Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Video Pitfalls Inappropriate Self Disclosure - 980 Words
First, watch the video Pitfalls: Inappropriate Self-Disclosure: Author s Discussion to listen to your textbook s author explain the pitfall of inappropriate self-disclosure. Next, watch the video Pitfalls: Inappropriate Self-Disclosure: Clip 1 with Nicole and her client, Mrs. Anderson, to see an example of a social worker s inappropriate self-disclosure. The pitfalls with inappropriate self-disclosure is it makes the client think you are a friend versus the professional social worker which can hurt the helping process. In addition, providing general information about yourself can be helpful, however, discussing your life experiences can be distracting even in areas of commonality. Furthermore, this can make the client feel uncomfortable and hurt the relationship before it even began. Cautions about Self Disclosure: â€Å"The client may perceive the social worker as a friend and expect mutuality in the relationship†(Cummins et al., 2012, p.131). â€Å"The client may feel compelled to help the social worker†(Cummins et al., 2012, p.131). â€Å"The client may feel as if the social worker can’t help, because the social worker’s own life issues are so distracting†(Cummins et al., 2012, p.131). â€Å"The client may use the information shared by the social worker in a self-serving or manipulative way†(Cummins et al., 2012, p.131). â€Å"The client may react negatively and feel cheated out of his or her opportunity to disclose†(Cummins et al., 2012, p.131). At one point, Nicole inappropriatelyShow MoreRelatedRichard L. Weaver s The Dark Side Of The Internet 963 Words  | 4 PagesNelson, self-disclosure differs online than from self-disclosure in a face-to-face environment as people feel less vulnerable (44). 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Jane Eyre A Fight For Women s Equality - 1749 Words
Jane Eyre: A Fight for Women’s Equality Feminism: the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men ( Throughout history, women have fought for and struggled with gaining full and absolute equality in society--which has proven to be difficult in the long-cultivated patriarchal society that we still live in today. In modern times, women continue to be paid less than men, are vastly underrepresented, and face many forms of violence around the world, to name just a few issues. The fight for equality has been ongoing, and this fight is even identifiable in the spirits of the women of the Victorian era-- such as Jane Eyre. In Charlotte Brontà « s timeless and classic novel Jane Eyre, Brontà « advocates for equality in many aspects of life: social, economic, and moral, through the depiction and attitudes of the characters in the novel. In the novel Jane Eyre, Brontà « addresses social injustice in the Victorian society, and utilizes the character of Jane to express her dissatisfaction. Jane, especially during her childhood years, displays an attitude of nonconformity and rebellion. She advocates for uprising against injustice, for â€Å"If people were always kind and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust, the wicked people would have it all their own way: they would never feel afraid, and so they would never alter, but would grow worse and worse. When we are struck at without a reason, we should strike back again veryShow MoreRelatedJane Eyre, The Bluest Eye, And Feminism1422 Words  | 6 PagesPeriod 5 15 May 2015 Jane Eyre, The Bluest Eye, and Feminism Feminism. It’s a big concept in society today, but has it always been that way? Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte is a famous work on the basis of her own experiences. In this novel, the author shapes a tough and independent woman who pursues true love and equality. In the Victorian period, the image of Jane Eyre cast a sharp contrast to the man-dominated society. She stands for a new lady who has the courage to fight for her own rightsRead MoreEquality Within Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre1673 Words  | 7 PagesEquality is a given. The oldest and most relevant discussion on equality lies with the difference of sex; man versus woman. In the eighteenth century, society very much male dominated. Women were expected to obey a man s commands and were treated inferior to their male superior. This novel embodies the ideology of equality between men and women in society. Charlotte Bronte s novel Jane Eyre embraces many views in opposition to the Victorian gender limitations. Ultimate ly, the reader can see theRead MoreSummary Of Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre1607 Words  | 7 PagesMs. Petrosinelli English 12 27, January 2016 Title Equality is a given. The oldest and most relevant discussion on equality lies with the difference of sex; man versus woman. In the eighteenth century, society very much male dominated. Women were expected to obey a man s commands and were treated inferior to their male superior. This novel embodies the ideology of equality between men and women in society. Charlotte Bronte s novel Jane Eyre embraces many views in opposition to the Victorian genderRead MoreOn Feminism and Jane Eyre Essay1257 Words  | 6 Pagesstruggle for equality women have with men. Much like reality, these characters seek individualism and liberty from, or equality with, men in a