Saturday, August 31, 2019
Higher Education and Poverty Reduction Among the Youth
HIGHER EDUCATION AND POVERTY REDUCTION AMONG THE YOUTH BY OKUNOLA, PHILIP OLAYIDE (Ph. D), ONYENE. V. E(Ph. D. )([email protected] com) SUBAR, S. TAYO. ASHIRU, AL-MAHROOF OLASEEWO ([email protected] ca) PAPER PRESENTED AT THE 8TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE OF HIGHER EDUCATION RESEARCH POLICY NETWORK VENUE: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR TROPICAL AGRICULTURE (IITA), IBADAN AUGUST, 2008 ABSTRACTEducation in Nigeria and higher education in particular, are fundamental to the construction of a knowledge economy and worthwhile society in any nation hence, from a global perspective, economic, political, technological and social developments are increasingly driven by the advancement and application of knowledge, skills and socialization acquired in the process of this education. This paper presents an empirical study of higher education and poverty reduction among the youth using the University of Lagos, Nigeria. A total of 330 youth population comprised the sample drawn from the eight facultie s on campus.Three hypotheses were formulated and tested using chi-square statistical tool at 0. 05 level of significance. The major findings are that higher education is significant in exposing the youth to talent discovery, physical and intellectual development among the youth and has high potency reduction for poverty reduction among the youth. Introduction The dawn of the 21st century has brought profound and fundamental changes to economics, technology, politics, culture, morals, social values and ethics. Globalization is the driving force in all these changes.While globalization has induced the collapse of time and space, it has also expanded opportunities and challenges for individuals and for nations and has sidelined the weak and unprepared. Anya (2002). The task of the university education will then be to empower the youths to be able to cope with the dynamics of globalization. Consequently the university must have an organic linkage with the industrial and economic environ ment to contribute to economic growth of the nation. Education has for long been recognized and accepted as a panacea for Nigeria’s ills and woes. Particularly so is the case of higher education.Stupendous amount of money and other resources, even though inadequate are expended on the universities annually. Unarguably al stakeholders look up to the universities as the nation’s beacon of hope, light and civilization. For this reason, besides over 50 public universities are springing up all over the nooks and crannies of the country (Ejiogu and Onyene, 2006). Nigeria ‘s philosophy of education is aimed at education that foster the worth and development of the individual, for each individuals sake, and for the general development of the society there is need for empowerment so as to break the chains of poverty for necessary liberation.Are the Nigerian youths hopeful? Do they see the light? Are they civilized? The quest and agitation for the empowerment of the youth and their liberation through higher education is fast becoming almost hysterical given the often reported cases of incessant strike actions by lecturers, lack or inadequate infrastructures in the universities, brain drain, and so on, within the university system. Instance abound when university graduates are not employable in the labour market.The situation becomes worrisome and intriguing with the jet-speed rate of opening up of new universities with its attendant alleged unemployment of â€Å"unqualified†staff, and stragglers from older universities. The Concept of Higher Education and Poverty Higher education means different things to many people, but the purpose is perceived to be the same. It is the type of education that focuses on professionalization, by empowering the partaker of this level of education with skills that are not necessarily the function of formal educational process.This type of skills emanates from students’ interaction with their peers, teach ers and other members of their academic community. Though these experiences that culminate into skills makes students sojourn in their academic environment a complete one, which necessitates the saying â€Å" passing through the school without the school passing through the student†The proponents of this statement are of the opinion that students who passed through the school without the school passing through them have learnt only partially regardless of their grades at the end of their academic pursuit in the university, thereby limiting their opportunities.This is corroborated by Gay 2005, who opined that poverty can only be eliminated if the students to whom implicit promises are being by urging them to attend school actually receive some tangible benefit for their years spent in school. Higher education includes teaching, research and social service activities of universities, and within the realm of teaching, it includes both the undergraduate level (sometimes referred to as tertiary education and the graduate school). Higher education generally involves work towards a degree level or foundation for degree qualification.In most developed countries a high proportion of the population (up to 50%) now enters higher education is therefore every important to national economy, both as a source of trained and educated personnel for the rest of the economy. Schofield, K. 1999. Higher education is based on theoretical expertise. It might be contrasted with higher vocational education, which concentrates on both practice and theory. Deciding to further education and attain a degree tends to improve many aspects of life.People with college degrees tend to earn more money and salary increases over the years are more substantial than for those that do not have a college degree or university degree. Additionally, people that have a college degree are less likely to go through long bouts of unemployment. However attaining certifications and/or degrees related t o your field can yield better jobs and ongoing opportunities (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). University qualifications need to match employers’ and labour market requirements as closely as possible.Mass unemployment of university graduates is the result where university programmes and the labour market are at variance. The issue of relevance, utilitarian criteria based on prospects of income generation at completion of a programme should be uppermost in the programmes provided by universities. The idea of pursuing knowledge for its own sake or of the sake of engaging in a programme of study given a passion for learning in a particular subject area will seem acquaint if it is remembered at all. (Roberts, 1999).Youth (in the developed world): like all identities, is a culturally relative manifestation whose meanings and applications are specific to certain times and manifestation whose meaning and applications are specific to certain times and locales. For those living in p resent-day western cultures, the term youth refers to persons who are no longer children and not yet adults. In a strictly legal sense, the term is typically applied to a person from the time of their early teens until a point between 16 and 21, after which the person is legally an adult. As an adult they are endowed priviledges such as the right to vote and consume alcohol e. c. used colloquially, however, the term generally refers to a broader, more ambiguous field of reference – from physically adolescent to those in their late 20s, the United Nations, for example, defines youth as people between the ages of 15 and 24 years inclusive (United Nations Education and Scientific Children Organisation, 2002b). Poverty refers to a situation and process of serious deprivation or lack of resources and material necessary for living within a minimum standard conducive to human dignity and well being (NEST, 1991). Poverty connotes deprivation of the means of subsistence. The manifesta tion of poverty, i. inadequate distribution of resources, access to basic social services like education and health, food scarcity, low life expectancy, and lack of participation in decision making processes (Braun, 1999, Carrey 1999;World Bank 1999; Web et al 1992;Ravnborg, 1996). For the purpose of this paper poverty is viewed as deprivation of common necessities that determine the quality of life, which include food, clothing, shelter and safe drinking water, and may also include the deprivation of opportunities to learn, to obtain better employment to escape poverty and/or to enjoy the respect of fellow citizens.This can be measured in terms of absolute or relative poverty. Absolute poverty refers to a set standard which is consistent in over time between countries. An example of an absolute measurement would be the percentage of the population eating less food than is required to sustain the human body, which may lead to extreme poverty. United Nations 2002 report defines extre me poverty as â€Å"poverty that kills†, depriving individuals of the means to stay alive in the face of hunger, disease and environmental hazards.This is further substantiated by Moore (2007) in his report for the World Bank, that extreme poverty implies living on less than 1 dollar per day, and moderate poverty as less than $2 a day. The proportion of the developing world’s population living in extreme economic poverty fell from 28 percent in 1990 to 21 percent in 2001. Looking at the period 1981 – 2001, the percentage of the world’s population living on less than $1 per day has halved.Analysis of social aspects of poverty links conditions of scarcity to aspects of the distribution of resources and power in a society and recognizes that poverty may be a function of the diminished â€Å"capability†of people to live the kinds of lives they value. The social aspects of poverty may include lack of access to information, education, health care, or po litical power. Poverty may also be understood as an aspect of unequal social status and inequitable social relationships, experienced as exclusion, dependency, and diminished capacity to participate, or to develop meaningful connections with other people in society.Statement of the Problem The growth and development of this country will to a large extent be determined by quality, in character and in learning, of the products of our universities. UNESCO policy (1997) posited that basic education for all should incorporate: literacy, income generation, health care, child care, family planning, food management, union education, labour laws, civil and voting rights, peace education, environmental management, HIV/AIDS and drug awareness (UNESCO 2002). The questions are what is the hope of Nigerian youth in universities? Do they really discover their potentials having gone through the university?What then can we say are the contributions of Nigeria universities to poverty reduction among the Nigerian youth? It becomes imperative, therefore, to ascertain the potency of Nigerian higher education for poverty reduction among the youth and to proffer measures for enhancement and sustainability of youth empowerment. Methodology The study was carried out using the descriptive survey research design. The youths in University of Lagos constituted the study which comprises 500 respondents. They were diploma and 100-300 level students, from the eight faculties of the University of Lagos, Akoka campus, Lagos, Nigeria.Higher Education Potency for Poverty Reduction Questionnaire (HEPPRQ) designed by the researchers was the data-gathering instrument. It measure sure such poverty reduction potencies as talent discovery, facilitation of mind development in the youth, good leadership skills, enabling intellectual development, development of social ethics through positive interaction, exposure to entrepreneurial activities, provision of mindset for creative ideas, preparation for rend ering payable service (income generation), inculcation of technological ideas for product development, self esteem mong peers, position of youth for global alignment with contemporaries in the western world and realization of the academic inclination (discipline). Colleagues affirmed the face validity and reliability of the instrument The researchers personally distributed the questionnaire to 500 respondents across the 8 faculties on campus on different occasions; some of the respondents returned the questionnaire immediately while others returned theirs the following day. Of the 500 copies of the questionnaire distributed, 330 (66%) usable copies were returned.However, the analysis was done using both descriptive and inferential statistics. To be precise, simple percentage and chi-square statistical tools were used. Findings Total response of the respondents was done by finding the percentages. The analysis is presented in table1. Table 1: Frequency count of responses and percenta ge ratings. |S/N |POTENCY INDICES |ALWAYS |OFTEN |SOMETIMES |NEVER |TOTAL | |1 |University environment and talent |200(60. 