Sunday, June 9, 2019

Nervous System and Drug Use Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nervous System and Drug Use - Essay ExampleMany drugs ar at the exposure of many students, with universities and colleges registering the highest takings of users around the globe. Drugs be prohibited for a reason, mainly because of their negative effect to the health and performances of people. Majoring on the tether commonly abused drugs in the world methamphetamine, cocaine and alcohol. It remains a fact that the abuse of the three is far much below anywhere near an end to abuse. From my point of view, the question at mail remains on the remedy to these drugs in terms. Years of research and campaigns have done little in stopping the rampant use of these drugs. As a student, I am at the exposure of the same drugs with the highest risk possible since most drug addicts do refer to their college times as the commencement of their addiction. Parties are always the order of events with almost any function being characterized with the latter. Though alcohol is at the forefront in t erms of use, methamphetamine and cocaine are increasingly catching up at an alarming rate. Obviously, with a mention of increased use, college or campus life is the most affected. This calls for an inner depth study of the three drugs. Alcohol destroys the liver and affects the brain in irreversible conditions. Cocaine causes problems to hefty smokers particularly in the respiratory system while methamphetamine is a common party drug with over seventy thousand users. . Meth, crystal, ice, crank is the one drug that stops at nothing. It is capable of keeping one high for a constant twelve hours or more(prenominal) methamphetamine is a super speed drug, three or even four times stronger than cocaine. It is very popular, especially among young college adults in the United States. Costing as cheap as twenty-five dollars for a quarter gram, the drug is swallowed, snorted, smoked and shot straight in the veins by use of needles. The drug originated from the western parts of the United States of America knowing no borders or social class spreading through neon to the eastern cities. As by 2008, there existed a whole bunch of 25 million users of the drug. For instance, in London, Meth is a popular party drug with over seventy thousand users. That demonstrates how much this drug is nothing near a passing phenomenon. It has and shows no signs of stopping its teeth from sinking into our society. According to guard in various states, crime committers are the very victims of the drug. They steal property, assault, murder and always possess needles and fake ids. A quick glance at Portland chink reveals that for every four inmates, one is a meth addict. The victims appear ashamed and always hallucinating. Crosschecking at the digital records office, the pictures immediately reveal that the victims appear older more like the living dead. Even individuals with strong and tough looks are not to spare, the scenario is a devastating one. They suffer many problems. Meth teet h for instance, set in when the acids and bacteria resulting from meth corrode the gum and the teeth. Imagine ripe fruits falling on a tree that is the fate of a crack addicts teeth. This is because the victims rarely brush their teeth nor seek dental attention. The reason is obvious they only have money to purchase the crystal. The brain on the other progress to reacts immediately to meth. It results to euphoria, confidence and an energetic feeling this is key attraction to the drug. The drug was originally engineered to trick the brain.

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