society dominated by men. These seekers are called feminists and many feminists see Charlotte Bronte’s titular character Jane Eyre as a proto-feminist icon of the Victorian era. Not only does Jane Eyre show the struggle of one woman under one man it represents the struggle of women in a male-dominated society. Reading Charlott e Bronte’s Jane Eyre through a feministRead MoreFeminism in Jane Eyre and the wide sargasso sea Essay1061 Words  | 5 PagesLadan Abdullahi Feminism in Jane eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea A patriarchal society is a world in which men are the sole decision makers and hold positions of power and the highest authority. Patriarchy occurs when men are dominant, not necessarily in numbers but in their status related to decision making and power. As a result, women are introduced to a world made by men, and a history refined by a mans actions. In jean Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea, the author focuses on the history of Bertha, oneRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Second Child And Maria Branswell S Fifth Child2059 Words  | 9 PagesBranswell’s sixth child was born in Thornton, Yorkshire in England. Shortly after her birth, the Bronte-Branswell family moved to another part of Yorkshire known as Haworth so her father had been given the opportunity of being perpetual curate to the S., Michael and All Angels Church. However while in Haworth, a deep tragedy stroke the family on September 15, 1821 when their loving mother had died of cancer. The family wasn’t fully aband oned for the sister of Maria, Elizabeth Branwell, had greatlyRead MoreJane Eyre, By Charlotte Bronte1143 Words  | 5 PagesDerek Chao Ms.Roberts AP Literature November 18 2015 Awesome Essay Jane Eyre, written by Charlotte Brontà «, illustrates a British society that depicts an uneven distribution of wealth among people in the Victorian Era, creating this gap between the rich and poor. Social class in British society was made of the lower, middle, and upper class. Brontà « implemented characters like Mr.Brocklehurst and the Reeds to show that characters that were high in class and supported the social hierarchy were notRead MoreFeminism In Jane Eyre1679 Words  | 7 Pagesnovels--Jane Eyre--of her time period when she created the unique and feminist female heroine, Jane Eyre. Throughout the novel, Jane becomes stronger as she speaks out against antagonists. She presses to find happiness whether she is single or married and disregards society’s rules. The novel begins as Jane is a small, orphan child living with her aunt and cousins due to the death of her parents and her uncle. Jane s aunt--Mrs. Reed--degrades her as she favors her biological children. J ane s aunt--MrsRead MoreJane Eyre s Life Was Full Of Oppression, Neglect And Sorrow1498 Words  | 6 PagesJane Eyre’s life was full of oppression, neglect and sorrow. The novel was formed around a few main ideas. One of those would be the search of love and acceptance. Jane wanted to find a family so desperately and she wanted to belong to people. More than this though, Jane wanted to be treated equally. She was denied equality because of her social status, her income,her lack of â€Å"beauty†and most of all because of her gender. The book Jane Eyre shows the struggle that women face while attempting toRead MoreI Am Malala, By Jane Eyre1323 Words  | 6 PagesWebster’s Dictionary, confidence is stated as being â€Å"a feeling or consciousness of one s powers or reliance on one s circumstances.†Both Jane in Jane Eyre and Malala Yousafzai in I Am Malala faced significant obstacles in their lives and were constantly confronted by their fears. Theodo re Roosevelt stated that â€Å"Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing†Malala and Jane eventually overcame these fears with the help of pivotal role models which aided them in
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Chinese Communist Party free essay sample
Presents China as perhaps the only viable communist state. Looks at history, economy, society of China. Daniel Lynch reviewed the nature of thought-work in the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) at the end of the 20th century and explained the failure of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to regain control over thought-work or to build the long promised socialist-spiritual civilization for which the Chinese masses were instructed to be patient, for so very long. Society and culture in the PRC have changed radically since the rise of Chinese capitalism in relation to the forces of Globalization. Gordon White wrote on ideological decay as one price of the Reform Eras economic and social changes, what seemed a mere shift to a mixed economy in 1978 taking on all sorts of mammoth changes through the later 1980s and 1990s to make much CCP ideology irrelevant. Feng Chen referred to the CCP as an institution that was under renovation and which described itself as the proper normative authority. We will write a custom essay sample on The Chinese Communist Party or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, as all three agree, the role of the CCP and Beijing has been more and more concerned with ordinary administration and laws and policies serving the all-important business sector.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Organizational Analysis Essay Sample free essay sample