60%) |20(6. 06%) |110(33. 3%) | – |330 | | |discovery | | | | | | |2 |Higher education development and e |160(48. 48%) |90(27. 27%) |30(9. 09%) |50(15. 15%) |330 | | |youth’s minds | | | | | | |3 |Higher education and good leadership|190(57. 57%) |50(15. 15%) |50(15. 15%) |40(12. 12%) |330 | |4 |Higher education and intellectual |200(60. 60%) |50(15. 5%) |70(21. 21%) |10(3. 03%) |330 | | |development | | | | | | |5 |Social ethics through the university|170(51. 51%) |70(21. 21%) |80(24. 24%) |10(3. 03%) |330 | |6 |Higher education, parliamentary and |120(36. 36%) |110(33. 33%) |90(27. 27%) |10(3. 03%) |330 | | |governance process | | | | | | |7 |Entrepreneurial activities at school|110 |120(36. 6%) |80(24. 24%) |20(6. 06%) |330 | | | |(33. 33%) | | | | | |8 |University environment and mindset |170 |100(30. 30%) |50(15. 15%) |10(3. 03%) |330 | | |for creative ideas |(51. 51%) | | | | | |9 |Rendering payable service (income | 170 | 80 |40(12. 12%) |40(12. 2%) |330 | | |generation) |(51. 51%) |(24. 24%) | | | | |10 |University education and | 180 | 70 | 70 | 10 |330 | | |technological ideas |(54. 54%) |(21. 21%) |(21. 21%) |(3. 03%) | | |11 |Employment with related industries | 70 | 80 | 150 | 30 |330 | | | |(21. 1%) |(24. 24%) |(45. 45%) |(9. 09%) | | |12 |Sustenance in the face of job |110 | 90 | 110 | 20 |330 | | |scarcity |(33. 33%) |(27. 27%) |(33. 33%) |(6. 06%) | | |13 |Apart from certification, university| 190 | 120 | 20 | – |330 | | |environment and self esteem |(57. 57%) |(36. 36%) |(6. 6%) | | | |14 |Global alignment with my | 190 | 100 | 30 | 10 |330 | | |contemporaries in the western world |(57. 57%) |(30. 30%) |(9. 09%) |(3. 03%) | | |15 |Relevance of their academic | 150 | 120 | 60 | 30 |330 | | |inclination (discipline) outside |(45. 45%) |(36. 36%) |(18. 18%) |(9. 9%) | | | |their myopic perception | | | | | | Hypothesis 1 There will be no significant influence of higher education exposure on youth talent discovery. To test this hypothesis, the chi-square statistical tool was employed and tested at 0. 05 level of significance. The results are presented in table 2 below. Table 2: higher education and talent discovery. |S/N |Items |Always |Often |Sometimes |Never |Total | | |1. 200(60. 60%) |20(6. 06%) |110(33. 33%) |- |330 | | |2. |160(48. 48%) |90(27. 27%) |30(9. 09%) |50(15. 15%) |330 | | |3. |190(57. 57%) |50(15. 15%) |50(15. 15%) |40(12. 12%) |330 | | |4. |200(60. 60%) |50(15. 15%) |70(21. 21%) |10(3. 03%) |330 | | |5. |170(51. 51%) |70(21. 21%) |80(24. 24%) |10(3. 3%) |330 | | |Column Total |920 |280 |140 |110 |1650 | | |Average Total |460(55. 75%) |140(16. 96%) |70(20. 60%) |55(6. 66%) |825 | Chi-square observed value = 52. 63 Degree of freedom = 12 Level of significance = 0. 05 Critical Value = 21. 03 The result revealed that the observed value (52. 63) is greater than the crit ical table value (21. 03) given 12 degree of freedom at 0. 5 level of significance. The result is therefore significant, thus giving a basis for rejection of the null hypothesis. It can then be inferred that higher education has significant influence on the exposure of youth to talent discovery. Hypothesis 2 Higher education will have no significant influence on the physical and intellectual development of the youth. To test this hypothesis, the chi-square statistical tool was employed and tested at 0. 05 level of significance. The results are presented in table 3 below. Table 3: Higher education, Physical and Intellectual Development S/N |Items |Always |Often |Sometimes |Never |Total | | |6 |120(36. 36%) |110(33. 33%) |90(27. 27%) |10(3. 03%) |330 | | |7 |110(33. 33%) |120(36. 36%) |80(24. 24%) |20(6. 06%) |330 | | |8 |170(51. 51%) |100(30. 30%) |50(15. 15%) |10(3. 03%) |330 | | |9 |170(51. 1%) |80(24. 24%) |40(12. 12%) |40(12. 12%) |330 | | |10 |180(54. 54%) |70(21. 21%) |70(21. 2 1%) |10(3. 03%) |330 | | |Column Total |750 |480 |330 |90 |1650 | | |Average Total |375(45. 45%) |240(29. 09%) |165(20%) |45(5. 45%) |825 | From the responses of the participants in the table, it is realized that the observed chi-square (49. 6) is greater than the critical value (21. 03) at 12 degree of freedom and at 0. 05 level of significance. The result is therefore significant, thus higher education will have significant influence on physical and intellectual development of the youth. Hypothesis 3 Higher education will make significant provision of resources and materials for youths’ adequate living. To test this hypothesis, the chi-square statistical tool was employed and tested at 0. 05 level of significance. The results are presented in table 4 below. Table 4: Higher Education and Youth Adequate Living. S/N |Items |Always |Often |Sometimes |Never |Total | | |11 |70(21. 21%) |80(24. 24%) |150(45. 45%) |30(9. 09%) |330 | | |12 |110(33. 33%) |110(33. 33%) |110(33. 33%) | 20(6. 06%) |330 | | |13 |190(57. 57%) |20(6. 06%) |20(6. 06%) |- |330 | | |14 |190(57. 57%) |30(9. 09%) |30(9. 9%) |10(3. 03%) |330 | | |15 |150(45. 45%) |120(36. 36%) |60(18. 18%) |30(9. 09%) |330 | | |Column Total |710 |510 |370 |60 |1650 | | |Average Total |355(43. 03%) |255(30. 90%) |185(22. 42%) |30(3. 63%) |825 | Chi-square observed = 195. 41 Degree of freedom = 12 Significance level = 0. 05 Critical value = 21. 03The table above reflects that the chi-square calculated (195. 41) exceed the critical value (21. 03) at 12 degree of freedom and 0. 05 level of significance. Thus higher education provides resources and materials for youths adequate living. Results and Discussion Analysis revealed that the study population consisted of 330 participants, 210(63. 63%) were males and 120 (36. 365) females whose age ranges from 15 to 30 years. 300(90. 90%) were single and 30 (9. 09%) were married. 40 (12. 12%) were in diploma 1, 10 (3. 03%) in diploma 2, 90 (27. 27%) in 100 level, 40 (12 . 12%) in 200 level and 150 (45. 45%) in 300 level respectively.Table shows the item-by-item analysis of the perception of the youth towards the potency indices of higher education concerning poverty reduction. Majority of the youth (60. 60%) who participated in the study were of the opinion that university environment enables the youth to discover their talents and higher education poses challenges that enables intellectual development in the youth. 57. 57% of the respondents were in tune with the fact that higher education inculcates good leadership skills in the youth, apart from certification, being in the university environment gives them self esteem among their contemporaries in the western world.Also 51. 51% of the respondents who are in the majority opined that they gain social ethics through positive interaction with their peers while in the university. University environment provides the youth with the mindset for creative ideas and talents developed in the university prep are them to render payable service (income generation). 48. 48% of the participants who were in the majority believed that higher education facilitates the development of youths’ mind, 45. 45% were in tune with the fact that higher education make the youth realize the relevance of their academic inclination (discipline) outside their myopic perception.Majority of the respondents (54. 54%) admit that university education inculcates technological ideas that can facilitate product development. However, 45. 45% of the respondents felt that youth only sometimes get employment with industries related to their discipline before graduation, but 21. 21% and 24. 24% of them believe that youth with university experience are always able to sustain themselves in the face of job scarcity, equal percentage the participants contends that it happens only sometimes. The findings in this study showed that: †¢ Higher education is significant in exposing the youth to talent iscovery. †¢ Higher education has significant influence on physical and intellectual development of the youth. †¢ Higher education makes significant provision of resources and materials for youths’ adequate living. The significance of higher education in exposing the youth to talent discovery is corroborated by UNESCO policy 1997, which stipulates that basic education for all should incorporate: literacy, income generation, health care, child care family planning, food management, union education, labour laws, civil and voting rights, peace education, environmental management, HIV/AIDS and drug awareness.Also the finding relating to higher education having significant influence on physical and intellectual development of youth, is justified by Subar and Ashiru 2007, they opined that the students (youth) are the core input into our educational institutions and the quality of the output (students) depends largely on the provision of infrastructures capable of directly or indirectly su pporting, facilitating, influencing and encouraging the development of their potentials.Therefore, the knowledge, skills, competences and attitudes students (youth) acquire for life can make them fit into the cultural, social, economic and political contexts of the society in which they live, and to work and employment.The finding that education makes significant provision of resources and materials for youth’s adequate living, emanates from the fact that youth get employment with industries related to their discipline even before graduation, youths with university experience are mostly able to sustain themselves in the face of job scarcity, apart from certification, being in the university environment gives the youth self esteem among their peers, higher education positions youth for global alignment with their contemporaries in the western world and education makes the youth realize the relevance of the relevance of their academic inclination (discipline) utside their myopi c perception. Conclusion ? From the foregoing, it is permissible to justify the above stated with the statement of the National Association of Colleges and Employers, â€Å"there have been steady increases in college job placement†. This means that not only are college graduates more likely to find good jobs, but they progress after college.Ashiru and Owodiong 2008 declared that the absolute position of the university graduate is declining as more educated workers are displacing less educated workers in the same job, this shows that the Nigerian youth should advance academically, this challenge to the youth is evidenced by the continuous increases in entry point requirement for jobs, for instance a degree certificate is required to teach in a secondary school, while doctoral degree is required to lecture in the university. The dawn of the 21st century has brought profound and fundamental changes to economics, technology, politics, culture, morals, social values and ethics thr ough globalization. This globalization has induced the collapse of time and space; it has also expanded opportunities and challenges for the individual and for the nations and has sidelined the weak and the unprepared. Recommendations Government and university authorities should ensure that university programmes and labour market are not at variance on the issue of relevance, utilitarian criteria based on prospects of income generation should be uppermost in the programmmes provided by the universities. ? Universities must have an organic linkage with the industrial and economic environment to contribute to economic growth. ? Acquisition of higher education should be encouraged among the youth, through scholarship awards for those who lack the resources in continuing heir education. ? Government should encourage enrollment expansion in tertiary institutions, which will avail more people the opportunity to higher education, hence empowerment through skill acquisition and enhanced int ellectuality and human capital development that will necessitate innovative ideas for job creation, employment and economic advancement. ? University authorities should integrate entrepreneurial skills into academic programmes of students for rounded preparation for the world of work. Entrepreneurial Development Programme (EDP) should be provided in all faculties to enable undergraduates develop and market products and services relevant to their areas of study. REFERENCES Anya, A. O. (2002), â€Å"Science, Oil and the Future of Nigeria Economy†, The Guardian (Lagos), Wednesday, March 13, p. 16. Ashiru, A. O. and Owodiong-Idemeko, N. L. (2008). Higher Education and the Millennium Development Goals. Lagos: Unpublished M. Ed. Thesis. Braun, J. V. ,Teklu, T. and Webb P. (1999). 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Friday, August 30, 2019
Food Intake-3 Day Essay
