Thursday, October 31, 2019
Computer Sciences and Information Technology Essay - 3
Computer Sciences and Information Technology - Essay Example From the discussion it is clear that the growth in the use of the Internet has resulted in the use of more multimedia components, which require greater network bandwidth and consequently new network considerations. Audio and video as multimedia components require large bandwidth for transmission, and therefore pose a very real threat to overloading the connections and hampering other transmissions in the process. The quagmire has led to the development of a technique to prevent the risk of network collapse through overload. TCP is presently the most popular end-to-end congestion control mechanism in use. From TCP transmission properties emerged TCP friendly transmission, a connection standard that ensures the integrity and reliability of the network amidst heavy usage for multimedia streaming transmissions. TCP is the most common congestion control mechanism over the Internet.As the essay highlights most of the Internet traffic is TCP based, consequently, the need for congestion c ontrol protocols to be TCP friendly is indisputable. Therefore, the rate at which non-TCP flows send data should be as close as possible to the TCP rates, otherwise called TCP friendly. In summary, TCP friendly flow of streaming media is one that makes similar utilization of the network resources as a standard non-conforming TCP under similar circumstances. Real-time multimedia applications streaming over the internet usually require special network circumstances to avoid congestion, as they may consume large amounts of bandwidth and cause packet drops. (Wang, Long, Cheng and Zhang, 2000). TCP friendly flows offer a means of congestion control, allowing applications to make better use of the network, and prevent the uneventful network malfunction that results in the crippling congestive collapse in computer networks. Usually, UDP traffic, mainly for the transmission of stored streaming audio over the Internet, consumes higher than normal bandwidth, which poses a risk to other networ k connections (Wang et al, 2000). As such, UDP connections result in congestion in the networks, and unfairly interference with initially responsive TCP connections due to the greater load on the network resources. Consequently, UDP, a non-TCP protocol needs to adaptation to bandwidth control mechanisms to make it TCP-friendly, and therefore make similar use of network resources as the more regular TCP connections. There exist a number of congestive friendly mechanisms. For instance, end-to-end TCP friendly congestion control mechanism reduces the load on the network when packet drops occur (Wang et al, 2000). The end-to-end congestion control is useful for both responsive and unresponsive network flows. However, end-to-end TCP friendly congestion control can only detect congestion through delays and loss in data packets, which means that their reaction is usually too late. Alternatives that are more efficient include hop-by-hop congestion control, which are better at avoiding conge stion before it occurs (Wang et al, 200
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Manet's Race Course at Longchamp and Origin of Modernis Essay
Manet's Race Course at Longchamp and Origin of Modernis - Essay Example The painting captures that â€Å"specific†point in time of racing, when jockeys are galloping toward each other, as they romp toward the finish line (Modernism 109). It can be seen from the painting that two jockeys are closely contending for the first place spot, though the rest can easily catch up. The rising dust cloud stresses the muscular strength and speed of the horses that these jockeys are controlling. The speed and power of animals are nothing, if they cannot be harnessed to make that big win. The audience is a blur, but it remains evident how men and women, with women donning their usual dresses and using their umbrellas, are energetically focused on the race. It is interesting how nineteenth-century women are enjoying this â€Å"manly†sport, with its dirtiness and physical action. They oppose the gender stereotype of women, who prefer dances and parties to sports events. In this painting, women also seem to potentially cherish betting and the adrenalin rus h of watching a horse race as it concludes. Like this audience, Manet wants his art viewers to also feel the intense action and excitement of the race at this point in time. He wants them to feel what it is like to hold their breaths, as they wait for that winning horse. Like the audience in the actual race, there is a distinct feeling of never being quite sure who the winner will be. Hence, this painting effectively captures the emotions and senses of that specific point of race time, when excitement and uncertainty are at their highest points. Furthermore, the â€Å"Race Course at Longchamp†is a modernist painting, because it tackles a unique subject matter. While other paintings focus on portraits, spiritual or Catholic images and events, still life, and other important, mostly official or royal, personalities and events, Manet chooses to paint about a common sports event in the â€Å"Race Course at Longchamp.†This sports event may be a highlight to some upper-cla ss people who enjoy them too, but horse racing is generally viewed as a â€Å"commoner's sport.†The subject here is not the usual subject matter of other artists, and instead, the â€Å"Race Course at Longchamp†explores a specific event that common people enjoy. In addition, the painting zooms into that specific time, when the race is at its hottest, and where the reactions of the audience and the weather are also depicted. As mentioned, the painting evokes a sense of excitement and intensity. The reactions of the audience are also crucial to the modernist painting, because it defines the wholeness of the event. It would not be enough to focus on the jockeys and the horses alone; it will also be crucial to view how the people are reacting to the horse race as it nears its end. In addition, the cloudiness of the weather reinforces the dustiness of the game. Together, they create a sort of gloomy uncertainty on the potential result of the race. The game can change any time and this uncertainty heightens even more for those bettors. They all want to win, but they are also aware that only one horse will win the race. A modernist painting also focuses on the colors and lighting of the subject matter to assert its â€Å"wholeness.â€
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Company Analysis Of Huawei Commerce Essay
Company Analysis Of Huawei Commerce Essay The subject that I am profiling about is Huawei Company. The company has been around for 22 years. Huawei started out as a company that provides other telecom company devices and spaces to rent to start their business. Slowly in Huawei had its own Huawei is a telecommunication company. By analysing the company, helps people to better understand the growth of the company .It provides network convergence and advanced devices to network providers. Over a short period of time, Huawei is one of the worlds renowned telecommunication companies. The objective To do a SWOT analysis on the company. To better understand Huaweis competitors and partnership with different company. Company goal Background Information Huawei origins from China in 1988 and founded by Ren Zhengfei. Ren Zhengfei is a graduate from Chongqing University of Civil Engineering and Achitecture . He worked as a PLA (Peoples Liberation Army) in research of new technologies. He has been known for the most advanced technologies researched. After Ren was entrenched from the army, due to a reduction by the army, he moved to Shenzen and was employed as an electronic reseller. By 1988 is then when he opened his own company. Then is when Huawei was formed. Scope There were ample of challenges i had to face to complete my research and analysis. As Huawei is one of the most renowned companies, i only could use resources likely from the internet, such as articles, reviews and also from my experience of using Huaweis convergence as well. There are limited resources of whereabouts of huawei to find, hence i tried my best to complete my PP scope to the best of my research. I hope my PP scope is sufficient in giving a brief and understanding to all of how and why Huawei is one of the world renowned telecommunication company. Summary Creating partnership with other company helps a company to be widely known in the industry. By having other organisation or company to be involved in the same activity, it creates a better reputation for the company. For example, Huawei has maintained several partnerships with few international companies that are world widely known. Such companies are, IT company (Hewlett Packard), Microsoft, telecommunication company (Motorola). This company are familiar to us, by creating partnership with international company helps Huawei to gain reputation and trust by people. Huawei cooperates with International Business Machine (IBM); the worlds few top company. This helps Huawei improved productivity rate and enhance devices such as software and hardware. Besides that, this also helps increase Huawei status in the telecommunication world. Huawei has a wide range of devices, up to date and reliable, this helps Huawei find more operators and telecom companies to cooperate with them. The latest device was the 4T4R operator convergence. It helps operator handle multi task at once, giving them much more convergence and thus handling situation efficiently. This new device launched in 2009, enable Huawei to