Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Subverted 19th Century Traditional Social Mores and Norms in Dracula Essay Essays
Subverted 19th Century Traditional Social Mores and Norms in Dracula Essay Essays Subverted 19th Century Traditional Social Mores and Norms in Dracula Essay Paper Subverted 19th Century Traditional Social Mores and Norms in Dracula Essay Paper Essay Topic: Dracula Bram Stoker’s Dracula remains one of the more recognizable novels of its genre despite being published in 1897. A authoritative horror narrative which has been retold and produced over and over once more since its original publication. Dracula was particularly upseting when it originally was released because of how Stoker attacks Victorian epoch societal mores and norms throughout the full novel. Stoker subverts traditional nineteenth Century societal mores and norms in Dracula through the portraiture of sexually aggressive and self-asserting females. Jonathan and Mina’s relationship. and the opposite of Maternity. One of the first illustrations of Stoker’s subverting of traditional societal mores and norms in his novel is Dracula’s Wives. Our first brush with the â€Å"weird sisters†comes when they approach Jonathan Harker at the Count’s sign of the zodiac. Christopher Craft described the scene in his contemplation as so â€Å"Immobilized by the viing jussive moods of ‘wicked desire’ and ‘deadly fright. ’ Harker awaits an titillating fulfilment that entails both the disintegration of the boundaries of the ego and the thorough corruption of conventional Victorian gender codifications. †( Stoker. Auerbach. and Skal 444 ) . Trade is right that this is a clear corruption of conventional Victorian gender norms. Both Jonathan and the Dracula’s Wives represent a entire reversal of what would hold been considered normal or appropriate in the nineteenth Century. Dracula’s Wives are the attackers in this sexual scene while Jonathan is the inactive or cautious sexual spouse. His expectancy of the bite from one of the eldritch sisters is similar to that of a virgin adult female waiting for her spouse to perforate her for the first clip. The eldritch sisters represent the entire antonym of what a proper Victorian adult female is supposed to resemble. They are sexually aggressive and self-asserting alternatively of inactive and puritan. Another female character that on occasion reveals what would be considered really upseting at the clip of the novel’s publication is Lucy. Lucy at one point references to Mina that she wishes she didn’t have to take merely one adult male to be with and that she wishes she could be with all of them. Such a idea was considered disgraceful during the clip period and even though Lucy is cognizant that what she is stating is inappropriate she is non able to maintain from showing her true desires to Mina. The married womans and Lucy are a few of the cardinal xpressions of subverted nineteenth century norms in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Jonathan and Mina’s relationship is another illustration of Stoker’s subverting of traditional nineteenth century societal mores and norms in his authoritative narrative. Throughout the book we see Jonathan and Mina’s characters switch gender functions from a more traditional representation to an upside-down representation. Mina is no ordinary Victorian age female. She does want to function her hubby and unlike Lucy doesn’t express the desire to be with any other spouses. but Mina is particular in the eyes of the male characters in the narrative. Van Helsing and the other work forces believe Mina’s head to be like that of a adult male. This would be considered a immense compliment at the clip because adult females were non frequently thought of being capable of believing on the same rational degree as work forces. On the other manus. Jonathan begins to fall apart. He suffers from febrilities which cause him to hold tantrums of about insanity. During this clip he surely is non believing on the rational degree that he one time did and it is clear that Mina is the more enlightened of the two lovers. This represents one inversion of traditional gender norms. Peoples didn’t considered that a adult female could be the more capable head in a relationship but that is exactly what Mina is during the bulk of the novel. That is non the lone illustration of gender reversal in Dracula. at one point Jonathan becomes swoon in public and to maintain him from falling Mina supports him. It would hold been considered really uneven to see a adult female in public back uping a adult male like this. Stoker uses Mina and Jonathan’s relationship as another corruption of 19th century traditional societal mores and norms in Dracula. Possibly the most distressing facet of Stoker’s Dracula is the opposite of pregnancy. The opposite of pregnancy represents an about perfect corruption of traditional nineteenth century societal mores