There are 3,500 calories in 1 pound (0.45kg) of fat and I would need to burn 500/1000 calories more than I consume in each day in order for me to lose 1/21lb. of fat per week. I have discovered that in order for me to lose fat, I created a calorie deficit, however I had to avoid my body going into starvation response. In order for me to lose my body fat, I had to outmaneuver my body natural fat storage system. In order for me to be successful with my dietary strategies I used the following: Reduce my calories by only a small amount Eat small and frequent meals every three hours Apply Calorie Tapering Follow a â€Å"cyclical†or â€Å"zigzag†calorie rotation First I had to determine my daily requirements by using a calorie calculator. I was able use the weight loss calculator to determine the time and calorie deficit required to reach my target weight. For my optimal weight loss I reduced my calories to 15-20% below maintenance. When I did not make progress I increased this later, the larger my deficit produced, the quicker my body caught on. I learn that my first step should be to increase my activity levels. By me creating a larger calorie deficit, I had to exercise, cardio to burn calories, resistance training to maintain muscle mass. Secondly I used the â€Å"cyclical†and â€Å"zigzag†calorie rotation system by simply reducing my calorie intake over 3 days followed by one day where I eat little more. I realized this system of calorie rotation was enormously successfully at maintaining my muscle, while losing body fat. It avoids the problem of my body adapting to me lowering my calorie intake and slowed down my metabolism to the point where I did not see any results. To me I did well with carbohydrates meeting my DRI, but with my protein I was at seventeen percent, and then my fat total was somewhere around thirty percent. I was so surprised at the numbers they were not even close to my expectations it was a big letdown. I learned that during these three days I didn’t meet my required DRI because I don’t eat right. I tried to eat a balanced meal every day, but it was very hard because I can go without eating at times so my food intake was not good I eat a lot of fast food or no food. I am not anywhere near healthy. I know that I need to increase my protein intake to help me reach my goals. I want to lose a little weight so I need to exercise so my fat can start going away. I think healthy eating is important to my body. Healthy eating will provide my body with the nutrients and energy to help my body function properly. Nutrients provide my body energy that I need to keep my brain cells active, the heart pumping, and the muscle flexible, and also to keep up with my 5-year old. To increase my fiber intake I will try to eat more whole grain items. I will take out fruits juices I’ve learned that they do not contain much fiber if any at all. I will also eat more beans. If you have insufficient intake of nutrients it can limit your body’s immunity. It will also limit your body from rebuilding its self from the daily activities and will not allow your muscles to rebuild themselves. Some people don’t know that this can cause people to have irregular bowel movements, get infections, and decrease your ability to remember things, so you really need to get the proper nutrients, and vitamins that you need because we only have one body. I have learned that I have not so good eating habits for one when it comes to eating healthy that is not me I do not always eat breakfast and that is the best way to start your day. Although my eating habits are not so great I learned that it is not too late to change them. All I need to do is take one day at a time and start by having breakfast every day.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Early childhood education Essay
Early childhood education has for a very long time been neglected by educational planners in Australia. Early childhood education is one of the most important stages in pursuit of education given the fact that the foundation children receive in their pre-school years and in early school years goes along way in shaping their prospect careers. Early childhood education in Australia is faced with several challenges key of which include lack of a systematized curriculum covering both private and public sectors. The other challenge is lack of enough trained teachers in early childhood education which has seen the standards of early childhood education deteriorate in the recent past. Although the Ministry of Education in Australia has on several occasions initiated commissions to offer long lasting solutions to the challenges highlighted above, none of this has to date yielded into success. Failure for recommendations contained in various commissions set up by the Howard government can be attributed to lack of clear policy governing early childhood education provision in Australia. Early childhood education provision in Australia has traditionally been teacher-centered as opposed to being child-centered. It has lacked impetus in that instead of focusing on the needs of the children the kind of education provided in early stages of schooling has lacked in objectivity. There is therefore a need for a lot more emphasis on children interest from an early age so as to overcome some of the challenges witnessed in latter stages of education such as upper primary and secondary levels. If children are given enough orientation at the pre-school and early school levels such children are likely to grow up with a clear focus on areas of interest something which can help resolve the low literacy and accounting skills evident amongst high school and primary schools students. Teacher training will play a very significant role in accomplishing the goals of early childhood education. Teachers play a critical role in curriculum interpretation and unless the teachers are able to interpret curriculum effectively efforts to streamline early childhood education in Australia are likely to fail. To counter such challenges there is a need for the government to offer incentives to early childhood education teachers for instance offering free training programs or alternatively offering government sponsored training programs (MacNaughton, & Williams, 1998). There lacks proper curriculum to guide early childhood education and the one in place has been in use for many decades something which clearly indicates that it could have outlived its use (Margetts, 2003). Until stakeholders in early childhood education come up with solutions as well as recommendations geared towards streamlining early childhood education to meet modern educational needs then all efforts geared towards achievement of effective early childhood education provision in Australia are likely to be unsuccessful. In conclusion, early childhood education in Australia is in deplorable state. There is a need for the government to include in its educational agenda, policies which will see more funding directed to early childhood education. The government must take initiative and implement the necessary amendments to the education act which has not served early childhood education properly. There is a need for integration of early childhood education to primary education and secondary education for purposes of achieving transition so that early childhood education is not viewed as a stand alone sector in education. References MacNaughton, G. & Williams, G. (1998. 69-79) Techniques for Teaching Young Children: Choices in theory and practice, Addison Wesley Longman Australia Pty Ltd, Frenchs Forest, NSW. Margetts, K. (2003. pp. 45-65) â€Å"Child care arrangements, personal, family and school influences on children’s adjustment to the first year of schooling†, Proceedings of the Australian Early Childhood Association Biennial Conference, Hobart 10–13 July 2003, Australian Early Childhood Association.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Philosophy Of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Philosophy Of Education - Essay Example Though I am a contemporary educator and well understand the relevance and importance of the influx of new ideas and technologies on the cause of education, still there is no denying the fact that improvements in the field of education have always been subservient to a chronological flow of ideas and philosophies and the present state of education will be lacking and incomplete if it does not cull out priorities from the philosophies of the yore. It goes without saying that there always existed a salient linkage between education and philosophy. With the fresh economic challenges being faced by the contemporary societies, a fresh debate has emerged in Western Europe as to how the citizens of the future will maintain the coherence and meaningfulness of the state in times when the new educational ideas fail to sustain commensurate levels and potency of employment and the eventual consequences of the dwindling employment rates on the evitable sustenance and survival of peaceful states (S ommers & Morisi 2012). The recent protests in Greece, Spain and Cyprus have added a tinge of urgency to these concerns. In that context it will be apt to claim that I being a contemporary educator do feel that I owe a strong allegiance to the ideas and philosophies of the pioneer educators like Aristotle and John Dewey which not only have a thorough influence on the contemporary educational theories.... philosophy from the actual life of a thinker and in that sense Aristotle happened to be a seasoned scholar, who was a pioneer as far as confabulating philosophical musings on the issues of education, is concerned. Aristotle was a philosopher who inspired and will continue to inspire the generations of educators by the lucidity and pragmatism of his ideas on education. Aristotle happened to be a controversial thinker who lived in difficult times and hence his philosophy of education happens to have a close correlation with the requirements of the contemporary education systems. Though there is only a scrappy access to his work On Education, still it is possible to construct a working knowledge of Aristotle’s ideas on education by correlating it to his other existent works. Aristotle considered education to be a Central aspect of human life (Dovre 2007). Aristotle placed education and human fulfilment side by side and believed that an educated person happened to be a fulfilled p erson (Palmer 2007). In that context I do believe that the purpose of education is to bring about a measure of stability and poise into the human life, thereby allowing the young minds to be able to deal with the challenges and resentments brought about by the current socio-economic environment in a balanced and restrained manner. Culling from Aristotle’s ideas on education I do believe that the overall purpose of education is to endow the human spirit with a measure of confidence and stability that could eke out its way amongst the challenges thrown by the contemporary life with their accompanying complexity. Aristotle put forth the argument that the thought and philosophy of educators need to be marked by a clear philosophy of life (Bergman 2007). In that context it need to be mentioned
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Choosing a Path 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Choosing a Path 2 - Essay Example In the three divisions of business finance given by the SJSU, decision-making is a common required skill. Thus, as expected, critical thinking and analytical skills would be crucial should I be dealing with financial institutions, investments or corporate finance. The need to understand the function of money in corporate finance and management investment portfolios in investments would call for acquisition of logical and computation skills. Being self motivated and proactive would be crucial in understanding the events in the environment from which I would make informed and prudent decisions. Above all, skills in information technology would be useful in leveraging on technology to efficiently and effectively execute the assigned tasks. I, however, did not realize that communication skills would be that crucial for business finance major. In my view, finance is exclusively a numerical course. Therefore, all communication would be through logical representation of numbers to make sense to the audience. I thought that communication skills would perhaps be more critical to a marketing major as this course largely involves persuasion, thus the need for effective communication. However, the SJSU catalog on business finance indicates a requirement to pass in about three courses in writing. This shows the importance of communication in this course. Even so, I am ready to learn the communication skills required for a successful career in finance, writing not being new to me. This would be important to complement the technical skills that I will learn in finance. A majority of the courses expected for business finance major are interesting. Fundamentals of Finance seems interesting. As indicated in the SJSU catalog, this course would provide an understanding of how finance relates to others arms of business so as to influence decision-making. It would further educate on how financial resources are allocated in an