be a better telecom provider to the global standings. Huawei also provides a better solution in any coverage problems, allowing customers to have a smooth interface between any changes of network convergence. In order to help troubleshoot and find solutions to network difficulties, Huawei researched on a solution and came up with a device called Backhaul OAM, this helps provide better solution in troubleshooting any problems found interfaced in the network of a particular IP. As more viruses are found in any transferred applications or uploads, devices also helps in reducing risks found such as viruses and software operations. Competitors : Huawei main competitors is Cisco. Cisco (another telecoms company) has been Huaweis competitor for quite a period of time. Cisco has made lots of complaint lodged against Huawei for trying to steal information and concepts of Cisco. This complain or court matter is being provided with an evidence of an CCTV camera which one of Huaweis employee is SWOT analysis Strength : Firstly, the feature that Huawei has that helps them to achieve their goal is by getting supply and technology from highly rated corporate companies. Therefore, this helps Huawei to obtain higher qualification and status. Secondly, the strength of Huawei is, they are able to get higher quality and up-to-date software and hardware to meet the consumer expectation. Having higher quality will improve the devices. As a consumer, personally, i preferred the up-to-date devices so that i able to progress with my work efficiently. For example, having the latest modem that increase the speed of my internet connection. Thirdly, Huawei management gives pressure to the employees. Giving pressure to the employees is strength to a company especially for company that has a large group of worker. Giving pressure able to maintain self-discipline and also self-motivation to help sustain the company reputation. For example, having mentor programs that help to guide new employees. New employees will feel that they are being observed by the mentor. Therefore, to continue working in the company they have to develop self-discipline and self-motivation. These give a standard procedure in the company so that new employees know what is expected of them. As a result, new employees are able to progress efficiently. Huawei Company in Bangladesh has shown massive improvement in developing its companys status and progression. With given pressure to employees, employees are able to work within target given. Although they started out small and weak, they persevere to attain the best and giving the best. They have positive attitude that strive them to achieve their goal. First they studied a good point of what a good human resource (HR) must have, and slowly studied and develop an HR of their own. Now complete with training and progression board. With this enthusiasm and spirit from employees, Huawei can achieve goals to great lengths with employees with dedication and perseverance like this worker from Huawei Bangladesh. Besides having positive attitude, Huawei Company in Bangladesh creates work culture. Work culture is an important tool so that the employees look forward to work. Examples of work culture is having salary on time and having classes for employees to upgrade their skills. Weaknesses : Huawei weaknesses have to fail to organise the structure of the company. Leading to having too many new employees which leads to high labour cost. For example, in a logistic department, the department able to progress with 50 employee. However, having more than the required number of employees will result in failure in the organisation structure. : Another weakness of Huawei Company is having more employee which results in new division or department to be formed. These cause disadvantages to the company as it affect the company progress. For example, employees produce slow rate of sales activity. Threat : Rumours are one of the threats that will affect the company reputation. Examples of rumours are scams, false information by ministers that foreign technology has the ability to stop network and possess security threat.For example, an article in India, officials and ministers are protesting of Huaweis development in India. The reason to the slight conflict and misunderstanding is the fear of more foreign workers or domination of Chinese employees then Indian employee. : Beside the rumours, another threat occurs between 1973 to 2005. There is ample percentage of Carbon Emission which then leads to global warming. This poses threat to Telecommunication Company. Huawei participated in a go green campaign since global warming effects due to networks have been releasing too much carbon emission. They came up with a few strategies such as geothermal cooling system, to reduce Carbon Emission, and help to keep an up use of network as well. Without such strategies, network accessibility wont be as to what we are using now e.g. network will be banned as they would cause global warming effects, as every network company has to stop its functions. It also allows consumers to use a global warming free connections which also allows customers and operators to have a high percentage of energy saving and network consumption as well .By participating in this campaign also it allows Huawei to be recognised as an Green telecommunication company, hence giving them an opportunity to attract more providers and customers. Opportunity : Huawei cooperates with few provider companies to get more profits and customers. Huawei aim is to commerce the use of WiMAX(Worldwide Microwave access of connection). This enables global access to internet connectivity and by using other operators company to further wide its WiMAX introduction. By doing this Huawei is able to get profits which will also help sustain its labour cost and other production costs as in manufacturing devices and development of devices. When this is achieved, Huawei is also able to increase productivity rate and employee recruitment, thus bringing Huaweis status to a new and higher level. Cross SWOT analysis Strength VS Opportunity With better resources and technology, Huawei will be able to support its growth and labour cost as they have a better chance in creating high- tech devices. With better convergence, the more corporate will want to merge and create more opportunity. Therefore, this strength of having a better resource able to support the opportunity of having more profits and customer. Strength VS Threat Although Huawei has good quality resources from highly renowned corporate, they still face threats such as, global warming. This is led by the carbon emission released by devices around the world. To have a greater technology, means more effects may take place. Example, greater volume of carbon emission released by high tech devices. Huawei could improve this situation by reducing pollutants caused by devices. Given, suppliers are better and top listed, rumours can easily be denied. Such as the accuse of India minister, saying that the foreign devices are infection and unreliable. Weaknesses VS Opportunity (Will the company weakness cause it to lose the opportunities? The company weaknesses able to affect the opportunities that the company are able to gain. Having failed to organise the structure, might loosen their chance of getting opportunity to improve the company reputation and getting more profits. Too many employees might slow down the progress of the work. If the company structure fail to be organise efficiently, it will lead to lose of potential employees than unpotential and inexperienced employees. When this happens, suppliers and cooperating corporate will lose faith and trust to Huawei and will then lead to the downfall of the company. Weaknesses VS Threat Having too many workers and also inexperienced workers will invite countless problems to any company which has these traits. In order for Huawei to solve threats such as high carbon emission, downfall of company, lack of resources and resignation of potential workers, they must first overcome their weakness, which is to efficient their HR and have only sufficient employees to reduce labour cost. Without the right concept, research on reducing Carbon Emission in the polluted air will lead to nothing. If Huawei has their potential and experienced employees resigned, all the inexperienced employers will not be able to handle problems sufficiently, with no support, and they will eventually make a mess of the situation. With the Carbon Emission around, though reduced, it will rise up again and eventually polluting our earth, only if Huawei is not able to maintain such research and advanced suppliers chain. And without a formed group of employees, the company will not stand a chance to sta bilise and improve their growth. Survey Questions and Response Diagram 1. Are you aware of the Huawei Company? Â a) Yes b) No 2. If yes, where did you hear about the company? 3. Did you tend to trust company that has partnership with international companies more compared to company that has partnership with non international companies? Â a) Yes b) No 4. Have you bought any of Huawei product? Â a) Yes b) No 5. Are you aware of Huawei partnership with other telecommunication company? a) Yes b) No If yes, which company? Conclusion I learned valuable information and lessons of the many obstacle to overcome in order to achieve and be successful. I had done my best to complete my objectives of which is to analysis and to give others a better understanding of Huawei existence and the service they give. I had the S.W.O.T analysed and to get readers an easy understanding to their valuable points which had its own solutions. Giving that Huawei is a telecommunication company, they are not able to share their such information of the company to just to anyone. The reason which i could depict is because of the rivalry and other corporate that might be digging up information on their technologies and recent development. Given such status of secrecy, i am only able to have limited information and resources for my research. From my opinion, by subscribing Huaweis convergence, we could all help participate and help activist in reducing the effect of global warming.By doing so, we are giving ourselves and the earth to have the chance to heal, hence giving us a good place to be living in. Huawei could better expand its existence to public by having promotions on its products, good beneficial and cooperation By doing soo, many of those who are concerned with the Global warming effect, would prefer Huawei and Trust its service. Since more telecoms provider is taking Huawei as its convergence provider, Global Warming would have one less participants to its pact, the Carbon Emissions.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Production History of Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot Essay
