Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Effects of Social Media on Human Brain and Behavior
The Effects of Social Media on Human Brain and Behavior The influence of rapidly growing social media, television, and the internet has taken the world by storm in recent years. Its fascinating development over the years is nothing short of remarkable when you take into account that 20 years ago, only 16 million people in the world were online, compared to the 2 billion that roam on the internet now. Modern communications technology has now become so familiar and utterly banal, yet there is still this tingling sensation when one receives a text from a love interest on Facebook or WhatsApp. Human identity, the idea that defines each and every one of us, is on the verge of being radically defined by social media. This essay will†¦show more content†¦A good example of Zizeks ideology would be the fake laughter that one hears when watching a television sitcom ; even if we dont laugh while watching the sitcom, and simply stare at the screen after a hard days work, we nonetheless feel relieved after the show as if the soundtrack ha s done the laughing for us. This applies to social media; when you see a certain someone on Facebook getting really happy about something productive, you will feel really happy for them. Another philosopher, Andrew Eig in the chapter Group and Myth of the Cyberaspace of the book Social Media and Group Psychotherapy (Fall 2012 edition) mentions that we are living in a world called cyberspace ; a world where whatever we see on the internet is determining the way we think. We can never be unplugged from the world, and it is almost impossible to be fully turned off from digitization. I firmly agree with this notion as it shows the way in which the world is moving ; technology is king. Having undergone an extensive series of MRI-based tests focused on measuring specific chemical release patterns when people are using platforms such as Twitter or Facebook, Dr. Zak Khan of the University of South Carolina, suggests that ‘social networking triggers the release of the generosity-trust chemical into our brains’ . The brain experiencesShow MoreRelatedSocial Cognition And Social Psychology1412 Words  | 6 PagesWe know human beings are social creatures, they are able to create families, religions, cultures and so on. These socializations help humans stay alive by creating support systems, fending off threats, and tending to each other’s wounds. Because of this, ancestral humans were able to survive. They evolved with neural and hormonal mechanisms supporting their helpful social behavior. 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Furthermore, media violenceRead More The Impact of Internet on Users and their Way of Thinking Essay1204 Words  | 5 Pages In the present day, the development of internet causes considerable changes in social relations and people lifestyle. Internet users spend most of their life online. One of the recent trends is the development of social networks, which encourage the creation of realistic communities. In such a situation, the question concerning the impact of Internet on human being, especially on human brain and behavior arises. In this concern, views on the impact of Internet vary consistently. On the one handRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effect On Social Interaction1476 Words  | 6 Pagesspecies, social media (SM) is a construct of our already pre-existing social drive; the need to connect with others as well as maintain how others perceive us. 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It consists of a broad spectrum of communication such as: television, films, web sitesRead MoreSocial Media And Social Control Theory1553 Words  | 7 Pagesterminologies, and objectives; social constructs have been changing at a break-neck pace (Nylund, Asparouhov, Muthà ©n, 2007). While it is a point of contention that many of the issues in modern society are attributable to the so-called theoretical pluralism, the resultant break-downs in social bonds and social awareness have caused a series of sensationalized rebellions against both the norms of society and social authority in general (Jenkins Griffith, 2004). The following Literature reviewRead MoreThe Effects Of Technology On Teen s Brain Development1708 Words  | 7 Pagesabout the amount of screen time teens should be exposed to, and if the use of technology can affect a teen’s brain development. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Mass Media Communication - 1719 Words