Promoting Ethical Behavior and Diversity on a Company Essay
Promoting Ethical Behavior and Diversity on a Company - Essay Example The company also does follow-ups on its performance on ethical issues in the countries it operates. Swedish culture is of less power distance implying that the society expects power to be decentralized. Skanska is developing their culture based on minimal power distance. The company CEO says that he depends on his team for the company success. On the case of masculinity as a dimension, Swedish society is more feminine that masculine, which implies that the society expects equality in management issues. Skanska CEO admits in the interview that he likes to involve individuals and want people to challenge him as he challenges them back. The trait of the management style of the CEO depicts a manager who is trying quite hard to promote equality in all the decisions and matters of the company just the same way Swedish culture dictates. Additionally, Karlstrom is a CEO, who avoids uncertainty at all cost. In the opening of the interview, he refers to a crisis that happened in 1997 concerning Skanska. He asserts that his team does not want the company to find itself in such uncertainty ag ain. The CEO is thus managing Skanska in the line of the Swedish culture that is a highly uncertainty avoidance society. Furthermore, the CEO says that Skanska creates a collective business environment that supports the success of the company and employees as well. In fact, the spirit is in line with the Swedish culture that promotes high institution
Monday, August 26, 2019
War on terror as a media war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
War on terror as a media war - Essay Example In the past,the role of Media was defined and static as media was decisively used as a source to portray knowledge and information.In the contemporary period,media’s roles and functions are diverse,as now media has been used to create propagandas,spread political agendas and channelize a desired set of opinion to the publicActually,media has come out with a role to change the perception of the mass populace. It has come out to dominate the perception of the larger population (Barker, 1997). According to many scholars, War on Terror was a war that got initiated and established on media. It was media that compelled the reasons of war on terror and it was media that actually followed through the September 11 incident, which became the reason for originating the so-called war on terrorism. This study is investigating the US declared War on Terror as a Media War. The study stands on the argument that war on terror is in fact a war of media, which is only a broadcasting instrument i n any democratic society like US, UK, and Europe. Is media a propagator, a manipulator or a spreader of the right set of information? is a question, which this study will try to investigate and answer. The September 11 incident and the Media Projection When the September 11 attacks hit America, it was the highest media coverage that the incident received at that time. The coverage was so well directed and well projected that it got viewed at the mass global level. Televisions, radios, Internet news portals, and websites all got switched up to broadcast this disastrous happening (Baudrillard, 2002). It was actually an outburst of information that incurred during this catastrophic event. What was it? People called it a balloon of information that got blown up at the time of September 11 incident. Information covered the world, covered the mass global audience, its large perception and opinion. These were the strongest implications, which media brought on the September 11 incident. It was projected that Osama Bin Laden with his intentions to attack America was behind this terrorism activity. Similarly, the later projections of media were that Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussain designed this mass terror act. This is how time after time, media projected of what it was told to project and demonstrated of what it was instructed to demonstrate (Barker, 1997). This is the argument, which several journalists and anchorpersons put onto the media coverage of the September 11 incident. The media coverage was transcending and out of the limits to broadcast the 9/11 incident. This is what most of the critics argument that media projection and demonstration of the September 11 incident was not in accordance to media obligations and standards. A 10-hour transmission each day on all international broadcasting forums was how media demonstrated the 9/11 incident. It was beyond the media laws, beyond the media jurisdiction, code and obligation as suggested by Dowmunt (1993) in his book a bout the role of media as a propagator. It was seen after September 11 that media got used as a planning instrument. The critics argument that media was not media as it was before the time of September 11 incident. It was something like a propagating machine after the September 11 incident as media role discussed by Wasko & Mosco (1992). Spreading information consistently and precisely to the mass global audience became the primary function of media at the time of September 11 incident occurred. Why was it so? The critics respond to it in a way that that media became a vibrant channel to spread a desired point of opinion and a desired perception to the public after the incident took over (Mirzoeff, 2005). Delivering a desired perception to public for changing the public opinion was something, which was something thought and prospered on media sources. The critics assert that media was used as a tracker of information and
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Is Cutting Edge Textbook suitable for Saudi Cadets Essay
Is Cutting Edge Textbook suitable for Saudi Cadets - Essay Example They are given six months for experiment and see the suitability of these new textbook compared to the previous textbook which they used. Previous textbook was designed by the Technical Studies Institute of Dhahran Saudi Arabia. This study is aimed to research the influence of Cutting Edge textbook and the improvements it brings in the skills, knowledge and understanding of English language. 1.2 Problem The skills and knowledge of English language of cadets of Saudi air forces is not found up to the required standard. It is believed that English being the second language for Saudi students, it requires more planned and organized textbook for learning. Decision to give 75 students the textbook of Cutting Edge for English learning is made to experiment for six months. The problem identified for research of this study is to find out the suitability of the Cutting Edge textbook to the cadets selected for experimenting English learning with it 1.3 Research question â€Å"Is Cutting Edge Text Book suitable for Saudi Cadets?†1.4 The purpose of study The purpose of this study is to understand the importance of English language in daily life and what are the reasons for its significance. It is also aimed in this study to learn about the various materials and techniques used in the Cutting Edge textbook. The audience addressed by the Cutting Edge textbook, the exercises used and places where it is implemented successfully are included in the purpose of research. The main objective is to evaluate the contents of the Cutting Edge textbook and find the extent of its suitability for the Saudi cadets. 1.5 Thesis Structure This section gives a structure of every chapter... The intention of this study is education as the process of learning. There are two ways in which learning takes place. The first way is by observation and experience. The most common example of learning by observation and experience is that of an infant baby who when comes in this world has very little knowledge about the way things need to be done. As the time passes by, the baby begins to recognize his parents, demand milk by crying, and struggle to do what other people do around him. First sit up, and then walk and then talk, this entire learning takes place only through experience and observation of parents and baby’s surroundings. The second way is through academic education in which there is a teacher, textbooks, other tools and the student. Student acquires the knowledge by listening and understanding the lectures of the teacher, reading the textbooks and other course materials. Education generally refers to this second way of learning. Every human being has an intellec t that helps him to think and understand anything around him. However, understanding requires knowledge. The only way of acquiring knowledge is through the process of learning either by experience and observation or by education. Knowledge helps a person to understand the creations of God and science helps in accepting it through reasoning and experimenting. The source of knowledge is God and therefore it is infinite. Man only struggle to search and acquire knowledge to get benefits out of it. The human capacities of knowledge are developed by education which is a creative and continuous process.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Understanding Nursing Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Understanding Nursing Theory - Essay Example Grand theory presenters start theoretical formulation at abstraction level and these formulations never link the realities. Roy’s (1971) work was designated for the grand theory. Roy presented the adaptation model. In the adaption model of Roy, a person was perceived as receiving the adaptive system for inputs. This input may be as the stimuli from the external environment, which is processed by the feedback or internal processes. These processes are inherent in the changing abilities of individuals and result into an output in the form of either ineffective response or adaptive (Parse, 2001). Middle range Theory is less abstract and more specific in its scope, which reflects a practice and also addresses the specific phenomenon. This theory deals with a limited number of aspects of real world concepts. A mid-range theory is made up of relative concrete concepts, which are concrete propositions and defined operationally. These concepts can be tested empirically. A period of ten years ago, Georgene Eakes, Mary Burke, and Margaret Hainsworth developed the theory of Chronic Sorrow. This is the application of the middle range theory of nursing that explains the periodic recurrence of a continuous sadness or grief feeling over an important loss. This presents the normal response to the loss. Because, parents always felt sadness over their children’s mental retardation and this response was not permanent. Clinicians could intervene in these conditions if they had similar beliefs. This theory also related with the feelings of parents who have premature infants. Hainsworth, Eakes, & Burke (1994) found that mothers of those children with the spina bifida also had a pervasive sadness. This theory focuses upon the specific phenomenon, which mirror out the clinical practices and has narrowest interest range. This theory is limited to a particular population or a specific field of
Friday, August 23, 2019
Marketing strategy of Starbucks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Marketing strategy of Starbucks - Essay Example Starbucks is attempting to involve its customers in the product in many ways. First, the company is marketed as a status item hence it is high involvement (has higher psychological, economic, and social risk) cheaper coffee or unbranded coffee from its competitors. Secondly, Starbucks is utilizing different campaign, like â€Å"Bold Coffee†campaign and the â€Å"Via†taste challenge so as to get its customers to come to the store continuously and try the new products. This is a perfect use of the buyer behavior theory that predicts that the customers could switch brands only to try a new thing. Offering its customers with a new flavor to try every week, the company actively manages the natural inclination of the customers to try new things. These strategies together with emphasizing on socially responsible behavior, the company are also offering customers with additional benefits on which they can evaluate its products. Through building a strong brand that its customer s are loyal to, implying that the customers don’t even consider the other brands whenever they are going for coffee, immediately they will choose Starbucks since it’s the coffee for any person who loves coffee. These are the strategies that are employed by Starbucks to keep its existing customers satisfied (Simon, B. 2009). Promotion is the most common promotional mix elements utilized by Starbucks are internet marketing, advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion (Michelli, J. A. 2007).