and norms. Craft besides wrote is his contemplation. â€Å"Stoker emphasizes the freak implicit in such repeal of gender codifications by inverting a favourite Victorian maternal map. †( Stoker. Auerbach. and Skal 453 ) . Maternity hasn’t changed much sense the nineteenth century. adult females are expected to care for the kids above all other duties. Acerate leaf to state the eating on defenseless kids by Lucy and Dracula’s Wives is a complete antonym of pregnancy. The banqueting on kids is peculiar upseting and flooring no affair what era one is born in and represents what is a overriding subject in Dracula the opposite of Maternity. Another illustration of the opposite of Maternity is the scene in which Dracula cuts his ain chest and forces Mina to imbibe from his lesion. Craft writes. â€Å"We are at the Count’s chest. encouraged one time once more to replace white for ruddy. as blood becomes milk. †( Stoker. Auerbach. and Skal 458 ) . This reading is consistent with what I found. Clearly Stoker is making a distressing image that resembles a female parent feeding her babe and wholly turns pregnancy on its caput. Trade goes on to propose that possibly the scene represents more than merely an opposite of pregnancy and that the blood Mina drinks from the Count is really semen. I agree that the scene resembles forced fellatio but the resemblance to a female parent feeding her babe is excessively obvious a connexion non to be made. Inverse of pregnancy is the true symbol of this scene. In many ways Dracula can be viewed as in front of its clip. Many of the story’s developments. which were considered to be dismaying during the Victorian age. don’t cause many to bat an cilium in today’s society. Stoker subverts traditional nineteenth century societal mores and norms in Dracula through the portraiture of sexually aggressive and self-asserting females. Jonathan and Mina’s relationship. and the opposite of Maternity.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Conjugating the Verb Fare in Italian
Conjugating the Verb Fare in Italian The number of times that we talk about doing something or making something is plentiful, which makes â€Å"fare†, the verb that represents those two definitions, a must-know. Use this article to learn how to conjugate it in all of its tenses and read the examples so you can get an idea of how to use it. This is especially important because â€Å"fare†is one of those verbs in Italian that don’t translate well into English. There are lots of idiomatic expressions with it, so make sure to look out for those. Some Definitions of â€Å"Fare†Include To doTo makeTo act (like)To performTo create What to Know About â€Å"Fare†It’s an irregular verb, so it doesn’t follow the typical -ere verb ending pattern.It can be both a transitive verb, which takes a direct object and an intransitive verb, which does not take one when conjugated with the auxiliary verb â€Å"avere†.The infinito is â€Å"fare†.The participio passato is â€Å"fatto†.The gerund form is â€Å"facendo†.The past gerund form is â€Å"avendo fatto†. INDICATIVO/INDICATIVE Il presente io faccio noi facciamo tu fai voi fate lui, lei, Lei fa Essi, Loro fanno Esempi: Hai gi fatto colazione? - Have you already had breakfast?Che fai? - What are you doing? Il passato prossimo io ho fatto noi abbiamo fatto tu hai fatto voi avete fatto lui, lei, Lei, ha fatto loro, Loro hanno fatto Esempi: Che hai fatto di bello oggi? - What were you up to today?Facciamo una pausa, va bene? - Let’s take a break, okay? L’imperfetto io facevo noi facevamo tu facevi voi facevate lui, lei, Lei faceva loro, Loro facevano Esempi: Quando li ho chiamati, facevano una passeggiata. - When I called them, they were taking a walk.Facevano sempre quello che volevano. - They always used to do what they wanted. Il trapassato prossimo io avevo fatto noi avevamo fatto tu avevi fatto voi avevate fatto lui, lei, Lei aveva fatto loro, Loro avevano fatto Esempi: Lei voleva andare in Italia, come avevamo fatto due anni fa. - She wanted to go to Italy, like we had done two years ago.Non mi ricordavo quello che avevo detto o fatto. - I didn’t remember what I said or did. Il passato remoto io feci noi facemmo tu facesti voi faceste lui, lei, Lei fece loro, essi fecero Esempi: Quell’anno John Lennon fece un regalo a Yoko Ono, penso che fosse un quadro. - John Lennon gave a gift to Yoko Ono that year, I think it was a painting.Fecero davvero un bel lavoro. - They really did a great job! Il trapassato remoto io ebbi fatto noi avemmo fatto tu avesti fatto voi aveste fatto lui, lei, Lei ebbe fatto loro, essi ebbero fatto TIP: This tense is rarely used, so don’t worry too much about mastering it. You’ll find it in very sophisticated writing. Il futuro semplice io farà ² noi faremo tu farai voi farete lui, lei, Lei far loro, essi faranno Esempi: Che faremo domani?  - What will be doing tomorrow?Chiss cosa far Giulia adesso. - Who knows what Giulia is doing right now. Il futuro anteriore io avrà ² fatto noi avremo fatto tu avrai fatto voi avrete fatto lui, lei, Lei avr fatto loro, essi avranno fatto Esempi: Non appena avrà ² fatto una chiamata, verrà ² da te. - As soon as I have made a phone call, I’ll come over.Hai sentito il suo accento? Avr fatto molto pratica per essere ad un livello cosà ¬ alto.- Did you hear her accent? She must have practiced a lot to be at that high of a level. CONGIUNTIVO/SUBJUNCTIVE Il presente che io faccia che noi facciamo che tu faccia che voi facciate che lui, lei, Lei faccia che loro, essi facciano Esempi: Prima che tu faccia i compiti, andiamo in piscina per una bella nuotata. - Before you do your homework, let’s go to the pool for a nice swim.Possono restare a condizione che facciano la spesa, non ci aiutano mai! - They can stay as long as they do the grocery shopping, they never help us! Il passato io abbia fatto noi abbiamo fatto tu abbia fatto voi abbiate fatto lui, lei, Lei abbia fatto loro, essi abbiano fatto Esempi: È possible che lui abbia gi fatto le valigie e preso l’aereo. - It’s possible that he already packed his bags and got on the plane.Non penso che lei abbia fatto i compiti. - I don’t think she’s done her homework. L’imperfetto io facessi noi facessimo tu facessi voi faceste lui, lei, Lei facesse loro, essi facessero Esempi: Benchà © facessi colazione, avevo ancora fame! - Even though I had already had breakfast, I was still hungry!Sembrava che lui facesse male. - It seemed like he was hurt. Il trapassato prossimo io avessi fatto noi avessimo fatto tu avessi fatto voi aveste fatto lui, lei, Lei avesse fatto loro, Loro avessero fatto Esempi: Non credevo lo avessi fatto tu! - I couldn’t have believed you had made it!Pensavo che avessero fatto la raccolta fondi il mese scorso. - I thought they had the fundraising last month. CONDIZIONALE/CONDITIONAL Il presente io farei noi faremmo tu faresti voi fareste lui, lei, Lei farebbe loro, Loro farebbero Esempi: Non farebbe mai un viaggio in Europa, ha paura di volare! - He would never take a trip to Europe, he’s scared to fly!Che cosa faresti se fossi in me? - What would you do if you were me? Il passato io avrei fatto noi avremmo fatto tu avresti fatto voi avreste fatto lui, lei, Lei avrebbe fatto loro, Loro avrebbero fatto Avrei fatto qualsiasi cosa per essere stato là ¬ con lei. - I would have done anything to have been there for her.Avremmo fatto i compiti se avessimo saputo che cercare un lavoro sarebbe stato cosà ¬ difficile. - We would have done our homework if we had known that finding work would be so difficult.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Joural 1 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Joural 1 - Research Paper Example Voice overs or lectures were used as the common mode of giving the motion pictures substance and for increasing theatrical effect for the audiences. Through the study of various journals and documentary evidence, Silent era cinema can be insightful into the evolution of cinema in America and the world. Eadweard Muybridge is touted as the pioneer of motion pictures when he introduced series photography, which is cited as a significant contribution to the development of motion pictures. The Lumiere brothers invented the Cinematographe, which was filming device for shooting, projecting and printing motion pictures (Musser 59). Thus, these two individuals are credited for being the true fathers of cinema. The first films were referred to as ‘actualities’ maybe because of their depiction of the real life events that portrayed a semblance of reality to their audience. The use of the Lumiere Brothers’ invention made it possible for films to be exhibited to large audiences and for commercial purposes (Wasko 64). This led to the establishment of film companies and notable among them was the Edison Film Company that existed from 1893 to 1906. Early films from the Edison Company include Exiting the Factory, Arrival of a Train at La Ciota and Baby’s Lunch. Early wer e shots of everyday life activities and experiences, which run for less a minute and no more than 3 minutes to audiences mostly on shop front exhibitions (Everson 69). The emergence of the acting business is attributed to Edison through his films like Blacksmithing Scene, Three American Beauties and The Gay Shoe Clerk. These films were acted people who purposely participated in the film making exercise to earn an income out of their ability to produce desired outcomes for their intended audience. Another significant aspect of the Silent era of cinema is that it was mainly based in New York unlike today’s film industry that is predominantly based in Hollywood, California