Abstraction With the uninterrupted influence of engineering in our planetary economic system which has provided many concern chances locally and internationally. Besides included in this paper are some of the most relevant theories that were used during the times industrialisation. Society. humanity and the environment has been the greatly influenced by this promotion and that is chiefly the chief focal point of this paper. This paper besides provides survey on the strengths and failings on the impact of forming into machine societies. Organizational Analysis Introduction In this extremely industrialised universe where machines. computing machines and its systems and processes normally works in the manner we do work. there are times that understanding how it affects personal human facets every bit good as importance to environment is still necessary. Like in the instance on covering with the existent occupations. it is of import that persons must still be given the opportunity to do used of personal judgement and analysis in executing the existent occupation. We will write a custom essay sample on Organizational Analysis Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page because merely in this manner it can still esteem human determinations and how they can execute the occupation itself. On the side of the environment. all organisation should besides be responsible plenty in executing environmentally friendly enterprises that will non merely continue the environment but will besides assist better the quality of life. But still there are other companies that assign occupations. like those in the production line. where people are merely expected to follow certain procedures and for the workers. with the machines that are well-functioned by a system that runs by computing machines that are on the other manus developed through a computing machine system. the occupation becomes convenient for workers. what they do is merely to follow the production line procedure and that is it. As the deficiency of determinations may be implemented. there are times that systems may meet some human mistakes. but the job is that it will still go on to run. some human considerations may non be involved in the system procedure and that is the chief focal point of this paper. Understanding the restrictions and known jobs in organisation that implements machines and technologically manned procedure will be the chief focal point of this paper. most specially for some company they consider that set uping the procedure and using the engineering is adequate for them to state that it is what the clients and even the employees must necessitate to hold in order for them to accomplish effectivity in executing the needed procedures but in fact there are still other factors within the single context every bit good as environmental facets that are affected. Mechanistic Organization have made its presence and became popular about half century ago. where people and industries is happening what best manner to better the procedure and supply more efficiency. This was besides the clip were the start of industrialisation epoch. where adult male and machines are the primary expression of the economic system in that clip. This besides has resulted to more defined occupations. procedures and engineerings. This was besides the clip where the end of bureaucratism is to protect high ranking functionaries within the organisation. It was besides ascertained that during this mechanistic organisation where high addition in the use that resulted to high efficiency in the production line. provided the engineering and procedure is good put in topographic point and operational. This lone show that production has grown a batch and demand were easy addressed as fabrication companies continuously provided better service and adequate production units or supply for the market. There was merely two common unfavorable judgment during these mechanistic organisation and these are. foremost. it lacks better attending to the concerns and demands of its people. and the 2nd 1 is that even though these epoch has provided stableness in the economic system. there are times that the alteration of demands like excessively much addition in the demand for production is non any longer available due to miss of flexibleness. ( Hofter. D. n. d. ) . Taylor’s Principle of Scientific Management From the start of 19Thursdaycentury sociology of direction becomes a common subject to every company as organisations get downing to confront greater struggles and direction jobs. This is chiefly brought out by the demand for alteration and the uninterrupted promotion of industry. Companies during that clip are happening ways on how to decide jobs the best manner possible. that is why it was besides the being of bureaus and establishment came and started to supply aid to companies. And this all starts in 1899 by the American Association of Industrial Management. followed by the American Management Association in 1923. National Association of Corporate Schools in 1913 and Industrial Relation Association of America in 1918 and in footings of direction theory is concern it was nevertheless the Society of the Advancement for Management was the most influential and most sure organisation that is being tapped by organisations. These lone shows that it