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Ethical Dilemma Essay Example for Free
Ethical Dilemma Essay All healthcare professionals take the Hippocratic Oath, in this oath it states that, â€Å"I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. †(Miles, S. H. (2004) There are many different versions of this oath but the concept and meaning behind it remains unchanged. This section of the oath was designed in part to protect patient’s privacy. Building and establishing a relationship based on trust with our patients is essential in the foundation in providing good quality care. This allows our patients to feel comfortable discussing anything with us and knowing it will be kept confidential. In nursing ethics play a critical role, breaching confidentiality can have a magnitude of ethical consequences including legal issues and patients no longer trusting medical professionals. As healthcare professionals, we are faced with situations daily with an array of ethical, legal and professional responsibilities where we have to use our own personal judgments to protect both our patients but the public as well. As a legal concept, confidentiality can be said to be an obligation on one person to uphold the privacy and security of another person’s information. This legal obligation arises in several areas: under common law; in contract law where these terms can be express terms or implied; and as a general legal duty where it could be considered negligent if harm results as a consequence of a breach of confidence. †(Cornock 2011). Confidentiality does not override ethical principles in all cases, and some cases it would be considered unethical to not break confidentiality when a legal requirement makes a breach mandatory. Nursing encompasses the prevention of illness, the alleviation of suffering, and the protection, promotion, and restoration of health in the care of individuals, families, groups and communities. †(ANA 2010) This duty to such an extensive population can pose obvious conflicts both professionally and personally. Does the right to privacy of our patient over ride a safety concern to our community? In nursing practice nurses are able to use a variety of ethical theories and apply these to patient situations. â€Å"Deontologic theories hold that you are acting rightly when you act according to duties and rights. In other words, duties and rights are the correct measuring rods for evaluating a course of action and its outcome. †(Purtilo 90) People who follow this theory in their clinical practice have very consistent decisions as these are based on their duty. It becomes the healthcare provider’s duty and obligation to respect and protect a patient’s confidentiality. By breaching patients confidentiality breaks the trust that was built between patient and provider. â€Å"Utilitarianism, an act is right if it helps to bring about the best balance of benefits over burdens, in other words, the best â€Å"utility†or consequences overall. (Purtilo 92) This theory would be basing a decision on whether or not the action (breaking or not breaking confidentiality) brings out the best outcome. However, sometimes the best outcome isn’t legally correct. In the article â€Å"Bioethics on NBC’s ER: Betraying Trust or Providing Good care? When is it ok to Break Confidentiality? by Pamela Nathanson, we see a time when a healthcare provider is faced with an ethical dilemma on whether to break a patient’s confidentiality in order to protect the patient and the community. Like with any ethical dilemma there are steps that can be used to help a healthcare provider make a decision or help solve the problem. These steps include: 1) gather relevant information, 2) identify the type of ethical problem, 3) use ethics theories or approaches to analyze the problem(s), 4) explore the practical alternatives, 5) complete the action, and finally 6) evaluate the process and outcome. (Purtilo pg 102-110) Using this process healthcare professionals are able to make decisions to tough ethical dilemmas that come up in their clinical practice. I agree with Ms. Nathanson that the parents needed to be informed of their daughters diagnosis in order to prevent harm to the patient and ensuring the patient receives proper follow up care. I also agree that the school did not need to be informed of who the student was but to inform the school that it had come to the attention of medical professionals about sex parties going on in the school. By choosing this way you are ensuring the safety of your patient and the community with causing the least amount of damage. If you disclosed to the school who the student was as the nurse did in the show you risk unnecessary harm to your patient. Ethics committees are made up of members that include a lawyer, an ethicist, quality improvement manager, a nurse, a clergyman, a physician and an individual from within the community. By joining together these members with diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives they are able to come together to help develop different alternatives and discussions regarding ethical dilemmas that may arise. They are able to help provide recommendations in complex and challenging ethical situations. However, these decisions are not law but they do hold certain significance on influencing a judge or jury. (GCU) As long as health care deals with life and death, ethical dilemmas will come into play for medical professionals everywhere on a daily basis. Due to the nature of the medical profession, complex situations will require fast acting decisions that can be life changing for all parties involved. It is important to have a thorough knowledge of ethical theories and principles in the health care industry so medical professionals are prepared to make these decisions when they are faced with ethical dilemmas.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Alcoholism and Smoking Essay Example for Free
Alcoholism and Smoking Essay Looking at the health hazards, including lung cancer, impotency, asthma and heart disease, which smoking can cause, banning it in public places is long time due. However, this is just one of the viewpoints. Most smokers and many restaurant owners will sing an altogether different tune with regards to banning smoking in public places. So, lets get to the bottom of this debate by looking at its pros and cons. Arguments for Lets start with the advantages of banning smoking in public places. The number one being that it will not only help in saving smokers from various kinds of health conditions and diseases, but will also is beneficial for passive smokers. Whether the smoker is using public transport or is in a restaurant, the people around him are bound to inhale the smoke coming out of his cigarette, thus making them prone to all the diseases an active smoker gets. Thus, if smoking is banned, spread of these diseases can be checked. Another argument is that it will put pressure on the smoker to quit. Since, he will be unable to smoke in public places; he will learn how to live without smoking a cigarette for long hours. Moreover, when a smoker does not see anybody around him smoking or smelling of cigarette, it might reduce his urge to smoke too. Thus, one of its major advantages is that it forces people to quit smoking. One of the smokings in public places facts is that it influences non-smokers to take up smoking, especially adolescents. Since teens are in an impressionable age, when they see people around them smoking, they get instigated to try it and then it becomes a habit, increasing the incidence of teen smoking. Moreover, asthma and ear infections are commonly seen in children who live around smokers, so if it is banned in public places, these places will become safe for children and teens, health-wise. Looking from the economic point of view, since smoking is a major contributing factor to many diseases, it leads to absenteeism from work. Moreover, employees smoke tend to take breaks now and then to smoke, thus lowering the number of hours they put in their work. So, if employers want to increase work productivity and want to make sure that their employees remain healthy, they should ban and stop smoking in and around office premises. If you see from the environment point of view, yes it should be. Smoking cigarettes adds to the air pollution, so if its banned, it will help in saving the environment from further deterioration. Arguments against Smoking is a personal choice of an individual. If the government forces people to quit smoking, it is encroaching on individual freedom. Secondly, banning smoking is actually a financial loss for the government as it collects a lot of revenue through the taxes on cigarette sales. Another argument is that it is human tendency to do exactly those things which are forbidden. So, if smoking is banned in public places, adults and teens are more likely to smoke and find their own means to evade this law to continue with the habit. From the economic point of view, restaurant, pub and cafe owners will not be able to cater to everyone. This will reduce their sales, thus causing them losses. Places where smoking is banned might see a reduction in tourist arrivals as well. Lastly, when smokers who are habitual and addicted, may experience smoking withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anger, etc, if they cannot smoke immediately. Thus, in this condition and under stress, they might pose a problem to others. In spite of the above arguments against the ban, looking at the harmful effects of smoking, it would be better if it is. However, for such a ban to be useful, the key lies in implementing it effectively. Alcoholism Alcohol and drugs have been for many years been abused by many people Alcohol is a depressant that slows the function of the central nervous system. It blocks some of the messages trying to get into the brain which consequently alters a person’s perceptions and emotions. People that I have known overuse alcohol have undergone intoxication. Intoxication makes one to be aggressive and angry. Due to this many alcohol users have ended in prison. Alcoholism can be divided into three main stages namely Early stage of alcoholism Here a person depends on alcohol to affect their mood. Most people at this level drink for relief from problems. Most people experience gradual increase in tolerance thus increasing the quantity . The body loses its ability to deal with high alcohol levels and as a result it leads to deteriorating body functions Middle alcoholism stage The need and desire to drink becomes more intense. Their tolerance decreases because of intoxications. A few individuals recognize that there is a drinking problem but they are unable to stop. This stage is characterized by hangovers, blackouts and stomach problems End stage Alcoholism The alcoholic at this stage has become obsessed with drinking to the extent of excluding all other activities. The mental and physical health of the alcoholic is deteriorating due to the damage of most body organs. The alcoholic will consequently suffer from malnutrition and if the alcoholic continues to drink alcohol will cause the death of the alcoholic in one way or another. These range from suicide, accidents and damage of body organs etc. Death is the final stage of alcoholisms (Marlatt Donovan 2005) I have actually noted through observation that there are adverse effects of drinking alcohol. Most people who are alcoholic experience bad health effects, such as burnt hips. Too much alcohol within a short period of time may cause alcohol poisoning which is characterized by violent vomiting, extreme sleepiness unconsciousness, difficulty breathing, low blood sugar and even death. Alcohol users especially the young people are venerable to risks such as unsafe, unprotected sex resulting to pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases such as the deadly AIDS those results to the end of lives. Alcohol can make you react in some terrible ways. You do and say things under the influence of alcohol and cant even remember, and thats pretty sad.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Maintaining Communication in Nursery Management