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Motivation in the Workplace Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Motivation in the Workplace - Research Paper Example According to Maslow’s theory on the five levels of employee’s needs, these would be physiological, safety, social, ego, and self-actualizing. In this theory, he put emphasis on the need to satisfy the lower level needs first before the higher levels to get utmost motivation at work (K., & of, y. t. (1987)). Thus, this goes to show that one needs to work on physiological needs first before one reaches self-actualization which is the highest motivational factor in the workplace. To be able to understand the theory more, let us apply this in a more practical term by getting to know what really is one’s goal for work. Practically, people work to earn money (Heathfield, M.(n.d.)). This is because of the fact that to be able to get motivated at work, one needs to see how work provides for their family and loved one’s such as food, home, leisure, and etc which are physiological needs that man need to be satisfied with. However, though this is one thing that easil y motivates one to go on each day working, making money as your center inspiration for work will not get you motivated for long especially when things go wrong at work or you feel like you are not getting the compensation that you deserve which is unavoidable in the work place. That is why, the key to getting a more powerful motivation at work is from something that you would not rely on anyone to give you, such as perhaps your passion and love for what you do or the self-fulfillment you get from doing what you do best at work. Thus, this goes to show that motivation in the workplace really begins with self, loving the career path you have chosen which is something that will give you every reason to go to work every day. However, there are other factors that would contribute to being motivated at work which will enable you to stay happy in your chosen job. Some of which are to feel belongingness with your peers at work and to have a great relationship with them which will make work seem a lot lighter, the opportunity of growth and learning, and leadership opportunities where you are able to set goals and have a team support it (Heathfield, M.(n.d.)). We all know that a part of man’s nature is to be able to feel belongingness to a group, have that certain kind of support system, and to be less of an island at work which will make more of an interesting routine. Indeed, aside from relying on self to get you motivated at work by choosing to do something that you love is to get motivation from your work environment and the people that surrounds you. Another side of the work towards getting utmost motivation on the so called job routine everyone is in would now rely on one’s boss or manager. This is because of the fact that one of the people in the workplace that really has an effect to every employee’s performance and attitude towards work is the boss (Employee motivation: Motivation in the workplace- theory and practice. (n.d.)). We all know that each boss would give you a distinct kind of relationship and training which would affect greatly on how you are at work. Thus, we get to know the reality of the need to have motivation programs in the workplace to help people work altogether for a certain goal where the best way to start for bosses to be able to do so is to understand human nature itself. How? Well, as human needs are a huge part of human nature, one
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Statement of Purpose Essay Example for Free
Statement of Purpose Essay The ensuring letter of motivation is meant to put forth my aspiration to pursue my career through Master’s in Mechanical Engineering at your esteemed university, as well as description of my plans subsequent to my graduation. In this ever changing world of Engineering and Technology, passing day makes them obsolete, I want to attain the highest level of education and transcend new scope for research in Mechanical Engineering. This has always fascinated me and I am keen to continue my academic pursuit in this field. Personally, I have always cherished a dream to become an Engineer, a dream that was innate and developed slowly over the years. Right from my school days, I found myself fascinated by the intricacies of mathematics and physics, which spurn their web of aura around me, a web that I sought to unravel in countless problems solving sessions I have always felt a strong need for achievement, which has been the motivating force behind whatever I have achieved in my academic career. I have received grades with magna cum laude both in my 10th and 12th grade. see more:sop for canada student visa Engineering, at this point of time, seemed as a natural extrapolation of my abilities and interests. With good grades I enrolled in the discipline of Mechanical engineering at â€Å"Shree Devi Institute of Technology (SDIT), Mangalore†. As an undergraduate student at â€Å"SDIT†, I have completed my course with discipline and hard work. I plan to apply the same determination that made me a balanced person in