Production History of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot      Samuel Beckett was forty-two years old and living in post-war Paris when he wrote Waiting for Godot as an exercise to help rid himself of the writer's block which was hindering his work in fiction. Once he started, he became increasingly absorbed in the play, and scribbled it almost without hesitation into a soft-cover notebook in a creative burst that lasted from October 9, 1948, until he completed the typed manuscript on January 29, 1949. After some revision, he offered the script to several producers, but it was refused. Although Beckett himself gave up hope with the script, his wife was more persistent, and, acting as his agent, she continued to approach producers. Finally, she met with actor/producer/director Roger Blin, who had produced a string of four under-funded and under-attended productions of Synge and Strindberg. Blin was immediately delighted with the piece. Unfortunately, money to produce the play was difficult to come by. Years passed betwee n the writing and the actual production of the work. In the meanwhile, while Blin continued to search for backers, he worked with Beckett to flesh out the play in choosing costuming (Beckett had only envisioned the bowler hats), style, and movement. Blin never asked Beckett to analyze the play, noting that "The play struck me as so rich and unique in its nudity that it seemed to me improper to question the author about its meaning." Instead, Blin worked almost instinctively through the three years of sporadic rehearsals. Casting was difficult; even though he was quite certain of his choices, contracts were only drawn up a few weeks before opening. Of necessity he ended up playing the part ... ...ted in Esslin 2-3)  Although it took much of the world a little longer than these inmates to recognize the value of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot, there is no doubt that it is now considered a classic. It has been translated into numerous languages, and according to Bair, into more editions than Beckett could recall, far more than all his other plays combined. Waiting for Godot is the play that will continue building his reputation for many years to come. Sources Cited Bair, Deirdre. "Samuel Beckett," in British Dramatists Since World War II . Ed. Stanley Weintraub. Detroit: Bruccoli Clark, 1982, pp. 52-70. Cohn, Ruby. "Growing (Up?) with Godot," in Beckett at 80/Beckett in Context . Ed. Enoch Brater. New York: Oxford, 1986, pp. 13-24. Esslin, Martin. The Theatre of the Absurd . Rev. ed. Garden City: Anchor, 1969.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
LAND by Masanobu Hiraoka
Monsanto Hiram animation video mostly because of how much I enjoyed watching it. The first time I viewed it I could not concentrate on the important graphical elements or how well the animation was done; The first thing did, was enjoy the mixture of the amazing colors moving and transforming Into shapes on my screen with the perfect sound going along with these moving colors. The many more times after that I watched it I kept getting impressed on how well everything is made and this is what I will discuss in this essay.Monsanto Hiram Is both an Illustrator and animator born in Kyoto, Japan. He created his first animation projects during graduation year at his university. His videos have a great Influence on Japanese culture and artists like Tattoo-u Amounts and Daisies Garish. He doesn't work for any studio but does a lot of commercial work besides his artistic projects, which he creates for fun. The artistic style of â€Å"Land†(released September 2013) Is very similar to hi s past projects but Its easy to observe how his recent millions have improved a lot.I think the concept of this video was just to create a wonderful imaginary world were a boy can walk through it and mess around with the metamorphosis of different objects. Primary and secondary imagery and effects make this composition very complex, uncluttered and Interesting. Its obvious where the artists wants us to look, he leads our eye to the most important subject the whole time but, everything around it never stops moving. This method keeps the imagery from looking flat because not much depth and dimension is used in the animation.The mood of this piece Is generated from three principal elements: the music, the colors and the shapes. Shapes start flat and are being transformed the whole time, they are even converted into geometrical objects that look as if they had a third dimension. The colors change through out the video but never go out of a specific color palette. The colors vary from pa stel blue, green. Pink, white, yellow, etc. This makes the animation feel natural and not aggressive as If It were to use Blvd reds.Colors are amazingly coordinated with the music. Most of the time it makes you feel relaxed and happy, there are no dark and sad shades of color and the tone of the music never changes drastically to keep you in the same mood. The music was created by a Spanish girl named Lamar Molder and makes you want the video never to end. I noticed that the video also utilizes some of the animation principles. Here I will discuss a few of them: Squash and stretch – we can appreciate this principle since the first seconds of the film.Forms are being squashed and stretched and give the ewer a sense of Hewlett and flexibility which make It more appealing to the eye. Anticipation There is not much anticipation except when there are repetitive patterns, but mainly, the artist prepares its audience to be ready for anything unexpected to happen. Staging – Hi ram uses staging through out the whole animation. He makes you look at forms by making them move, isolate, pop, change 1 OFF through – This principle is shown by objects that keep on moving until they are out of frame or transformed into other visual objects (metamorphosis).Slow in and out – Every single wave of color has a smooth way of appearing and disappearing. Arcs – objects move sometimes following the laws of physics and sometimes not, but in general the animation has a continuous arc movement that makes the objects look realistic by how they move. Secondary action – Even though we are following a main subject the whole time, objects around it never stop moving. Personally, what I most found impacting about Hooray's work in â€Å"land†was that I did not need a message or complete story structure to get hooked.After watching a few seconds I was expecting anything to happen. The planning for this must have been really difficult and for a long time. Every element in the frame matches with the next one that is coming in and with the one that Just left. If I could think of any recommendation to make the piece better, it would be to play around a little bit more with depth and different dimensions to give the moving objects more distance from one another so the frame does not get crowded at any time.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Lesson Plan – Pop Art