Definition Mass media is a media intended for a large audience. It may take the form of broadcast media, as in the case of television and radio, or print media, like newspapers and magazines. Internet media can also attain mass media status, and many media outlets maintain a web presence to take advantage of the ready availability of Internet in many regions of the world. Some people also refer to it as the â€Å"mainstream media,†referencing the fact that it tends to stick to prominent stories which will be of interest to a general audience, sometimes ignoring controversial breaking news. Many people around the world rely on this form of media for news and entertainment, and globally, it is a huge industry. People often think of mass media†¦show more content†¦For example, a politician is assassinated; you will hear this immediately, so that you will know what is going on. Media keeps you informed. It also helps in other things like entertainment and gaining knowledge. Negative effects of Mass Media for teenagers, The exposure of sex images and excessive portraits of violence in movies and dramas have instilled negative thoughts and taboos in the mind of these teenagers for they have been consistently getting increased exposure to things which are not suitable for their age. Thousands of advertisements on junk food, fast food, soft-drink, etc are shown on TV and heard over radio have indirectly lead to the grown of obesity and anorexia in teenagers. This is one of the critical global problem of today which is threatening our next generations for being unhealthy and being exposed to many serious diseases and sicknesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problem and anorexia. Women are obsessive with losing weight even if they are not being fat or obese. This is due to the influence of the media in portraying that successful women are always thin. Many teenagers, especially girls were greatly influenced with the slim figure of their favorite celebrity. As a results, some of these teenage fans were so deep into the dieting and slimming concerns which lead them to severe health issues and fatal death in serious situation. When young teenagers are exposed to the images of violence, the personality ofShow MoreRelatedThe Media And Mass Communication Essay1713 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The term media is often represented within popular culture in varying degrees. To a great extent, there seems to be a tendency to interchange media and mass communication. In this regard, it is imperative and perhaps prudent to define media holistically before proceeding further. For purposes of coherence, the definition of media will be categorized into two spheres; traditional media and new media. According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (2009), traditional media can be defined asRead MoreThe New Media And Mass Communication1502 Words  | 7 PagesNew New Media New New Media is mass communication that contains information that is available through the internet. The information is digitally created, retrieved and shared mainly through social media, digital devices and other social networks. New New Media include online newspapers, which is a digital form of text, video games, blogs and audio. An example of New New Media would be Instagram. This form of mass communication is very popular and is used every day. This is New New Media because peopleRead MoreThe Impact Of Media On Mass Communication Essay1806 Words  | 8 PagesMedia Communications Question 3a. Mass commuincation is the exchanging of information or messages on a large scale to a wide range of people, from individuals to organizational bodies simultaneously. 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TechnologicalRead MoreCover Letter For Media And Mass Communication1208 Words  | 5 Pages I, Md.Riaj Uddin Raihan, hailed from a family that consists of my parents and two siblings. I have completed my under graduation program in Media and mass communication, major in advertising from American International University Bangladesh (AIUB) with a CGPA of 3.44 out of 4 in February 2016 .I have passed my S.S.C and H.S.C examination with GPA of 4.63 and 5.00 (out of 5) both from business studies inRead MoreMass Media, Communication Technology and Semiology2149 Words  | 9 Pagesand describe the four main mass media industries, as described in the course. Why is ownership of these industries generally seen as important? 3 Question 2: Semiotic theory tells us that every sign is polysemic: ie, it has different meanings for different people, but that they acquire a denotative meaning. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Nature and Status of Folk Psychology Free Essays
The nature and status of Folk Psychology (UP) In philosophy circles is controversial. In this essay I shall begin by briefly defining what folk psychology Is. Followed by an outline on eliminative where some of the controversy lies. We will write a custom essay sample on The Nature and Status of Folk Psychology or any similar topic only for you Order Now My main focus will be on Paul Churchyard’s views and his arguments against UP, as this will enable me to facilitate an assessment of his criticisms. Subsequent to that I will search for my own view in the defense of UP in the light of its proponents such as Horror and Woodward or Denned. By doing this I will then be able to gauge the plausibility of Churchyard’s criticisms of UP. Folk psychology (UP) is the name given by lamentableness to the common sense understanding of the mind (Mind and