life in my future Engineering career. I have focused my time on education and am seeking the admission for Master’s in Mechanical Engineering in your Institution. My passion for CAD/CAM started from the First year of my Engineering itself when I got 121 out of 125, securing first position in class for, â€Å"Computer Aided Engineering Drawing (CAED)†. This and the â€Å"CADD Quest scholarship†motivated me to join at CADD CENTRE, Mangalore in 2011 where I completed my â€Å"Master diploma in product design and analysis†and got myself well acquainted with mechanical software’s namely AutoCAD, PRO/E, CATIAV5, PRIMEVERA and ANSYS. I have also completed AutoCAD – 2D from Manipal University (MICE). Even the vision of our Institute exclaimed â€Å"Engineers build Nation†. In this world where engineers are proliferating at an extremely high place, I felt that I had to achieve something different to stand in a good position in the competitive world pursuing this strongly in built motive, I did my last year thesis on â€Å"Design and Analysis of a Cargo Lift†. It was completed in collaboration with the CADD CENTRE. It is been done using Mechanical Design software’s, ‘CATIA V5’ for designing all parts of the cargo lift and ‘ANSYS’ for analysis in the different parts of the cargo lift. The project was based on the comparison between conventional design and the more effective design (Project Design). I have given some paper presentations during my graduation but ‘SNAKE ROBOTS-to the Rescue’ received due appreciation in which I explained the rescue mission in Japan during the tsunami, earthquake and Nuclear Shutdown where these rescue robots were utilized effectively to rescue people under such harsh circumstances. During my study at baccalaureate level I have nurtured a growing interest in CAE and Robotics due to its immense real life applications and wide scope of research. I want to expose myself to the outer limits of specialized knowledge of these fields. A thorough knowledge of computers is imperative for any engineer to be successful. I have taken computer courses in C-Language, C++. On the other end, Ergonomics surveying also proves that a lot of people suffer from ‘Technostress’, finding it difficult to cope with the ever improving technology, so I want to utilize my talent into preparing and designing something user friendly. Presently, India is not so advanced in Computational design and Engineering with very limited college’s providing platform for such mode of engineering, but it is improving and will have a wide scope in the near future. I have learned that German universities are a mark of excellence for Master’s programs throughout the world. Backed by my family members and to achieve my goals, I have considered to study ahead and have gained information about a lot of Universities which offer multiple Master’s programs in Germany through internet (daad. de). I have set up a top priority to attain admissions in one of the University’s and have also enrolled myself into German language course. The German universities have always pioneered the research in mechanical fields of interest. Being a prospective student for new challenging ideas, I believe that an opportunity for higher education in Germany would be a unique fortuity to test and prove my ability and also to enrich and broaden my keen with transition to a new setting. Finally, I would like to add here that my parents have always been a source of inspiration to me. They have set me personal examples and ideals for me follow. As a result of this, I believe that over the years, I have evolved into a person who can fit easily into a team and who appreciates the value of discussion and exchanges of ideas. I am largely self-regulated and am capable of independent work, given an opportunity. Moreover, my college years had a lot of ups and downs, being in a different state it was hard to adjust to life. Later, I started getting involved in various college activities and even made new friends. This eventually taught me to blend with people from different parts of India. I have participated in many events, inter-class as well as for inter-college. I was the captain of our college Football team. I was also part of our college Table-tennis and carom team. For me â€Å"fun is better than winning†, so it didn’t matter whether we won or lose, but it taught me about responsibilities, teamwork and group leading. We also had our own college group comprising of different talents that participated in other colleges, I used to be on the pencil-sketch, Rangoli( an art done on floor using powder color) and Treasure-hunting teams. I have attended technical fests like Sentia at MITE, Arodhya at NITTE. I with my friends had organized various events of our college for Inter- Collegiate Fest and Inter Class such as Treasure Hunt, Tech Quiz, and Football respectively. Lastly, I perceive that graduate study nurtures the seeds of learning sown during the course of undergraduate study. I work well under pressure and become engrossed in whatever subject I am pursuing. I would like to apply my skills as a Mechanical Engineering at your Institution. After having gone through the details of the research facilities available at German universities, I feel that they are very much catering to the fields of my interest and it is the right place to embark upon my academic career. Thank you for considering my application.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Human Child Growth and Development Essay -- essays research papers