LESSON PLAN for 8F: Pop Art – Roy Lichtenstein P4&5| CLASS: 8F| DATE: 07/06/12| LEARNING OBJECTIVE/S: * To create a piece of pop art in the style of Roy Lichtenstein. * To be able to understand what pop art is and recall information about Roy Lichtenstein. * To be able to make positive comments on your own and others work to boost confidence and self-esteem. EXTENSION TASK: Begin to create your own piece of Pop Art representing something you enjoy or a person you idolise.Success Criteria: * Students will be able to show a basic attempt at producing a piece of work with some similarity to the original (Level 4) * Students will be able to show a satisfactory attempt at the task with good similarity to the original and appropriate choice of colour and technique (Level 5) * Students will show a strong attempt at the task with strong similarity and technique. A personal touch may be applied to the end product to improve it’s appearance. Level 6)| RESOURCES REQUIRED * PowerPo int on Roy Lichtenstein and his Pop Art (True or false quiz for starter) * White boards, pens, board rubbers * Working SmartBoard and remote * 3 sets of colour images of Roy Lichtenstein’s work for reference * Pre-outlined images on cartridge paper plus photocopies for other students. * Plain cartridge paper * Pencils, felt tips, rubbers, scissors (+2 left handed pairs for AB and JC) * Coloured paper| LESSON OUTLINE:| Structure| Groupings| Activities|Starter(10 – 15 mins)Introduction(5 mins)Main(first part)2nd partBreak(2 period lesson)1st part(5 mins)MainPlenary (20 mins at end of lesson)| Whole ClassWhole ClassIndividual workWhole ClassWhole classIndividual workingWhole class| True or false fact quiz on Roy Lichtenstein and Pop Art. Ask students to write their answer on their whiteboard and hold up in the air when prompted to compare with each other. Ask students to recall a fact for a merit. When starter completed ask LSA to collect equipment to avoid distraction du ring explanation of main task.Put pictures of Roy Lichtenstein’s work up on the board and ask students to tell me what is different about these pieces (composed of dots and lines). What do they like about them? What don’t they like? Discuss as a group. Show students example piece (created by me) to show what their end product may look like. Explain equipment used and techniques, varying ways to approach and variants in colour. Refer back to work on Andy Warhol and how the use of colour is reflective in the overall product. Offer outlines to students but discuss how to approach completing task from scratch also.Remind students to refer to colour copies for inspiration Answer any questions, begin task. Circulate the room, ask LSA to do this also so that any questions can be answered. Focus on SB and AB to ensure they are feeling confident and are aware of what they need to do. Monitor approaches and understanding by allowing students to discuss ideas. Line all students u p and allow time for quick toilet break Ask students if they have any questions regarding the task and remind them to ask if they need anything.Continue to circulate, spending extra time with SB and AB to ensure focus. Check on BE, CA and SS to make sure they are remaining focussed on the task. If any students are near completion, explain extension task. Bring focus back to front of the class by asking students to come up in twos and place their art work on the board in an exhibition for reviewing. Once all pieces up, ask the class to walk around and decide one thing they like about someone else’s work on the board. Once seated, ask each student to share their compliment with the rest of the class.Ask students if they can recall a fact from our earlier PowerPoint and finish by asking for a thumbs up/middle/down approach to the task they completed today. | ASSESSMENT/DIFFERENTIATION:Where does diff. occur? What learning, and whom, will be assessed? Differentiation will take pl ace in a number of ways throughout the lesson: * Teacher and TA interaction with pupils – helping those who are finding the work difficult, asking extension questions to more able pupils. * Teacher to take in to account some short term memory issues within the group and allow time to recall facts with hints where needed. Pre-drawn outlines for all students to access if they feel unable to complete a piece from scratch which several members will. Assessment will take place informally with the teacher noting how well the students can complete the task, and more formally through peer and self assessment. | Strategies to ensure effective learning takes place: * Ensure all students are aware of and understand the task in hand by asking the class on a whole and then walking around the room (LSA also) once the task is set to answer any questions one on one. Make sure students have correct equipment available for the task. * Refer back to the facts learned at the beginning of the les son by offering merits as reward for recollection of facts. * Allow time at the end of the lesson to see how students felt overall about the task. * Tackle any behavioural issues if they occur without disruption to the rest of the class. * Discuss the new technique with students and how they are finding it. |
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Social Media Negative and Positive Impacts
Social Media Negative and Positive Impacts It is evident that social media has negative and positive impacts on the lives of many people. MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and other social media networks have brought changes to the communication industry. This can be attributed to advanced technology and innovation. Equally, many people are conducting research with an aim of contributing to social media. In my opinion, social media is part of the human life in the 21st century.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Social Media: Negative and Positive Impacts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In fact, it has reached a point where people cannot do without social media. However, social media has two contradicting perspectives. One of the perspectives views social media as an aspect that has made life easy as compared to the last century. On the other hand, some people view social media as an aspect that has made more harm than good to society. Thus, this paper seeks to bring out the two aspects in a clear manner. Social media has enabled people to get connected regardless of the distance between them. For instance, social media has facilitated communication between people in different continents. It has been determined to be the best and cheapest way of communication. Unlike the use of cellphones, there is an opportunity for video conferencing. Research shows that the only cost incurred encompasses internet services. Once a person is connected to a reliable internet service provider, they can communicate with their friends, peers, family members and other people in any part of the world. Social media has enabled many people to get connected in many parts of the world. Equally, remarkable business operations have been accomplished through social media. In the same way, social media has enabled people that had lost contact to reunite. Besides, people need not travel because they can use video conferencing to communicate via social media. Thus, travel cost s and the burden associated with traveling have been eliminated by the use of social media. Equally, social media is used in marketing and advertising activities. This presents customers and consumers an opportunity to make a choice of products that they need. Additionally, social media has seen to it that there is proper dissemination of information of consumer products. Thus, it has seen the proliferation of business activities across the globe.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On the other hand, some people view social media as a bad thing. In fact, some people have associated social media with negative aspects. For instance, they claim that social media makes people lazy. Before social media was invented, people travelled so that they would meet with other people. In most cases, people would walk to the place where they agreed to meet. Equally, after meeting, some people would decide to take a walk. This made them active and made their bodies healthy. However, the introduction of social media brought about many changes. People became lazy because they would communicate at the comfort of their beds and couches. Further, this made them have poor health. In fact, most users of social media do not travel or even go for walks. Hence, the body does not burn the extra calories resulting in excess weight gain and the associated medical conditions. Also, some schools of thoughts say that social media has isolated people rather than connecting them. In my opinion, this is true. For instance, people do not physically meet with their relatives, neighbors, friends, and even peers. Social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Skype detach people instead of connecting them. People spend most of their time chatting over the social media at the expense of physical meeting. This underpins isolation and personal contact is lost. There are other time s that people misunderstand each other. Research shows that some of them find solace in the use of social media. People whose relationships are not working tend to run to the social media for help. Social media has become a channel of airing their views and sentiments. They are consoled and encouraged on the social media by other social media users. Equally, some seek fame on the social media. Likewise, some people upload photos of magnificent places and even outfits that they love with the main aim of seeking attention. True to that, they get attention from friends and other users of social media.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Social Media: Negative and Positive Impacts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, this does not solve their problems. In fact, the situation worsens. After going offline, they find themselves in the same situation. Thus, they are not even ready to reconcile with their loved ones. Beside s, social media has facilitated infidelity and other social evils encompassing marriages. It has facilitated cheating that has led to sour relationships among lovers and couples. Others social evils that have been associated with social media include sharing of illegal or unethical content. For instance, some users of social media share pornographic material on the internet. Similarly, drug and child trafficking have been associated with social media. Communication relating to the above unethical practices has been achieved through the use of social media networks owing to their security aspects. In summary, social media is an invention that has made communication and dissemination of information easy. However, it has been associated with negative aspect and social evils. Therefore, people have the responsibility of doing the right thing or ethical things when using the social media.