Bodies pep). A common sense view which accepts that we all have desires and emotions such as fear, lust, beliefs, desire, pain, pleasure ,love, hate, joy attraction and so forth. These deferent states of being are utilized in what are called propositional attitudes which show intent. An example of a propositional attitude is Brenda ‘believes’ she can win the lottery, Hereford ‘believes’ is the Intentionality in this propositional attitude. The view of UP encapsulated by Paul Churchyard Is that It â€Å"embodies our baseline understanding of the cognitive, affective, and purposive nature of person. Considered as a whole, it constitutes our conception of what a person is†. (Churchyard in Guatemalan, 1994, p. 08) Before we go on to examine Churchyards criticism of UP, I think it would be useful to give a brief overview of the eliminations viewpoint regarding UP. Eliminative materialism (also called eliminative) Is a materialist position in the hilltop’s of mind. Its primary claim is that people’s common-sense understanding of the mind (or folk psychology) Is false and that certain classes of mental states that most people believe in do not exist (Wilkinson, Mind and Bodies pep) Paul M. Churchyard (b. 942) a Canadian-born philosopher is a leading proponent of eliminative; he is a long time critic of UP and the foremost advocate of neuroscience. Churchyards criticism dovetails with the eliminations claim that UP is a false theory â€Å"Eliminative materialism is the thesis that our common-sense inception of psychological phenomena constitutes†(eliminative Materialism and the Propositional Attitudes’ Paul M Churchyard Reading 6, Wilkinson, Mind and Bodies p 194). He claims that UP is not only a radically false theory but also an empirical theory by pointing out Its similarities with other theories. He does this by stating how our â€Å"familiar mentalist vocabulary’ is to be understood like other semantic terms. In that the terms used need or in fact do operate by a network of formulate laws like any other theory. An example of how Churchyard employs UP as theory Is found In his hypothesis argument on understanding the minds of others. He says that we can use UP as a hypothetical framework which Works in the main and is reasonable’ to employ (Wilkinson, Mind and Bodies pep). Although Churchyard accepts our everyday use of UP as a reasonable thing to do he still argues forcefully his claim, that UP is a false theory and does this with a three pronged attack: – (a) its ontology is an illusion, (b) It is a stagnant theory and incapable of advance (c) It Is not reducible to neuroscience. (a) Churchyard begins his attack on UP by declaring that It ouch as mental illness; imagination; intelligence differences; sleep issues; motor co- ordination; perceptual illusions and memory, that he claims UP has nothing to say. He includes learning in this critique and with a further assault on UP propositional attitudes, questions where they are stored and how they are learnt to be employed, both vital to UP views on the conception of the mental. However Churchyard does not go as far as to say UP is not true but rather illusionary and that â€Å"UP is at best a highly superficial theory’ (Ibid IPPP up 16) (b) Churchyard argues on historical grounds that The UP story is one of retreat infertility and decadence†(Ibid IPPP IPPP). He gives the example of how early man used UP to relate to their environment in a naive fashion believing that the wind was capable of anger, the moon Jealousy as examples of early intentional attitudes. Therefore backing up his argument that UP along with these historical intentional attitudes has become stagnant and sterile and had to give ground in the face of better theories from the area of empirical science (Wilkinson Mind and Bodies pep). To add further weight to this criticism Churchyard uses Mire Legatos’ terms that â€Å"UP is a stagnant or degenerating research program, and has been for millennia†(Churchyard, Reading 6, Wilkinson, Mind and Bodies, IPPP, up 18). (c) Theoretical reductionism, the process by which one theory is absorbed into another is what Churchyard uses as the main thrust of his argument that UP is probably false as it is not reducible to neuroscience. How UP promises theoretical integration by Churchyard’s opinion is very poor he bashes FPS lack of progress and coherence in relation to natural history and physical sciences. Where he believes there growth in rinsing understanding of man is out performing UP in many respects, pointing to neuroscience breakthroughs in human sensory input and neural activity. Furthermore according to Churchyard, UP is akin to a misfit standing alone looking incapable of synthesis as FPS â€Å"stagnation and explanatory impotence promise little faith†(Ibid IPPP IPPP). Moreover UP will not likely be reflected by neuroscience as it will seem to be antiquated and here he draws a parallel between UP and ‘Aristotelian cosmology. His final and most damming attack to back up his arguments on FPS laziness is that it â€Å"suffers explanatory failures on an epic