From preschool into early elementary school, children have begun to develop their gross motor skills. They have developed a â€Å"mature pattern of walking†and are ready to test their physical abilities to the limits. Also fine motor skills have begun to develop, however more slowly. Along with motor skills children are developing their visual, tactile, and kinesthetic senses. A child’s sensory skills are helpful in learning language.      A child’s proper growth depends greatly on their nutrition and health. A healthy diet is essential to the developing child. Food should never be used to reward, punish, or bribe a child. Instead children should have three healthy meals with snacks in between. It is also important for children to have good self care behaviors (including bathing, washing hands, brushing teeth), and adequate sleep.      Rapid growth of the brain and nervous system continues during the early years of a child’s life, however because of birth defects or health problems some children may be at a risk of cognitive delays. Problems such as Autism, where children may have a difficult time with language skills and sensitivity to touch, behavioral problems, or chemical exposures can all affect a child’s cognitive development. For most children though with a proper diet and plenty of stimulation cognitive abilities will develop rapidly, and by about 7 years ones cognitive skills have become â€Å"functionally related to the elements of adult intelligence.†Psychologists a...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Strongest Man Upon the Earth Is He Who Stands Most Alone Critical Lens Essay
According to Henrik Ibsen, â€Å"The strongest man upon the earth is he who stands most alone. †In other words, what this quote means is that the strongest man is the most independent; individuals who do not need to rely on others to survive. Individuals who stand alone are the ones who realize the strength within themselves and become powerful characters. This quote is valid because individuals who like to take actions on their own and at their own pace become the most successful.Two works of literature that support the validity of this statement are The Catcher in the Rye, by J. D. Salinger and The Color of Water, by James McBride. The Color of Water, is a memoir, set in a variety of settings; from Suffolk, Virginia, to Wilmington, Delaware. It recounts the past lives of protagonists James and Ruth, and recalls the 1920s all throughout the 1990s. One of the protagonists, Ruth McBride, is characterized as an admirable and extraordinary woman and shows signs of independence t hroughout her lifetime.She managed to overcome the painful memories of her adolescent years; ranging from her father’s indecent behavior and mistreatment, to having an abortion at such a young age. She followed her heart and left behind her family and friends in search of a new life; away from the life that was so cruel to her. She showed signs of independence even â€Å"when the going got tough. †For example, after her first husband had passed away, she did not crumble under the pressure that she was facing.Instead, she married again and raised her children to be successful and educated, even during such harsh conditions. Also, Ruth was not afraid of public opinion when she had married an African- American man. This marriage caused her family to condemn her and shows that those who do not rely on others become stronger and more powerful individuals. The Catcher in the Rye, is set in New York City during the 1940s. The protagonist, Holden Caulfield, is characterized a s an individual who has been independent for a great part of his life.From an early age, his parents have been too â€Å"occupied†to spend time with Holden and they did not show much interest in their children. For example, he was shipped to school and when he would get expelled; his parents paid no mind and sent him to another school. He lived away from his family for a great part of his life and because of being independent at such an early age; he later on endeared a mental breakdown and ended up in an asylum.However, being independent made Holden realize that he has a problem and that if he would not have gone to the asylum and seeked help from professions, then he would not have been able to become a stronger and more successful individual. Ultimately, The