Monday, October 21, 2019
History of Slavery essays
History of Slavery essays This essay focuses on three historical points. First, slavery existed and sometimes flourished in Africa before the transatlantic slave trade, but neither the African continent nor persons of African origin were as prominent in the world of slaveholding as they would later become. Second, the capture and sale of slaves across the Atlantic between 1450 and 1850 encouraged expansion and repeated transformation of slavery within Africa, to the point that systems of slavery became central to societies all across the continent. Third, even after the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade (largely accomplished by 1850) and the European conquest of Africa (mostly by 1900), millions of persons remained in slavery in Africa as late as 1930. The three sections of the essay address each of these points, giving particular attention to the last two. While the argument reviews the rise and decline of export slave trades - across the Atlantic, the Sahara, the Red Sea, and the Indian Ocean - it focuses on the nature and extent of slavery within sub-Saharan Africa. Before the Transatlantic Slave Trade In ancient Egypt and Nubia slavery existed but not as a dominant institution. The enslavement of the Hebrews in Egypt and Babylonia was a significant exception. In classical times, the commercial North African state of Carthage as well as the Greek states and Rome all relied on slave labor in galleys and in agriculture, and acquired some of their slaves through trade with sub-Saharan Africa. The rise of Islam in the seventh century brought a set of rules that provided protection for those in slave status, but in so doing reinforced the institution of slavery. In Africa, Islam took root first in North Africa, then later in West Africa and along the eastern coast. A large proportion of slaves in Islamic society served as domestics, but slaves also worked as farm laborers and porters. Elite corps of slaves entered the military and government. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Get a job in sales with no experience
Get a job in sales with no experience Are you facing this classic career conundrum: You’re interested in getting a job in sales, which often requires sales experience, but you’re new to the field and don’t know how to break in. How do you get a job that often requires experience when you’re just starting out?Don’t let these questions derail you from pursuing a career in sales- there are pathways forward, even without a packed resume. Consider the following strategies if you’re interested in getting a job in sales but lack experience.Start at the bottom.This is a traditional way of starting out in a new industry or field- but it’s still relevant and effective today! Consider working under an experienced salesperson or sales team in an industry that interests you- perhaps as an assistant or intern if feasible- and make the most of that opportunity to learn the ropes and get your feet wet. Not only will you learn the ins and outs of sales, you’ll also have valuable exp erience that you can include on your resume.Highlight transferable skills.Revisit your resume in an effort to spin the work experience you do have to highlight your â€Å"sales potential.†Think about the qualities that good salespeople possess- are you talented at public speaking and delivering presentations? Do you have experience convincing colleagues of the value of your ideas on projects? Perhaps you’re a negotiating whiz with a track record of proven results? These are all transferable skills- they’ve served you well in your current or past positions and they’re potentially valuable skills in the world of sales. Make sure your resume’s bullet points and your cover letters make a convincing case for why this is true.Sell yourself in interviews.If you’ve followed the previous advice and made a great case in your resume and cover letter regarding your transferable skills and have landed an interview for a sales job, then congratulations- you’ve made a big first step forward. Your next step is to consider your interview as your first big sales challenge- you’re about to face a potentially tough â€Å"client†and your goal is to â€Å"sell†them on the idea that you’re worth taking a chance on!Before the day of the interview, make sure your persuasive skills are razor sharp, come equipped with real-world examples of how you’ve used your transferable, sales-related skills in previous positions effectively, and practice selling individuals- perhaps a friend, colleague, or family member- on the idea of hiring you for a sales job. Consider this time and effort an investment in your career goals.Do your homework.Another feather you can add to your job-hunting cap is a deep knowledge of each company you’re pursuing, along with some core industry knowledge. Invest some time in researching the field and how the company stacks up against the competition. Look for things that imp ress you about the company and be sure to include them in your cover letter as reasons why you’re eager to join the team. Also consider learning and dropping a few key sales industry terms in your cover letter- but don’t overdo it or it could come off as more pandering than knowledgeable.Face the challenge!When you’re going after a job in sales but have little or no experience, you’re facing an uphill challenge. You need to work extra hard in order to tip the odds in your favor, and the strategies listed here will help you do just that. The rest is up to you!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Substance abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Substance abuse - Essay Example Karen wanted to draw strength from her two daughters, not knowing whether what she has said could make things better, or worse. Philip was nowhere to be found, or he was gone off with somebody. Kids seemed responsible high school students. When Karen is off for the office, she’d see the girls in their room studying, but mostly, Marie is much busy with the internet. As time went by, Marie showed signs of irritability and getting angry over small things. The two kids would also fight over trivial matters. And Karen couldn’t give the needed extra attention to the kids; her job demanded as much time now that she had to earn more. Some chain reaction: Joanne’s school report of falling grades, and behavior problems like prolonged temper tantrums, excessive aggression, impulsivity or risk taking. Sometimes, Karen would discover sticks of cigarettes, rolling paper and pipe in Joanne’s handbag, and the smell of alcohol in her young girl’s breath. Is it too late for Karen to have discovered Joanne’s – and Marie’s – substance abuse? The basic institution in a community which is the family has the first responsibility of detecting and coping with substance abuse in kids. Parents should be able to detect early signs of drug problem in their children before things get worse. But what if the single parent, in this case Karen, has first to recover from the trauma of divorce? According to Crowley and Whitmore, adolescents who might be using drugs have a change of behavior. The signs Karen observed in her two kids are indications that one or both are into drugs. Where could they have gotten of the illegal drugs? Numerous sources could provide – school, peers, the internet, etc. Forman (2008) has an intriguing article entitled â€Å"Drug Dealers in Your Home†. He said that the â€Å"internet is a haven for selling and buying all sorts of drugs without prescription.†This means that anybody can buy drugs through websites
Friday, October 18, 2019
Unit 12 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Unit 12 - Coursework Example She claims that obligation-based theories can’t be sustainable in the long run. One example where these theories fail is the bad-parent case. It is necessary that a parent instills moral values in his kids. Obligation-based theories can’t be used to explain the reason why a parent has obligation to morally educate his children. She also opposes great emphasis on contractualism. She also says that a society that does not know anything about love and partnership is bleak, and impoverished. This gives rise of the need to bridge the gap between obligation-based and care-based theories. She proposes the concept of appropriate trust (Baier, 1995) as a marriage of love, and obligation. We can’t discard the obligation-based theories completely. Rather, we shall create an ethical standard based on love, trust, and relationship. The care-aspect is a very important and meaningful in cases of parents, doctor, nurse, friends and other relationships where deepening of special relationships is like to be more moral than impartial treatment. Rough generalizations can be made in this case, but they are not enough to give guidance for the next cases. Baier’s theory seems to provide a very good explanation of the correct moral behavior for humans. In every act of his, a person should not only just perform his obligation, but also care about other people who might be affected by the