scale†(Ibid, IPPP, IPPP). I will now go over the main points of Churchyards arguments and challenge their validity and soundness in the light of his main critics and defenders of UP. Churchyards first criticism that there are areas of the mind such as motor co- ordination, sleep and memory which he says are not dealt sufficiently by UP. And implying that its ontology may be false is objected to by a riposte from two American philosophers Horror and Woodward in defense of UP. Firstly on the grounds that to impose demands on any psychological theory accounting for considerable know how when theoretical knowledge is relatively primitive (A fair point given that psychology as a medical discipline has only been practiced about the last one hundred years). Secondly, as Churchyard argues if UP is to be a successful theory the fact it must offer explanations for all the phenomena it lists in Horror and Woodward opinion this argument needs to be treated with skepticism and caution (Horror and Woodward, 1985, up. 00). Finally as Churchyard’s narrowing of FPS definition does not cover retain areas of the mind it is also dismissed, with good argument I think, because cognitive psychology has developed detailed theories on intentional psychologies (UP) Churchyards empirical argument fails to provide a convincing critique on the grounds that the theories outlined are explainable in terms of UP. Churchyards second assault on UP that it is a stagnant theory emplo ying the same mentalist framework as the ancient Greeks. Horror and Woodward have a counter argument they rebut his view by citing the progression in 18th and 20th century literature such as Jane Austin and John Birth. Furthermore bringing their point to bear with great assurance when they point to the modern day skill in appealing to our â€Å"unconscious beliefs and motivations†, in my view borne out when viewing our modern day advertising. Therefore a rebuttal to Churchyards assertion that UP is a stagnant theory, incapable of advance is found to be false (Wilkinson, Mind and Bodies pep). In reply to Churchyards controversial damning conclusion on FPS falseness due to its inability to reduction and that it â€Å"suffers explanatory failures on an epic scale†(Reading 6 IPPP,IPPP), American philosopher Daniel Detente (1942) points out hat eliminations fails to recognize UP as a ‘normative’ theory (not Just a descriptive one). In that it also encapsulates an ‘ideal’ or recommendation on how to proceed as a rational being with a value structure which incorporates social practices, such as greeting, reassuring, that is relevant to everyday existence. A pertinent point made by Denned in that it is not Just crucial not only to our own reason as human beings but that it enables us to act and think rationally and facilitates good social relations. This as can be deduced makes a mockery of Churchyards FPS falseness claims. These thoughts are mirrored by Horror and Woodward that UP although probably not reducible to neuroscience â€Å"Churchyard is Just mistaken to assume that UP must be reducible to neuroscience in order to be compatible with it†(Horror and Woodward, 1985, PEP). The assessment and examination of eliminations views on Folk Psychology with particular regard to Churchyards criticisms and UP defenders crystallites for me the essence of the UP debate, theory or practice? , reality or illusion? , past or future? UP for me is a skill nurtured by the past and in my opinion elegantly defended by Horror and Woodward arguments not only for its continual relevance but its reliance upon contemporary culture implying a growth in its lexicon. Finally Dent’s utter dismissal of the eliminations views that UP left a great deal unexplained. And it is by Dent’s assertion that we need UP to give us a language of reason for both our personal and social behaviors, a real boon to Folk psychology. After defining and outlining both UP and eliminative, we can see some plausible solutions to the controversy with regards to the claims that UP is a false theory, Rutherford that it is illusory, stagnant and non reducible. In my opinion Churchyard’s assertion that UP is a false theory is invalid. As having seen the arguments for criticizing UP I have come to the view that Churchyard’s criticisms of UP can easily be argued against, not because of his limitations of his understanding but because of his not taking into account ‘normative’ values pointed out by Denned. But also invalid on the grounds that at least two to three thousand years in the life of mankind would be in my view absurdly dismissed. And finally if we were all given a behaving like robots making poetry and art nonsense! How to cite The Nature and Status of Folk Psychology, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Cartoon Channels free essay sample