was during these times were direction challenges due toroarof industrialisation a demand for developments are extremely needed. Emanating from the Society to Promote the Science of Management. formed in 1912. which changed its name in 1916 to the Taylor Society. to honour Frederick W. Taylor. It is Taylor’s work in making the theory and pattern of scientific direction at the beginning of the 20th century that sets the phase for The Early Sociology of Management and Organizations. With Taylor’s attack of pull offing struggles with in the organisation through scientific attack like detailing the struggles by supplying some quantitative attack. has been the chief key for the success for direction. And his theory was farther improved and enhanced as bigger challenges and struggles get downing to impact industries. With his technology and direction thoughts combined. and besides included is his deep apprehension and survey in the societal community has greatly influences his theory. It was a large helped for most industries every bit good as organisation in puting up the not-so well established organ isational criterions and procedures. With the declaration of struggles through his rules of scientific direction. it was easy for industries to get by up with an issue that was during that clip a hinderance for development every bit good as people satisfaction. ( Thompson. K. A ; Taylor. F. 2003 ) . Gulick and Urwick Paper on Analytical Infrastructure and Focus on Major Subjects Another popular theory that were even today has been really influential was taken from the documents of two of the most celebrated personality in the center of 19Thursdaycentury and they are Gulick and Urwick. Their theory was popularly been called asthe documents for productiveness.It has been influential in the today’s descendants challenge every bit good as future developments. Their theory was chiefly focal point on the scientific discipline of disposal in relation to public direction. they are two major subdivision of the paper. first usage of analytical and methodological substructure and the 2nd portion pertains to the major subjects in modern-day research. On the first subdivision. the cardinal countries includes: types of theories. function of values. cardinal orientation to organisation. and the last one trades with the coordination. either perpendicular or horizontal. The 2nd subdivision which pertains to the major subjects includes: motive. satisfaction. leading and organisational civilizations. assorted integrative constructions. and action research and alteration. In this paper it shows that organisational alteration and betterment may besides come from both understanding or supplying analytical survey every bit good as taking into consideration on the common motivational behaviours which were enlisted. ( Golembiewski. R. 1989 ) . Henry Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management and His 5 Elementss of Management Probably one of the most good well-thought-of personalities in the early history of direction during the industrial age was Henry Fayol. Henry Fayol was a popular Gallic direction theoretician lived from 1841 to 1925. He was one of the most successful direction theoreticians of all clip. His 14 direction rules are the undermentioned: ( 1 ) division of work. ( 2 ) authorization. ( 3 ) subject. ( 4 ) integrity of bid. ( 5 ) integrity of way. ( 6 ) subordination of single involvement. ( 7 ) wage. ( 8 ) centralisation. ( 9 ) scalar concatenation. ( 10 ) order. ( 11 ) equity. ( 12 ) stableness of term of office of forces. ( 13 ) enterprise. and ( 14 ) Esprit de Corps which stands for elating the morale of its employees. These 14 rules were up to now being used and even enhanced throughout the old ages. His influence and rules were greatly appreciated and it was the start of a large development in the direction society in his clip. Industrial development continues to come on. He besides ha ve established and founded the five chief elements of direction. and these are: ( 1 ) Prevoyance. which stands for prognosis and program. ( 2 ) to form. ( 3 ) to command. ( 4 ) to organize and ( 5 ) to command. ( 14 Principles of Management – Henri Fayol. 2008 ) . The Effect of Neo-Industrial Organizing It is true that for any organisation little stairss in alterations should be done in order non to interrupt the current procedures and besides non to consequence big figure of persons in the company. This lone show that the chief ground for some sudden alteration in the procedure is chiefly non merely for the betterment of the procedure but besides concentrate on bettering the service side of the procedure and another thing is to do certain that technological investing are good utilised. This is really of import because this gives a company a good measure in efficaciously pull offing the company. Forming the company in this manner will besides assist the company in happening farther some suites for betterments on how the system can ease more efficient processes that will non merely aid persons in executing the occupation but besides improved the bend around clip of the procedures that are running either in the production line or other information system that may be needed by determin ation shapers. This is really common in the production line. where fabricating companies will ever concentrate most of its