Disucssion Board 4-3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Disucssion Board 4-3 - Assignment Example Despite warning Sheila that it may not be in her best interest to disclose these records, she has refused to assert the privilege. By releasing her records, Sheila may be placing herself at a disadvantage in the sense that this involves privileged communication that is antagonistic to the system of justice. Since courts and legislatures have been reluctant to extend privilege to relationships between the counselor and the clients, the other party will be able to hold back information that ma eventually be used against Sheila. Since my obligations regarding confidentiality and privileged communication in this case are a bit unclear, I will have to consult to get some help and more information. In responding to this subpoena, the communication is priviledged, and so the judge cannot order the revelation of the information in court. As such, I will retain this right and not disclose the records, because the communication is recognized by law
American Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
American Revolution - Essay Example The colonies thought that the government wanted to impose total control over them and make the pay expensively for things that they highly required yet could not afford them. Through the introduction of these Acts, the colonies also believed that the government would later come up with other taxation Acts, which would require them to pay more tax. B. What role did African Americans play during the American Revolution? The African American assisted the American in their revolution battle whereby they participated willingly in the military forces, even though they did this in exchange of their freedom from slavery. At first, the American avoided involving the black in the fight, but it is until when the blacks intervened that the Americans became victorious. Study shows that more than 5000 blacks participated in the battle and that the number of the Americans involved was much lower . C. Describe how the patriot achieved the unity needed to wage the War for Independence?. The patriot decided to make a declaration for independence which enables them bring people together, and gained the corporation they required to engage in the battle for independence . This was successful since, the patriots had power over all regions and population, and because the colonial states had abandoned their former government and chased the British senates away. Therefore, it became necessary to implement a new constitution in every nation .
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Philosophical discussion with a film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Philosophical discussion with a film - Essay Example The creation of an ideal superman and the philosophy of fighting for the good fo all and even killing for the same despite all personal feelings comprise the final theme of the movie. The ending might be controversial in some respects but the paper will defend his actions apart from relating my personal feelings regarding the same. The superman shows us a controversial philosophy of dealing with injustice with a bold face and taking the toughest decision of killing for good. The very concept behind the creation of a superman lies in something greater than human. But greater than human in what way is the main concern, i.e. should a superman be born with a bigger and wiser outlook towards life? Do we want to see him as more physically powerful than normal human beings or more psychological strong or be extremely benevolent and kind hearted which we are not capable of. We see a superman in our eyes and in our ways. My idea of a superman is someone who is extremely powerful and can easil y kill but will not kill and show his power unnecessarily. The provocation to show his power should be extremely strong in order to actually pour out his strength and go for a killing. Here the superman fits this criteria perfectly well and kills for a reason bigger than personal benefit. So here the superman is kind hearted and shows personal feelings for the loss like other human beings but he knows what is good for the world and does exactly that without being concerned about his personal gains. It is important to give ample chance to the victim for rectifying his mistakes and the superhero did the same too unlike he ormal state laws where a criminal is arrested and might be shot down without giving a fair chance for correction. So he is above the conventions and reason of human law. At this point I believe the Man of Steel satisfies the audience psychologically in being the super hero. A true hero whom people can idolize and worship and most importantly learn from under similar circumstances. This summer we got the pleasure to satisfy our fantasy instinct through the hero of the superheroes none other than Superman. Though the title Man of Steel nowhere reflects any indications of Superman in it, but the title itself re-boots the idea of the mystery and re-imagination of the background within it. This movie is the idea of a new version of the ever imaginative Superman story. Director Zack Synder tried to unfold his imagination which audience wants to see in their real life. Now there are several questions which has been arrived. Critics have various points to rate a film. This gets a first critical view in the aspect that it shows superman in a totally different aspect. The major critic that took place is that superman here is very serious, conservative, always frustrated, chiseled and handsome but not interested in any kind of romantic affairs. He is always trying to defend the planet earth from the evil eyes of Krypton another imaginary planet from where actually superman belongs to. But as he became the son of the earth and got attached with the upbringing atmosphere he now took this as a duty to protect earth from any bad force. Many critics have complained about the movie that the movie has too much action which was not actually required. But according to my point of view I will say that though it was full of action but the use of the plot was good and effective. This is because I think the director wanted to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Building and mapping a small area deprivation index for health needs Essay
Building and mapping a small area deprivation index for health needs assessment - Essay Example ... Pg 6 REFERENCES†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Pg 6 INTRODUCTION: Deprivation Indices are produce to estimate the socio-economic crises in small areas which in other terms are affecting, health of the population living in rare areas. It gives a collective detail of the situation of economic environment which ultimately reflects the health environment. It is observed generally that low income families, have high ratio of health or other medical illnesses. It is hard to bring each individual on paper but proper estimation can also serve the purpose well. These indices can clear up the issue, whether deprivation is linked with Coronary Heart Diseases, because it is suspected that low income families cannot afford the an appropriate amount of fruits and vegetable which leads them to high blood pressure, diabetes, and other problems. Smoking can also be a factor but it is also because of the poor economic and health conditions. Carstairs index was first build in 1980 to use it in keeping health records and calculate deprivation in small areas in United Kingdom about material disadvantages, which was somehow affecting people’s health. ... One of such index was build and mapped by carstairs (carstairs and Morris 1991) which was later analyzed by Morgan and Baker. Carstairs index was build accordingly, which was previously used to manipulate different geographical area of deprived majorities. There were certain reasons why carstairs index was selected by Morgan and Baker, though a lot of different indices were introduced like Townsend Index and Indices of Multiple Deprivation(IMD) which covers other aspects like crime, education, income etc. Carstairs index covers four major censuses which are: Low Social Class: A head in household, who is economically active in social class IV and V. Unemployment: Males 16 or above are unemployed Overcrowding: Residents in household with one or more persons in one room. Lack of car ownership: Residents in households with no car. All these censuses were measured as per set proportion and Carstairs index is based on census’s result to achieve an objective result for an entire popu lation. Carstairs index was chosen by Oliver Morgan and Allan Baker to analyze the situation of growing deprivation because Carstairs index was previously used in ONS studies for analysis. Carstairs index is preferred for another good reason that it precisely estimated with conceptual and practical demonstration. Whereas only conceptual study can lead to over estimations and can misguide different functional bodies. ADVANTAGES: There are advantages in covering small areas for censuses includes that it gives a more clear picture of deprivation and can classify issues separately. Carstairs index covers small areas which provide specific figures of material deprivation in relation with health assessment. Large Areas would make