With the advent of satellite broadcasting technology during the mid 1970’s it became possible for Television networks to air their programs all over the world. By the 1980’s, Television established itself as a powerful medium of communication and new strategies were devised by television companies to stay ahead in the game. One such strategy was the development of programmes that targeted specific sections of the community. A few of the television channels decided to focus on children and began developing programmes that would appeal to them. It was to leverage this niche market that channels like Cartoon Network came into existence. It was launched in October 1992 in the US by one of the world’s leading media companies, Turner Broadcasting System. It offered animation programmes from TBS’s extensive library of more than 10,000 Warner Bros, Hanna-Barbera and MGM cartoons. Over the next few years the channel launched in different parts of the globe showing not only their famous cartoons, but also developing original shows. We will write a custom essay sample on Cartoon Channels or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Cartoon Network entered India in October 1995, sharing airtime with Turner Network Television (TNT). As the pioneer in the Indian cartoon and animation market, Cartoon Network quickly gained popularity and had a huge fan base in the metropolitan cities. When Cartoon Network entered India, there were no established players and it was not very difficult for the Network to entrench itself in the minds of the children and register itself as a channel synonymous with cartoons. It established itself very quickly as a major player in the Indian satellite Television market and became a household name. In the 1990’s the entry of other leading children’s channels like Kermit and Nickelodeon created intense competition and Cartoon Network had to rethink their strategy to stay ahead in the game in the Indian cartoon market. The strategy that it worked out was the emphasis on ‘localization’. It localized the content by dubbing its cartoons first in Hindi to appeal to the Hindi-speaking audiences and then taking its localization efforts further it introduced Tamil-dubbed shows in 2000. The first dubbed programme was ‘Toon Tamasha’ and very soon it started offering localized versions of its popular cartoons. Localization is the key to success in television programming. Localizing the content to suit the needs and tastes of the audiences is the key to garner more viewership and television rating points. When Cartoon Network introduced Tamil-dubbed shows, Kathy McClaure, Vice President Programming, Turner Network, Asia, said, â€Å"The bringing in of Tamil-dubbed cartoons is to further reinforce Cartoon Network’s commitment to bring localized programming. †Some of cartoon shows that were dubbed in Hindi and Tamil were Scooby Doo, Flintstones, Swat Kats, The Mask, The Addam’s Family, Johnny Quest and Captain Planet. On account of its growing popularity it started its 24-hour non-stop service in July 2001. The 24-hour service was part of the channels global strategic mission to place cartoons and animation in level with general entertainment that appealed not just to the children but to the adults also. Today the appeal of cartoon network is not just to children between 4 and 14 years, but also to the teenagers and adults who constitute 30 to 40% of the channel’s viewership. Cartoon Network in India is the most popular cartoon dedicated television channel in India. Chutti TV was launched on April 19, 2007 and is a 24-hour Tamil language television channel owned by the Sun Network. It is Sun TV Network’s first ever television channel for kids. The target audiences are children aged between 3 and 14. It is a free-to-air channel available on most local cable television networks. It broadcasts cartoon shows of foreign countries and networks translated into Tamil. Some of the famous and most popular shows are Jackie Chan, He-Man, Astro Boy, Avatar, Dora the Explorer, Bob Morane, Lucky Luke, Spider Man, Bumba and Danny amp; Daddy. Disney XD or Disney Channel is another famous cartoon channel and it telecasts cartoons like The Donald Duck Show, Dennis and Gnasher and television shows like Shararat Karishma Ka Karishma, Shaka Laka Boom Boom and many more. The Donald Duck Show is based on the typical Mickey Mouse Series and there are other shows like Chip and Dale, The Rescue Rangers and Dennis the Menance. POGO is a cable and satellite television channel created by Turner Broadcsting, a unit of Time Warner for India, which primarily shows animated programming. It was launched in January 2004 as a children’s entertainment hannel like its sister channel Cartoon Network and its primary target audience is children aged 3+ to young adults aged up to 40. Pogo airs in multiple languages in India. The channel carries a number of popular animated shows as well as live action shows. Turner produces exclusive shows for Pogo under the brand name Pogo Originals. The Music Art and Dance show M. A. D. is India’s No. 1 do-it-yourself show. A super-hit 2D animated series is ‘Chhota Bheem’ which won the Best Animated TV series award at the ‘Golden Cursor Awards 2009 held in Mumbai. Chhota Bheem is produced by Green Gold Animation, Hyderabad.
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