Catcher in the Rye, by J. D. Salinger, and The Color of Water, by James McBride, both support the validity of the quote, â€Å"The strongest man upon the earth is he who stands most alone, said by author Henrik Ibsen . As life goes on, individuals will learn and realize that isolating yourself will not get you anywhere in life; it will only hurt you.You can be in control of your own destiny and you will gain perspective on your life. Both protagonists, Holden Caulfield and Ruth McBride, teach us that to ensure a prominent future, you need to overcome obstacles in all situations. This will better you as a person and will offer you a sense of what happens in the real world. Being independent allows you to see the world from a different perspective and no matter what life throws at you; you can get up from the ground, start again, and begin leading your life to a successful future.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Over Population in the Philippines Essay
1.Introduction 1.1Purpose of the study: to discuss and cite ways on how to prevent overpopulation in the Philippines. 1.2Significance of the study: to make people realize how alarming is overpopulation. 2.Meaning of Overpopulation 3.Overpopulation facts 3.1Causes of Overpopulation 3.2Effects of Overpopulation 3.3Solutions to Overpopulation 4.Manila: A megacity where the living must share with the dead ( Jenny Kleeman’s Article ) 5.Conclusion 1.Introduction The purpose of the study is to discuss about overpopulation in our country. Using library research and internet. I will elaborate the causes and effects, as well as the possible solutions to this social phenomenon. I will also include in my studies about the article of Jenny Kleeman, his point of view on Manila. A presentation such as this is important for us to realize that our country being overpopulated is alarming. I believe that behind this studies, I can help about this problem that not only the Philippines are facing, but also the world. 2.Meaning of Overpopulation The term â€Å"Overpopulation†is the condition where the number of organisms exceeds the carrying capacity of their habitat. It has impacted the life of common man and has proved to be one of the gravest difficulties that have to be fought. It implies scarcity of resources and economic inflation; these are the monsters which can make life miserable. (The Threat of Overpopulation (Earth Issues) pp. 177-179) Defined by those books that I’ve read, truly Overpopulation is a serious problem. As I search for more meanings about it, this come out: Overpopulation is the condition of having a population so dense as to cause environmental deterioration, an impaired quality life, or a population crash. It is A situation which occurs when the number of occupants of an area exceeds the ability of that area to provide for those.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Attila the Hun Timeline and History
Attila the Hun Timeline and History This timeline shows the significant events in the history of the Huns, with emphasis on the reign of Attila the Hun, in a simple one-page format. For a more-detailed recounting, please see the in-depth timeline of Attila and the Huns. The Huns Before Attila 220-200 B.C. - Hunnic tribes raid China, inspire the building of the Great Wall of China 209 B.C. - Modun Shanyu unites the Huns (called Xiongnu by Chinese-speakers) in Central Asia 176 B.C. - Xiongnu attack the Tocharians in western China 140 B.C. - Han Dynasty Emperor Wu-ti attacks the Xiongnu 121 B.C. - Xiongnu defeated by Chinese; split into Eastern and Western groups 50 B.C. - Western Huns move west to the Volga River 350 A.D. - Huns appear in Eastern Europe The Huns under Attila's Uncle Rua c. 406 A.D. - Attila born to father Mundzuk and unknown mother 425 - Roman general Aetius hires Huns as mercenaries late 420s - Rua, Attilas uncle, seizes power and eliminates other kings 430 - Rua signs the peace treaty with Eastern Roman Empire, gets a tribute of 350 pounds of gold 433 - Western Roman Empire gives Pannonia (western Hungary) to the Huns as payment for military aid 433 - Aetius takes de facto power over Western Roman Empire 434 - Rua dies; Attila and older brother Bleda take Hunnic throne The Huns under Bleda and Attila 435 - Aetius hires the Huns to fight against the Vandals and Franks 435 - Treaty of Margus; Eastern Roman tribute increased from 350 to 700 pounds of gold c. 435-438 - Huns attack Sassanid Persia, but are defeated in Armenia 436 - Aetius and the Huns destroy the Burgundians 438 - First Eastern Roman embassy to Attila and Bleda 439 - Huns join the Western Roman army in a siege of the Goths at Toulouse Winter 440/441 - Huns sack a fortified Eastern Roman market town 441 - Constantinople sends its military forces to Sicily, en route to Carthage 441 - Huns besiege and capture the Eastern Roman cities of Viminacium and Naissus 442 - Eastern Roman tribute increased