Philosophical discussion with a film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Philosophical discussion with a film - Essay Example The creation of an ideal superman and the philosophy of fighting for the good fo all and even killing for the same despite all personal feelings comprise the final theme of the movie. The ending might be controversial in some respects but the paper will defend his actions apart from relating my personal feelings regarding the same. The superman shows us a controversial philosophy of dealing with injustice with a bold face and taking the toughest decision of killing for good. The very concept behind the creation of a superman lies in something greater than human. But greater than human in what way is the main concern, i.e. should a superman be born with a bigger and wiser outlook towards life? Do we want to see him as more physically powerful than normal human beings or more psychological strong or be extremely benevolent and kind hearted which we are not capable of. We see a superman in our eyes and in our ways. My idea of a superman is someone who is extremely powerful and can easil y kill but will not kill and show his power unnecessarily. The provocation to show his power should be extremely strong in order to actually pour out his strength and go for a killing. Here the superman fits this criteria perfectly well and kills for a reason bigger than personal benefit. So here the superman is kind hearted and shows personal feelings for the loss like other human beings but he knows what is good for the world and does exactly that without being concerned about his personal gains. It is important to give ample chance to the victim for rectifying his mistakes and the superhero did the same too unlike he ormal state laws where a criminal is arrested and might be shot down without giving a fair chance for correction. So he is above the conventions and reason of human law. At this point I believe the Man of Steel satisfies the audience psychologically in being the super hero. A true hero whom people can idolize and worship and most importantly learn from under similar circumstances. This summer we got the pleasure to satisfy our fantasy instinct through the hero of the superheroes none other than Superman. Though the title Man of Steel nowhere reflects any indications of Superman in it, but the title itself re-boots the idea of the mystery and re-imagination of the background within it. This movie is the idea of a new version of the ever imaginative Superman story. Director Zack Synder tried to unfold his imagination which audience wants to see in their real life. Now there are several questions which has been arrived. Critics have various points to rate a film. This gets a first critical view in the aspect that it shows superman in a totally different aspect. The major critic that took place is that superman here is very serious, conservative, always frustrated, chiseled and handsome but not interested in any kind of romantic affairs. He is always trying to defend the planet earth from the evil eyes of Krypton another imaginary planet from where actually superman belongs to. But as he became the son of the earth and got attached with the upbringing atmosphere he now took this as a duty to protect earth from any bad force. Many critics have complained about the movie that the movie has too much action which was not actually required. But according to my point of view I will say that though it was full of action but the use of the plot was good and effective. This is because I think the director wanted to
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Development of the learning process of students for progress through after school program Essay Example for Free
Development of the learning process of students for progress through after school program Essay The question of development of students in their childhood is extremely vital that has to be tackled carefully, if not various problems will arise not only at the individual level but also at the national level. To improve the condition, the sanction of fund by the government alone is not sufficient to solve the problems but question remains at the top for its use in right direction at the right time in right amount with consideration of grant, method of constructing the children in the limitation of time and space of adults, the capacity of the children for their success, the implementation of art in their education life with the question of implementation of their education in the development of the community with the help of after school program. If the problem is solved tactfully and effectively, the manifold benefit can be had for the development of the students. The proper implementation of the after school program will bring out the goodness in the students to the society in proper manner. The creativity, which is present in every student by birth, will come out to the society to give strength not only to the students themselves but also to the nation. The article ‘Children At Risk: Constructions of Childhood in the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Federal After-School Program’ by Sharon Verner Chappell is not only an informative one but also a fine creation of work of literature. This article may be termed as a vital literature, though it an article, in the contemporary situation due its wide range of data and analysis of the situation of the students of any country. The effectiveness of the article is without the any boundary of the community, language and the nations. The sanction of $4. 5 billion by U. S. government for after school programs through the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (Chappell, S. V. 2006) is an independent variable if we consider the fact about the budget allocation. The amount is decided at the time of budget and at the time of budget preparation other needs are not taken into accounts. Though the actual amount spent will become dependent variable when the number of school and students are taken into consideration. Another example of dependant variable can be seen as the number of good performing students that is directly proportional to increased skill in study and inversely proportional to decreased number of adverse behavior like teen pregnancy. Sanctioning money is very much essential for any project to be completed, considering this assumption the US government has sanctioned the money amount. This may be considered as an important hypothesis. A hypothesis that â€Å"children are active and academically successful (i. e. productive) when they attend a state regulated educational program, whereas those children who do not attend such programs are passive, unproductive, unsuccessful, and by extension, perhaps, not good people†is cited in the article by Chappell (2006). This Operational Research Question is universally acclaimed and it is studied here in the context appropriately. â€Å"The students and the parents both are needed high attention of care and support when they are from high poverty family†. This thought is also implemented in the article. When students are in low-performing school their self-performance is also decreased. In addition to this hypothesis another one like â€Å"when art is introduced in the curriculum, the performance of the students are better many fold from previous†. Another citation by Chappell (2006) from Vadeboncoeur (2005,123), is as ‘notions of time and space can be used to map institutional and narrative landscapes of students. ‘ This is also an important operational research. The definition of term by the article writer is provided in between the sentence by proper explanation in next step in the advancement of the description. After stating some policy, additional information is provided to describe the policy, which act as invisible definition of the term in the article. Some time the definition is given in bracket as in â€Å"reduce the number of children in self-care (latchkey children who take care of themselves)†. The meaning of implemented sentence â€Å"reduce the number of children in self-care†in given in the bracket in later part. Population and sampling procedure is informative and given in between sentence without any tabular form. This keeps the flow of the article readable and enjoyable. One example of this in article is â€Å" Since 2003, 6,800 rural and urban public schools have been served around the country†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Another sampling in the article is given at proper time and places with proper citation method to avoid the ambiguity due to copyright with gives the article a good ornamental decorating. Data source are very huge and the data are collected from the scholarly and valuable articles all related to the subject matter of the article. The tireless, extensive and enthusiastic efforts are given to collect the data from various books, magazines and the websites. The proper care has been taken to collect the data after exhaustive study of the collected materials to produce the article. The data are collected with proper estimation and measurement and the authenticity cannot be suspected as the whole matter is taken from the scholarly articles, authentic magazines and popular books. The psychological and mental estimation of the children are provided with the article with various hypothesis and theory. The data are not provided in any tabular form but are scattered throughout the articles in the manner of information with full lucrative and informative sentence. In the beginning of the article â€Å"amount of $4. 