbook was designed by the Technical Studies Institute of Dhahran Saudi Arabia. This study is aimed to research the influence of Cutting Edge textbook and the improvements it brings in the skills, knowledge and understanding of English language. 1.2 Problem The skills and knowledge of English language of cadets of Saudi air forces is not found up to the required standard. It is believed that English being the second language for Saudi students, it requires more planned and organized textbook for learning. Decision to give 75 students the textbook of Cutting Edge for English learning is made to experiment for six months. The problem identified for research of this study is to find out the suitability of the Cutting Edge textbook to the cadets selected for experimenting English learning with it 1.3 Research question â€Å"Is Cutting Edge Text Book suitable for Saudi Cadets?† 1.4 The purpose of study The purpose of this study is to understand the importance of English language in daily life and what are the reasons for its significance. It is also aimed in this study to learn about the various materials and techniques used in the Cutting Edge textbook. The audience addressed by the Cutting Edge textbook, the exercises used and places where it is implemented successfully are included in the purpose of research. The main objective is to evaluate the contents of the Cutting Edge textbook and find the extent of its suitability for the Saudi cadets. 1.5 Thesis Structure This section gives a structure of every chapter... The intention of this study is education as the process of learning. There are two ways in which learning takes place. The first way is by observation and experience. The most common example of learning by observation and experience is that of an infant baby who when comes in this world has very little knowledge about the way things need to be done. As the time passes by, the baby begins to recognize his parents, demand milk by crying, and struggle to do what other people do around him. First sit up, and then walk and then talk, this entire learning takes place only through experience and observation of parents and baby’s surroundings. The second way is through academic education in which there is a teacher, textbooks, other tools and the student. Student acquires the knowledge by listening and understanding the lectures of the teacher, reading the textbooks and other course materials. Education generally refers to this second way of learning. Every human being has an intellec t that helps him to think and understand anything around him. However, understanding requires knowledge. The only way of acquiring knowledge is through the process of learning either by experience and observation or by education. Knowledge helps a person to understand the creations of God and science helps in accepting it through reasoning and experimenting. The source of knowledge is God and therefore it is infinite. Man only struggle to search and acquire knowledge to get benefits out of it. The human capacities of knowledge are developed by education which is a creative and continuous process.

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