from 700 to 1400 pounds of gold September 12, 443 - Constantinople orders military readiness and vigilance against Huns 444 - Eastern Roman Empire stops paying tribute to Huns 445 - Death of Bleda; Attila becomes sole king Attila, King of the Huns 446 - Huns demand for tribute and fugitives denied by Constantinople 446 - Huns capture Roman forts at Ratiaria and Marcianople January 27, 447 - Major earthquake hits Constantinople; frantic repairs as Huns approach Spring 447 - Eastern Roman army defeated at Chersonesus, Greece 447 - Attila controls all of the Balkans, from the Black Sea to the Dardanelles 447 - Eastern Romans give 6,000 pounds of gold in back-tribute, yearly cost increased to 2,100 pounds of gold, and fugitive Huns handed over for impaling 449 - Maximinus and Priscus embassy to the Huns; attempted assassination of Attila 450 - Marcian becomes Emperor of Eastern Romans, ends payments to Huns 450 - Roman princess Honoria sends ring to Attila 451 - Huns overrun Germany and France; defeated at Battle of Catalaunian Fields 451-452 - Famine in Italy 452 - Attila leads an army of 100,000 into Italy, sacks Padua, Milan, etc. 453 - Attila suddenly dies on wedding night The Huns After Attila 453 - Three of Attilas sons divide the empire 454 - The Huns are driven from Pannonia by the Goths 469 - Hunnic king Dengizik (Attilas second son) dies; Huns disappear from history
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Crowdfunding †Whether You Need the Money or Not
Crowdfunding – Whether You Need the Money or Not FundsforWriters is all about helping you earn enough money, whether its finding jobs, publishing or freelancing. Crowdfunding is off and running, and its Like with grants, many writers I know do not want to bother with crowdfunding. Its another learning curve, they dont like asking for money, theyd have to pay taxes on the money, you name it. But the one that doesnt make sense is I dont need the money, so I shouldnt ask for it. Crowdfunding has turned into more than the needy asking for funds. Crowdfunding is a strategic method of finding supporters. When you proudly and passionately promote your project, then offer rewards for people to jump on board your train, you are campaigning for all of you to propel a project into fruition. It isnt a poor person asking for a handout. Its the group of you making something exciting happen! Look at the successful BIG projects on crowdfunding. Watches, movies, all sort of inventions. Publishers even post their next book project. i Just saw a nonprofit press post about their next poets chapbook, asking for support. What they are doing is not only financial, but also promotional. Its getting the news out ahead of time, and the blog updates within the crowdfunding page keeps the supporters updated as to progress. It becomes a community effort instead of an author, a publisher, and a reader. Hello Ru 1000 Days of Spring is a memoir that asked for $6,400 and gained $12,790. www.indiegogo.com/projects/1000-days-of-spring With each dollar comes a reader or two! See crowdfunding as a tool in your promo toolbox, not just a place to find money. Not only will you gain readers, but successful campaigns are trolled
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Miller Lites white label and increased sales Essay
Miller Lites white label and increased sales - Essay Example I support the company’s decision to change its packaging because it helped to boost sales. When the company decided to change to its original white packaging, it never expected that the brand will witness increased sales in the US. The decision to change the packaging has helped to boost the sales of the products. It, therefore, implies that the new packaging was the much-required effort that could help the brand. Miller Lite’s white cans enabled it to stand out from the rest of products on the shelves hence customers went for the brand. It may be dangerous to change the packaging to a completely different color since customers may not identify it hence reduced sales. Redesigning a product packaging can be disastrous as the case of Tropicana in 2009 where its restructuring resulted in a drop in sales of 20% and loss of millions of dollars (MacDonald 6). The decision by the company to rebrand Miller Lite can be placed under the product line extension. Line Extensions happens when a company decides to introduce additional items in the same brand name such as packaging (Chandrasekar 12). The company’s decision to change packaging only affected Miller Lite’s brand and may not affect other products produced by the company. The company did not also change the taste or color of the drink but only change the outer look. The new packaging helped to boost the sales of the brand although the company did not anticipate the increased sales. Line extension aims at helping a brand to register increased sales.
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