attempt in bring forthing high quality. efficient and faster production of goods in order to prolong needful demand for the market. In the production line where it is besides being managed by group of persons are chiefly focus on their ain specific undertaking. attending to each undertaking is necessary as it will impact other undertakings if person do non execute the undertaking good. But based from legion survey. there are three chief observations that truly exist: ( 1 ) Undertakings are increasing. which means that these yearss sudden addition in the measure of undertakings merely go on. and companies must carefully look at this one as it may impact human attempts even there is system that may be followed ; ( 2 ) Relations between lasting and impermanent organisations are ill created. with this latest tendency of outsourcing. where impermanent organisation exist and holding a cohesive relationship with the lasting organisation is of import. because this can assist both group perform efficaciously as it will necessitate each other’s input and aid. Last. ( 3 ) The character of lasting organisation is besi des altering. like as it was said earlier with the being of outsourcing most organisation still creates sudden alterations in the organisation. go forthing the responsibilities to some new outsource squads and this finally affects the current procedures. ( Ekstedt. E. . Lundin. R. . Soderholm. A. A ; Wirdenius. H. 1999 ) . ICT for Sustainable Development Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ) chiefly focuses on the broad assortment of procedures that is applied in the existent procedure of information brought approximately by the usage of known engineering and tools. Some of its chief characteristics cover hive awaying. recovering. manipulating. and conveying or having information. either electronically or digitally. It besides provides a convenient manner of executing the traditional procedures that is used in a typical company like distribution. production. supply concatenation and even direction systems that are critical concern procedures and direction demands in the existent organisation. ( Introduction-what is ICT. n. d. ) . It has been noted that even for most developing states these yearss. one of the advanced enterprise that were introduced is beef uping its application of Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ) or if non good adopted by other states of companies. now they have included it as one critical ingredient in all their operation. Without ICT. there is no inquiry that it will impact the operation and its corresponding procedures. because merely through execution of ICT can better he manner of presenting goods or services for the clients and besides provides effectivity in executing the existent production procedures. But it is besides true that holding ICT working for a company may incur greater cost. most specially in puting up its ain substructure. but there was nil comparison in implementing the procedure with ICT. the effectivity and truth of informations and sum of information that it can treat is adequate to state that it truly helps in fast-tracking operations which will besid es beneficial non merely for users but besides for employees. ( Mansell. R. A ; When. U. 1998 ) . For most ICT execution. two of the chief issue if security and privateness. But first. it is of import to understand to distinguish the two in order to analyse the existent consequence of this in the organisation. Security is merely the procedure on how informations are being protected against other users who may non hold straight involved in maintaining the information. Since information are running through the web. like through Local Area Network ( LAN ) which means web within the same edifice that enables users to reassign information handily or through more advanced. Wide Area Network and the Internet. Like now. companies have already implemented their ain procedure through development of web portals or web sites. Customers. staffs and other members can easy entree the site provided they are given entree rights and histories. Security issue happens when other users that are unauthorized will either used an bing history of another user and freely do used of the information that are suppose to be non available to him. While. privateness focuses on how other corporation make used of the procedures that are non originally comes from them. This is really common to most companies these yearss. wherein they merely copied the same procedures and schemes that were setup in the information provided in the web site of one company without formal written consent before utilizing it. Some Bankss are normally being targeted to this sort of privateness issue because most Bankss shared the same databases. So what are the chief causes of this job? The followers are the most common causes: ( 1 ) Self Regulation by Prolonging User Ignorance. this means that it should al start from the top direction and have it implemented as a self ordinances for all the staff that they need to follow it from the bosom. ( 2 ) Enforcing Norms may Violate Anti-Trust. this means that companies must ever be on top of the state of affairs. They must set up an effectual security policy for their users and nit merely allowing them to work their rights in the system. ( 3 ) Bing a Good Actor. Increase Liability. this