Maintaining Communication in Nursery Management In this unit I will be looking at how to maintain effective communication through a nursery setting with staff, parents and children. I will be going through the importance of staff appraisals and how records of staff should be logged and the reason for this. Disciplinary and grievance issues will be discussed as it is crucial to know the procedure of these in the unfortunate circumstances that they may occur. Finally, I will evaluate the appropriate employment policies that are put in to place for the recruitment and management of the staff in a nursery organisation. Task 1.1 â€Å"Explain the process for maintaining effective communication within the setting team†We know that communication is the transfer of information between people. It can be verbal or non verbal. In a nursery we utilize constant communication between a practitioner and child, management and staff, staff and parents and many others. In a larger setting it may be a complicated process however there are many different ways of easing this process. It is essential that we know what the key factors should be in the communication process, how to improve our skills and the potential problems that exist with errors in communication and how to overcome this to have minimal faults. In order to have successful communication there are normally three major components; a sender, a receiver and a message. For example in a nursery setting the practitioner may be teaching there key child a certain colour/number and in order to do this they set an activity. In this example we have a sender (practitioner), a receiver (child) and a message (activity). For staff we frequently have a great deal of information to send within a short period of time. To do this effectively, it is important for management to know that there are factors which could influence how our message is interpreted. Breakdown of important information can help give receiver a better understanding of what is expected from them. In situations where this does not occur and important information is not conveyed, allergy advice, medicine or parents preferences for their chid may be missed. For example, in one situation, there was a member of staff from preschool that had come to cover for the toddler room leader. Unaware that one child is allergic to wheat she incorporated play doh in her activity. This error could have been prevented if the communication between staff had been complete. In my current place of employment we have a ‘communication book’ kept in each room. This book contains ALL messages from managers, staff and parents. Every member of staff should check this every time they enter the room and sign once they have read any new message. Staffs are all told verbally any messages and it is also written down in the communication book to make sure everyone has understood the message. I understand from my experience that the trust of our parents and families of children that attend nursery is an extremely important part of providing effective childcare. If they don’t trust us, any communication that we attempt to send to them may be disregarded. The first step to effective communication is honesty. It is important not to promise staff and children that we are going to do something unless it can be followed through. It has been said as much as 80% of our communication is non verbal. We need to pay attention to our body language, eye contact and tone of voice when addressing staff, parents and children. Conflict among co workers can impact the setting we work in and can prevent important communication. Also, cultural awareness can be an important part of knowledge base that we need to have when communicating as practitioners/managing staff. For example, we may want to pat the arm of an unhappy member of staff, but we need to make sure that this behaviour is acceptable and not seen as inappropriate. Regardless of how busy the day to day running of the nursery we need to ensure that each room and management has â€Å"protected†time. This allows staff to communicate about important issues such as, child protection issue, staffing levels and medical advice given by parents for a particular child. In order to have effective communication it is essential to have an active listener. To show you are an active listener it is important to pay attention, respond appropriately and provide feedback. In business there are 4C’s of communication which are; comprehension, credibility, connection and contagiousness. Starting with comprehension, it is important to see whether our message can be comprehended by staff/parents/children. If they don’t understand or it has to be repeated it is likely to be a fault in our communication. Secondly, credibility is an extremely important factor. This must be perceived in the correct way to parents what you are trying to convey as if they don’t understand they will have lost interest from the very start. Thirdly, we have connection. It is important to have a connection with everyone whether it is the staff, children or parents. It makes communicating with one another a much easier process when we have the confidence and connection to discuss openly any matters. Finally, contagiousness; this is what motivates staff. It is important for staff and managers to portray an enthusiastic working environment and to keep each other mo tivated. This action should be a result of what has been communicated. We know what needs to be done to have effective communication however 60% of business failures are because of poor communication. The 2 main types of communication we use are verbal and non verbal. Within these 2 categories we have many barriers which may affect staffs understanding or unwillingness to communicate and be active listeners. Verbal communication coexists alongside non verbal communication, which can affect people’s perceptions and exchanges in subtle but significant ways. Non verbal communication means how people read our body language such as gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and posture. The sound of our voice, including pitch, tone and volume are also forms of non verbal communication. In order to make staff comfortable and to help them understand what is being expected from them it is important to express non verbal communication in the correct manner. We use verbal communication to inform, whether it is to inform others of our needs or to impart know ledge. Verbal communication helps to clarify misunderstandings and provides missing information. The environment we are in may make communication difficult. If we are in a large nursery setting it may be harder to convey a message to all staff straight away as they may be located in different areas. It is important to be clear when giving instructions as the way some staff perceives messages may differ. There are also many other ways verbal messages can be misread. If staff are stressed, or have personal issues it can affect the way they choose to communicate. However, this should be dealt with at a separate time and should be resolved when the member of staff or manager are a lot calmer. Task 1.2 â€Å"Understand the importance of the appraisal process and how records for staff can be logged†A formal appraisal is important for professional development, to meet a goals or objectives. Other benefits that can be gained from an appraisal include enhanced communications, an opportunity to effectively address performance problems, and improved employee morale. The appraisal form should be completed during annual appraisals by both the manager and employee. It is good practice for employees to complete a self-appraisal form prior to the interview. This could identify areas where they feel they have excelled, areas they feel they need more support on, any training they have completed and any they would benefit from. The appraisal process looks at what the employer has learned over the last 6 months and they can discuss goals and targets they have achieved. The appraisal process gives a chance to employees and managers to discuss any further training they feel is necessary. When the employee is completing the appraisal form, it is important to complete this with the previous year’s appraisal to ensure that any targets which have been set in order to gain the pay rise have been reached. If they have not been reached, it gives the employee an opportunity to complete them (if this is possible) before the appraisal takes place. At my previous nursery all staff were asked to make a personal development plan at the beginning of the year so every year we were able to see what skills we had developed, what new skills we are looking to develop and what we need to improve. With this plan we used SMART targets in order to have effective goals and so that our progress can be measured. The appraisal pr ocess is very effective if carried out in the correct process. Task 1.3 â€Å"Identify the correct procedures to follow with regards to disciplinary and grievance issues†Disciplinary and grievance procedures are frameworks which provide clear and transparent structures for dealing with difficulties which may arise as part of the working relationship from either the employer’s or employees’ perspective. They are necessary to ensure that everybody is treated in the same way in similar circumstances, to ensure issues are dealt with fairly and reasonably, and that employers are compliant with current legislation and follow the ACAS code of practice for handling disciplinary and grievance issues. Disciplinary procedures are important as they help resolve any issues that have come up in the setting without needing to go to an employment tribunal. A disciplinary procedure normally consists of three stages. The first stage is a letter which tells the employee why the meeting is going to be taking place and has to be given to the employee at least 72 hours prior to the second stage. Following the letter, the employee is invited for a meeting and is able to bring along a companion to be present at the meeting. Prior to the meeting it is important for management to ensure all the facts are investigated in advance (including consulting the individual’s personal file for relevant information) and plan how the meeting is to be approached. It is also important for another member of the management committee or management team to be there to take notes and help conduct the interview. Finally management come to a decision of whether the employee should be dismissed or kept on. If t he employee feels they should not be dismissed they are able to appeal. After the disciplinary meeting there are three possible outcomes. The first one is where the manager decides not to take any actions. They may just decide to refer the employee for counselling or training. Secondly, management may decide to give the employee a formal warning. There are three different types of warnings that can be given. They can either be a written warning, or made as a general rule or employee may find they are given their final written warning. The third possible outcome is of course dismissal. However, if a manager decided to dismiss a member of staff it is important the ACAS code is followed. It is essential that grievances from employees are treated in the same fair manner and all levels of management are familiar with their organisation’s grievance procedure. Staff should be encouraged to discuss ordinary, day to day issues informally with their relevant manager. This helps concerns to be heard and responded to as soon as possible instead of turning to employment tribunal. The grievance and disciplinary issues can also be used to tackle problems such as persistent lateness, bullying, inappropriate use of the nursery resources and fighting. Task 1.4 â€Å"Evaluate relevant employment policies required for the recruitment and management of staff in the organisation†Many businesses, especially Childcare feel the staffs are the company’s greatest asset. This is because it is down to the staff on how well the children and parents are being cared for. â€Å"Employees are a companys greatest asset theyre your competitive advantage. You want to attract and retain the best; provide them with encouragement, stimulus, and make them feel that they are an integral part of the companys mission.†[Anna M Mulcahy. (2001).Assets.Available: Last accessed 6 February 2015] Employing a new member of staff is a lengthy process. The company starts off by advertising the vacancy. The company should make sure that the vacancy is advertised in a variety of places and locations so that all applicants are given an equal opportunity. The advertisement should be circulated to underrepresented groups in the community both externally and internally. Which means the job role should be advertised in local job centres, colleges, schools and community notice boards. The next stage is the recruitment and selection stage. All the completed application forms are given to the nursery and the management team then score each application and select candidates that fit the job description. The manager then chooses however many candidates they feel should be invited for an interview. When the recruitment and selection process takes place two staff from management should be involved in the process, making sure they are also trained for equal opportunities to insure there is no discrimination against any candidates. After the interview process the successful candidate should be notified by telephone. However, a formal letter is then sent to the candidate containing the job offer. The three important policies when recruiting staff are induction of staff, staff development and the promotion policy. The induction of staff policy is normally carried out on the first day of the job to allow the employee to see the day to day running of the nursery. The new staff member is handed the book containing all the policies and is asked to make sure they familiarize themselves with them. At my current work place I was allocated to an existing member of staff who showed me what responsibilities I would have in the nursery. It is important to familiarize the employee about the health and safety policy, fire safety, child protection issues, arrival and departures policy, children’s medical information, and allergies children may have and how to complete sickness/injury forms, sleep and nappy charts which are required to be completed regularly. This should be done at least within the first week of employment. The second policy which is staff development is put in to place so that parents are guaranteed excellent childcare. If staffs are being trained frequently and ensuring they are stretching their personal targets and knowledge they will be able to provide a higher level of care for the children of the nursery and this can be done with management looking in to how they are able to develop staff learning. Employees can look at their personal development plans and then suggest appropriate training they would like to have. Finally the promotion policy is put in to place in order for staff to work towards personal targets so they can continue to receive professional development. It is important management carry out the appraisal process in order for staff to receive this opportunity. If the management feel there is an appropriate candidate they refer back to the selection and recruitment policy. In conclusion I feel all policies and procedures are extremely relevant as it helps the setting meet all the correct statutory requirements and have regard to the statutory guidance laid out in the EYFS. It also gives staff and parents a clear understanding of the services the nursery has to offer. It sets out rules and guidelines so everyone has equal opportunities. As a manager it is important to make sure that the company’s vision is seen through all the staff and they work according to the policies and procedures that have been set when running the day to day activities in the nursery.