means that for those who violate the security and privateness policy must be given punishment in order to be followed earnestly. ( 4 ) Last ground is that Security and Privacy execution is an added cost. That is why for most companies implementing it earnestly needs to hold supported by the direction. ( Reagle. J. n. d. ) . There are three best solutions for these jobs and they can be ether all applied or depending on the company demand. Solutions that can be done are: ( 1 ) Supplying an Extensive Research or Prototype Development are Fundamental ; ( 2 ) Much Greater Awareness is extremely indispensable. this means that people should be argus-eyed ; and last is ( 3 ) Most significantly is Education. users must be good educated about the cause it can convey. for them to at least be warned. ( Neumann. P. n. d. ) . Execution of Control Should besides be Done Effectively in the Organization The four types of control mechanisms are: Bureaucratic. Management Audits. Budgetary Controls. and Financial Controls. On how it is being used in the organisation. for Bureaucratic. the manner of control is consecutive frontward that is with the used of prescribed regulations. procedure. policies. written certification. wages system. etc. This type of mechanism can be efficaciously used when behaviour can be controlled with market or monetary value mechanism. Following 1. Management Audits. its chief aim and used in the organisation covers. merchandise quality. enfranchisement and accreditation and merchandise excellence and benchmarking. where it targets more on the proper execution of the procedure which greatly impacted on its consequences. The 3rd one is Budgetary Controls ; this is merely being used by the company to compare existent consequences incurred against the budget. It is being used in the organisation. merely to merely see if they need to increase following budget or have it lessening. but careful apprehension of its inside informations as to what really incur before re-adjusting is necessary. Last. is fiscal control. typically what is being looked out here and used for the organisation is commanding in its hard currency flow and revenue enhancement. which fundamentally an of import facet of the fiscal control. ( Chapter 4 – Budgetary Control. n. d. ) . Last. for fiscal control. advantage is that it shows elaborate list of dealing done by the company and can later on be used for direction for determination devising every bit good as for budgeting. drawbacks is that non efficaciously working on it can besides supply inaccurate informations. which can misdirect stakeholder. ( Fiscal Control. n. d. ) . Decision In this paper it clearly shows that even during the early old ages of industrialisation. effectual direction patterns and criterions has already been implemented. It was merely through the span of old ages like up to now like the more progress used of engineering where direction criterions and patterns where improved in order to turn to more complex issues in the organisation. This was besides the chief get downing point on how popular direction theoreticians like Taylor. Urwick. Fayol. etc. has created rules and patterns in direction that finally helped industries in those old ages to last and at the same clip has given us the privilege of heightening it now. Mentions â€Å"Chapter 4 – Budgetary Control†( n. vitamin D ) .FAO Corporate Document Repository.[ Online ] . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Food and Agriculture Organization. org/docrep/W4343E/w4343e05. htm Ekstedt. E. . Lundin. R. . Soderholm. A. A ; Wirdenius. H. ( 1999 ) .Neo-Industrial Organising: Renewal by Action and Knowledge Formation in a Project-Intensive Economy. Routledge. London. â€Å"Financial Control†( n. vitamin D ) .Imperial College. London.[ Online ] . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www3. imperial. Ac. uk/entrepreneurship/startinganewventure/intobusiness/financialcontrol/ Golembiewski. R. ( 1989 )The Papers and Productivity: Posterity’s Guidance for Today’s Challenges.JSTOR.Volume 12. No. 3. p. 283 Hofter. D. ( n. d. ) . â€Å"Mechanistic Organization†.Encyclopedia for Management.[ Online ] . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Mar-No/Mechanistic- Organizations. hypertext markup language Mansell. R. A ; When. U. ( 1998 ) . Knowledge Societies: Information Technology for Sustainable Development.Oxford University Press. Oxford. Neumann. Peter G. ( n. d. ) . â€Å"Security Risks in the Computer-Communication Infrastructure†. SRI International. [ Online ] . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. csl. sri. com/users/neumann/senate96. hypertext markup language Reagle. Joseph M Jr. ( n. d. ) . â€Å"Boxed In: Why US Privacy Self Regulation Has Not Worked†.Berkman Center for Internet A ; Society. Harvard Law School. [ Online ] . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //cyber. jurisprudence. Harvard University. edu/people/reagle/privacy-selfreg. hypertext markup language Thompson. K. A ; Taylor. F. ( 2003 ) .Scientific Management.Rourtledge. New York â€Å"14 Principles of Management – Henri Fayol†. ( 2008 ) .12 Manage – Management Communities. [ Online ] . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. 12manage. com/methods_fayol_14_principles_of_management. hypertext markup language
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