Student-Centered Learning Essay -- Education Students Educational Pape
Student-Centered Learning Student-centered learning is a broad teaching approach that encompasses replacing lectures with active learning, integrating self-paced learning programs and/or cooperative group situations, ultimately holding the student responsible for his own advances in education. Student-centered learning environments have a heightened advantage over the traditional teacher-centered, subject-centered environment in that they provide complimentary activities, interactive in nature, enabling individuals to address their own learning interests and needs and move forward into increasingly complex levels of content to further their understanding and appreciate subject matter. The student-centered learning environment has the student need satisfaction as its primary focus whereas the subject-centered environment has the transmission of a body of knowledge as the primary focus (Clasen & Bowman, 1974, p. 9). Student-centered learning, when used properly, can change the face of education into a life- long learning process in which the student seeks solutions to problems without complete dependency upon an instructor. The student learns to reason on his own to find a foundation for venturing out with successful experiences under his belt. The learning environment concept has been around for some time. Its roots can be traced back to "early apprenticeship, Socratic, and similar movements that have sought to immerse individuals in authentic learning experiences, where the meaning of knowledge and skills are realistically embedded" (Land & Hannafin, 1996, p. 396). As immigrants flooded the United States, educators sought methods of education for the masses and the creation of a universal, or national system. The fa... ..., Hill, J. R., & Land, S. M. (Winter 1997). Student-centered learning and interactive multimedia: status, issues, and implications. Contemporary Education, 68, 2, 94-97. Land, S. M., & Hannafin, M. J. (1996). Student-centered learning environments: foundations, assumptions, and implications. Proceedings of selected research and development presentations at the 1996 national convention of the association for educational communications and technology. (pp. 396-402). Indianapolis: Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Land, S. M., & Hannafin, M. J. (May 1997). The foundations and assumptions of technology-enhanced student-centered learning environments. Instructional Science, 25, 3, 167-202. Warmkessel, M. M., & McCade, J. M. (Spring 1997). Integrating information literacy into the curriculum. Research Strategies, 15, 2, 80-88.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Essay --
Elizabeth Kelly March 10, 2014 Research Paper Being a famous boxer, you might think it would be easy, but the boxer Sugar Ray Leonard, had a hard time making his way to the professional league. He nearly drowned as a kid, was abused sexually, and was not the tallest kid in school. Even as an adult Ray faced depression, drug addiction, and being an occasional heavy drinker. But even all that did not stop him from pursuing his dream, one he never had a plan for, after two of his brothers talked him into the rough sport. On May 17, 1956, the well-known boxer, Sugar Ray Leonard, was born in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Named after his mother’s favorite singer, Ray Charles, his real name, is not often used. When Leonard was three years old, they moved to Washington D.C. Being one of six kids was hard for the parents of Leonard. Then seven years later, his family finally moved into a nice, permanent home in Palmer Park, Maryland, a Baltimore suburb. Sadly as a child, Ray witnessed many crimes and deaths in his neighborhood. He also had some friends die in these areas. When Cicero, Ray’s dad, was a child, he worked long hours in the field. Then later he met Getha. They started dating, then got married and had children. With finances often tight, his parents, Cicero and Getha, had to work hard for their large household. Ray Leonard’s mother, Getha, worked as a nurse. His father, Cicero, worked as a late night supermarket manager so he was usually gone during the night. Ray Leonard was never a problem in school. He got good grade and never was a problem for his parents or the teachers. As a child, Leonard loved to read comic books. He had a friend who was someone who fought in lots of fights and was f... ... in the ring, Leonard decided to retire in 1984. Sugar Ray did not stay retired because in 1987 he started fighting again. As more fights passed, he decided to retire for good in 1997 with a record of 36-3-1 and 25 knockouts. In that same year of 1997 Ray Leonard was inducted into the Hall of Fame. After Leonard’s fantastic career ended, he has been introduced to the camera in a good and different way. Sugar Ray is Khole Kardashian’s godfather, so he has been on a couple episodes of â€Å"Keeping Up with the Kardashian’s†. Leonard has also been season 12 of â€Å"Dancing with the Stars†. Even after all Sugar Ray Leonard has been through, he still managed an outstanding boxing career. He was abused, had gotten in a divorce, and lived in unsafe areas with many crimes, but nothing could stop the boxing star from playing the sport he loved.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Essay --
Introduction: Sharon Creech’s childhood memories, college experiences, and creative brain significantly affected her writings. She rarely thought of being an author growing up, but as time progressed, she began to really think about it. Creech first became interested when she entered college and something sparked her career. She wrote multiple books with her much thought and creativeness leading her to an outstanding writing career. I. Sharon Creech experienced many journeys as a child, triggering a spark in her writing career. A. Creech accounted for many memories during her early childhood years. She took many trips with her parents and four siblings. She enjoyed the company of others and making memories. Often, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and friends visited her and her family, making her always used to warm, large, extended family. Her favorite memories came from Creech’s traditional summer vacations to various destinations. She loved road tripping with her â€Å"noisy and rowdy family†across the country. Her never-forgotten memories eventually led to her recreation of the trip into many of her books. 1. â€Å"In the summer, we usually took a trip, all of us piled in a car and heading out to Wisconsin or Michigan or, once, to Idaho. We must have been a very noisy bunch, and I’m not sure how our parents put up with being cooped up with us in the car for those trips. The five-day trip out to Idaho when I was twelve had a powerful effect on me: what a huge and amazing country!†Creech said in author chat in 2002. On Creech’s official website, she stated, â€Å"One other place we often visited was Quincy, Kentucky, where my cousins lived (and still live) on a beautiful farm, with hills and trees and swimming hole and barn and hay... ...s to me, I don't realize that it resembles a real person in any way. It's only later, after a book has been published, that sometimes I can see similarities between the character and someone I know.†(The New York Public Library) 2. Here, she explains the way she bases her characters from and how she begins to write a story with her creative storytelling brain. Conclusion: In conclusion, Sharon Creech’s childhood memories, college experiences, and creative brain greatly affected her later writings. Even though, she did not know what she wanted to do with her life, God helped her figure it out and have a successful career. Her early childhood journeys helped her write her books and create characters. Her teaching experience also helped her have a more effective writing style. Sharon Creech had a remarkable writing career and it is one to never be forgotten. Essay -- Introduction: Sharon Creech’s childhood memories, college experiences, and creative brain significantly affected her writings. She rarely thought of being an author growing up, but as time progressed, she began to really think about it. Creech first became interested when she entered college and something sparked her career. She wrote multiple books with her much thought and creativeness leading her to an outstanding writing career. I. Sharon Creech experienced many journeys as a child, triggering a spark in her writing career. A. Creech accounted for many memories during her early childhood years. She took many trips with her parents and four siblings. She enjoyed the company of others and making memories. Often, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and friends visited her and her family, making her always used to warm, large, extended family. Her favorite memories came from Creech’s traditional summer vacations to various destinations. She loved road tripping with her â€Å"noisy and rowdy family†across the country. Her never-forgotten memories eventually led to her recreation of the trip into many of her books. 1. â€Å"In the summer, we usually took a trip, all of us piled in a car and heading out to Wisconsin or Michigan or, once, to Idaho. We must have been a very noisy bunch, and I’m not sure how our parents put up with being cooped up with us in the car for those trips. The five-day trip out to Idaho when I was twelve had a powerful effect on me: what a huge and amazing country!†Creech said in author chat in 2002. On Creech’s official website, she stated, â€Å"One other place we often visited was Quincy, Kentucky, where my cousins lived (and still live) on a beautiful farm, with hills and trees and swimming hole and barn and hay... ...s to me, I don't realize that it resembles a real person in any way. It's only later, after a book has been published, that sometimes I can see similarities between the character and someone I know.†(The New York Public Library) 2. Here, she explains the way she bases her characters from and how she begins to write a story with her creative storytelling brain. Conclusion: In conclusion, Sharon Creech’s childhood memories, college experiences, and creative brain greatly affected her later writings. Even though, she did not know what she wanted to do with her life, God helped her figure it out and have a successful career. Her early childhood journeys helped her write her books and create characters. Her teaching experience also helped her have a more effective writing style. Sharon Creech had a remarkable writing career and it is one to never be forgotten.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Gender Trait Chart Essay
Complete the chart by listing seven traits you believe are associated with male or female behavior. Examine the differences of these traits between genders. Identify whether the differences are biological, social, inherent, or learned. Explain why. Gender Trait What are the trait differences between genders? Are the trait differences biological or social? Are the traits inherent or learned? Why? Nurturing Women are more nurturing than men re. They show signs of being more emotional and caring. inherent and learned it seems to be associated with genetics but also through the expectations of society- women are expected to be more nurturing and caring. Sympathetic Women are sympathetic then men are however some males have carry the same trait Learned and inherent women tend to be more sympathetic and nurturing which is mostly learned but can also be inherent. Dominant More of a male trait, being dominant tends to show the male is in charge. Inherent and learned this trait can be inherited but also learned men are obligated to be more â€Å"macho†and being dominant proves masculinity. Aggressiveness Male trait Inherent and learned men are suppose to be rough and show fearlessness in some sort of way, this is the perspective from society.
Friday, August 16, 2019
The opinions of Mill and Kant
Mill’s utilitarianism on Kant and Baxter’s argumentsIn John Stuart Mill’s arguments for utilitarianism, it can be observed that his concept of that which is â€Å"good†corresponds to the maximization of utility, or the promotion of the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Further, Mill maintains that right actions are those that primarily promote happiness while on the other hand actions that result to the reverse of happiness are wrong actions.At this point, it should be noted that Mill is arguing for the centrality of a form of consequentialism in his conception of actions and their resulting moral worth. That is, the moral worth or value of the actions of man can be assessed through the very consequences that they give rise to.As human conduct is essentially directed by the quest for happiness or utility, Mill elaborates further that the very directive of men to acquire happiness does not refer to individual happiness or the happiness of each pe rson taken singularly but rather to the collective happiness or the happiness for the greatest number of people. Among the numerous possible manifestations of such happiness that may be perceived, he further argues that the greatest happiness is to be sought after in connection to the greatest number of individuals. From this point, we are to analyze the arguments raised by Immanuel Kant and William Baxter on the aspect of rational agents juxtaposed with the issue of pollution.Both Kant and Baxter resort to the claim that men as rational agents should occupy the central role in ethical considerations. Prior to Baxter, Kant has already maintained that human beings, as agents imbued with and the capacity to reason, should not be treated as the means to possible or given ends. Rather what Kant strongly proposes is that human beings should be considered as the very ends themselves in the course of the actions of every individual. On the other hand, Baxter strongly argues in line with th e Kantian prescription for the acts of man. That is, man’s actions should be that which is what one ought to do.Mill will most likely tell us that Baxter’s conclusions do not eventually promote the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people in the immediate consequences of man’s actions towards the environment. Mill’s utilitarian principles will maintain that Baxter’s conclusions on the scope of environmental ethics merely prescribe what men ought to do.This prescription, when applied to several environmental issues such as man’s hunting for rare animals for the therapeutic values of their body parts, will most likely condemn the given example and other related instances. However, Mill will argue that, since the gathering of the body parts of such a rare animal will most likely contribute to the betterment and eventual happiness of the greatest number of human beings, the act in itself is a right act. The apparent consequences of s uch an action are deemed with the greatest amount of merit in classifying such action as morally right.For the most part, Mill might have instead argued for the claim that even if pollution becomes a result of the actions of man towards his environment, these same actions should be taken if it promotes the greatest degree of happiness for the greatest number of individuals as its consequence.Mill’s arguments cannot in any way directly support and uphold the ethical guidelines set forth by both Kant and Baxter in seeking the proper conduct for the status quo of the environment.Mill’s utilitarianism on Carr’s â€Å"Is Business Bluffing Ethical?†One essential feature of the utilitarian ethical doctrine is that its moral point of view rests firmly on the consequences of the actions made. That is, an action is then to be categorized as either good or bad depending on the consequence or result of the action intended. However, what differentiates the utilitarian principles from other ethical or moral tenet is that the former further qualifies the outcome of the actions as good in terms of maximum benefits conferred by the deed.In a sense, a good action, then, is one which has maximized benefits or advantages not to oneself but, more importantly, to the most number of individuals as well in the end. Thus, in essence, such doctrine of utilitarianism can be briefly summarized as one that seeks to establish â€Å"the greatest good for the greatest number.In adopting the principles being set forth by utilitarianism one is inclined to embrace the belief that the welfare of the majority is being taken with utmost concern and that, parallel to such aspect of utilitarianism, the greatest happiness or the benefit of the most number of people is seen as fitting enough to further accept the ethical theory of utilitarianism. The relative consequences in adopting these principles highlight a connection to the modern world inasmuch as the welfare of the majority rather than the individual is deemed to outweigh personal motives.Thus, the extent of Mill’s conception of the utilitarian doctrine will firmly hold that business bluffing is ethical so long as it promotes the good of the majority through the greatest good such an action is able to produce.For instance, when company executives are tasked to manage dealings or negotiations with fellow executives, customers, government authorities, labor groups, or the department heads of the same company the executives work in, they can resort to many forms of deception. The act of deceiving these â€Å"other†people in terms of its moral value can be analyzed through the apparent consequences such a conduct is able to make materialize.Especially in cases wherein the fate of the whole company or the status of the entire structure of the line of laborers is at stake, business bluffing is deemed right if and only if it is able to sustain the welfare of the general members of the company as its immediate consequence.Or even in the smallest of the departments in a business establishment, the relative gains of that small unit when taken as a whole should be reason enough, at least in Mill’s utilitarian approach, to pursue actions that will ensure the greatest gains for the greatest number in that department. These actions, in turn, are qualified as ethical and, hence, right under the utilitarian perspective as far as Carr’s notion on the extent of cases where the business â€Å"player†resorts to bluffing is concerned.On the other hand, the extent in which Mill will contradict Carr’s proposals for deception rests on the situation wherein bluffing does not promote the general welfare but instead advances the personal aims of the executive. In such cases, even if there are positive consequences for the businessman, the fact that the relative gains of the businessman for his own goes against the utilitarian principle of the maximizati on of the good. It ignores the crucial part of utilitarianism that prescribes actions which ensures the furtherance of the welfare of the majority.Thus, such an instance is essentially unethical inasmuch as it is not right as far as the tenets of utilitarianism are concerned.Kant’s ethical theory on DeJardins and Duska’s â€Å"Drug Testing in Employment†In order to analyze DeJardins and Duska’s claims in the article, an understanding of Kantian ethics should first be noted. Kantian ethics can be roughly started with the presumption that if we are to strictly follow the assertion that the goal of the lives of men is the attainment of happiness in general, then every individual will most likely be inclined to seek personal gratification so as to arrive at happiness.Nevertheless, the attainment of happiness is not entirely within the human capacity and that its actuality can be interpreted as a matter of chance that depends primarily on the varying capacitie s of man. No universal assurance on the attainment of happiness can then be seen. Consequently, by trying to remove cynicism and nihilism and by allowing the ethical norms of man to occupy the actions of all, it is necessary for these ethical doctrines to be unconditional such that there should be no exceptions and universal in the sense that these tenets should be applicable to every human being.Kant proceeds with his idea of the good will by defining it as a will that operates for the sake of duty and as a â€Å"good-in-itself†. For the most part, the concept of duty is central to the ethical precepts of Kant which he regards crucial by considering the difference that dwell between actions in accordance with duty and actions performed for the sake of duty. For Kant, the latter phrase is the only one that bears moral worth implying a greater moral worth in man’s actions that result from a person’s greater disinclination to act merely for the sake of duty. That is, if a person is motivated to do a certain act simply because one is entirely inclined to do such an act, then the act itself is considered to be bereft of moral worth.Duty for Kant is the inevitability or necessity of functioning out of a strict observation for laws that are universal. Consequently, the worth or value of the action done by the individual in terms of moral precepts is essentially drawn from the intention of the action thereby stressing the content of the actions in terms of intent as significant. This content can be further expressed in two manners. The first states that there are maxims or imperatives that stipulate that there are acts based on the desires of the individual. This is what Kant calls the hypothetical imperative. On the other hand, those which are based on reason and not merely dependent on one’s desires belong to the categorical imperative. The latter type deals with what ought to be done.All these can be roughly transposed and summarized in to Kant’s conception of the practical imperative that claims that one ought to act to treat human beings as ends in themselves and never merely as a means to any given end, whether the individual is the self or another person.Thus, in line with the arguments proposed by the authors of Drug testing in Employment, Kant will very well argue that drug testing among employees in companies is unethical for the reason that it treats the employees as mere objects or means in achieving the ends of set forth by the company. The delicate private information that are to be obtained from the drug tests, moreover, gives rise to the possibility that these information can be manipulated for sinister ploys even if the protection of these information is given due recognition.Moreover, as the authors of the article suggest, drug use is not always job relevant. If this is the case, then information concerning drug use is not relevant as well hence leading to the observation that drug tests are i rrelevant and that these only impair the centrality of man as the end for every action.The reason to these claims rests on two crucial aspects. First is that the practical imperative will not allow the treatment of the employees as schemes for the purpose of the upkeep of the employment status of the employer or of the company. Second is that drug testing undermines the rights of the employee thus, relegating our attention back to the first reason, undermining as well their existence as human beings and rational agents.ReferenceMill, J. S. (1863). What Utilitarianism Is. In Utilitarianism (pp. 4-16).
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