5 million†is mentioned as the sanctioned amount for 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC). Another data is â€Å"6800 rural and public school†but in no any data table. Presentation and interpretation of findings are in very intelligent and economical manner. The various divisions have been done with different sub-heading the article to provide the information in proper and chorological manner. The required data and information can be easily had due to the excellent presentation of the article. Findings have proper interpretation and placed at appropriate place. In this article main theme is the construction of childhood with the help of the ‘after school programs’ to be implemented with the help of various funds allocations by concerned institutions. The methods are described to obtained good results by good students. The need for improvement of economically improvised school along with the economically downtrodden family is emphasized. The need of arts is very much essential for the student to become a good student. Though the article is exhaustive in information and description in the problems mentioned in the titles, the need for further Research cannot be denied. There is a need to study the personal behavior of the students at the time of after school program. Many students may not be interested in such program. So they cannot be forced to do the implemented programs but s/he should be given proper attention to find out the actual need and interest of the students. There is need to conduct the research in the area of students behavior and their interests in the study at the very early age. Strength of the study remains in the area of research. The extensive and exhaustive research is done in proper subject matter. The method of citation is proper and the information put at proper places with the good structure of the paragraph with the flow of the information in one proper direction is always advancing. Weakness of the study is in the method of representation of the data in tabular forms without any comparison method. The compared data would have given better understanding of the situation of the students. The poverty level of the parents of the students and the economically degraded school with opposite situation could have been compared in tabular form for better understanding. The various opinions of the parents and the students could have given better improvement in the study.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Design And Implementation Of Multi Tier Firewalls
Design And Implementation Of Multi Tier Firewalls The Concept of my IS is to protect and secure our private Servers from the public Network and also from the other internal private network. Proposing virtual interfaces on the firewall and these interfaces are assigned in different ZONES termed as DMZs. Creating greater number of VLANs within a Zone will secure the Servers from compromising due to the other compromised server. By distributing in multiple subnets we can have more secure architecture i.e. like the outer most subnets are proposed as DMZs. Middle subnets should be served as transaction subnets where the system needs to support complex web applications placed in the DMZs, now the third or back-end subnet would be the private network that is trusted network. Keywords: ACL, VLANs, WAN, LAN, DMZ, CTL, ATM, SMS INTRODUCTION It is really important to understand the security needs of any financial organization. Firewall plays a very important role in network security. Firewalls are deployed to defend the network. They are usually placed on first and second line of defense. By deploying a firewall in a network we can restrict the traffic that is entering in the network and also traversing through different zones. But all these things depend upon the proper design and the placement of firewall in a network. In Three-tier deployment architecture is the deployment of multiple subnet between the private network and the internet separated by firewall. Each subsequent has more specific filtering rules to restrict the traffic only from the trusted sources. Generally in old trends firewalls were deployed in two Tier firewall architecture in which the private network is secure from the public network by defining the two separate interfaces but here I am proposing Firewall architecture in a Multiple Tier architecture manner. Now a days Applications are created in form of modules that generally resides on different machines or servers and are structured or you can say housed in different groups so as to secure and maintain segregations. Like if security is breached on one module it wont harm the other one. In other words if a Server is compromised other may possible be safe. The outer most subnets are proposed as DMZs. Middle subnets should be served as transaction subnets where the system needs to support complex web applications placed in the DMZs, now the third or back-end subnet would be the private network that is trusted network. This architecture is most secure but however it is also the most complex to design and implement. Like the Database Server that contains clients account details is more sensitive and require more protection and security than the Web servers that is used for the Front-end. The Concept of my Independent Study is to protect and secure our private traffic from the public Network. This can be done by creating different subnets and restrict them according to the needs. For creating different subnets we require different interfaces physically or virtually on the firewall device. If you use physical interfaces for the devices it limits to the number of ports available on the devices. As general we usually dont have that much physical interface available on the device as we require so I would propose to create virtual interfaces on the firewall. Now these interfaces are assigned in different ZONES termed as DMZs. This limitation can be overcome by creating different Virtual interfaces on that device and assigned them in appropriate zones. So that as more number of VLANs are created more security can be achieved by assigning different Servers in different VLANs. Defining Firewall The purpose of firewall is to monitor, examine and control the network traffic to protect the Network devices and system that are critical for any financial organization. Firewall first lookup the policies for the traffic passing through it and drops the packets that dont meet the policy statements. Firewall provides filtering of unwanted/ non legitimate traffic from the outside world as well as from the inside network also. Firewalls are designed to block illegal unauthorized access and it only allows the traffic that is permitted in the policy defined. Transmission of each packet is checked first, firewall contains some rules/ policies in it and each rule has some action against it either permit or deny. Firewalls are available in both hardware and software form. The basic purpose of firewall is to protect our private network from internet and unauthorized access and to protect our private network. Two-Tier Three-Tier Or multiple tier The idea of providing this tier base architecture is to secure multi-tier application environment. There is no specific definition of two-tier or three-tier firewall. They came from different ideas like the term tier refers to the number of interfaces available on the firewall. A two-tier firewall contains two interfaces each assigned to a different zone like: Inside/ Private network/ Trusted Outside/ Un-trusted network A three-tier firewall generally having three zones like: Inside/ Private network/ Trusted Outside/ Untrusted network A DMZ (Demilitarized zone) Use the DMZ zone to host the servers that needs to be accessed from the outside world. It plays a vital role for any organization in which a lot of business services depends on the internet. Like e-commerce based services and also a lot of Banks are giving Internet banking facilities to their customer these days and by implementing such kind of architecture and adopting such recommendations in our network we can improve the availability and security. Email servers, web servers and DNS servers are some of the servers that needs to be accessed publically from the outside network so they needs some extra security and protection. Now lets see the other usage of tier based architecture. Here tier does not mean the interfaces a firewall have but the layers of firewall you provide. In such kind of deployment a firewall is needed at each tier. Like one firewall for outside public network, one for the DMZ and one for you private network. Multi tier applications over view Now a days applications are designed in multiple logical tiers, software engineers has segregated the major functional areas into logical groupings that can be design, implemented and run independently of each other. Like if we take an example of a web-based application following tiers may possibly present there. Presentation Middleware Data 4.1 Presentation This tier directly interacts with the users that are coming from the internet. This tier is closest to internet. Such kind of publically accessed services are generally implemented using web, DNS and email servers. The purpose of these servers is to present the application in front of user. This tier handles the interaction between users coming from public network and back-end components. 4.2 Middleware In this tier such components are placed that performs business logic of the application in response to the queries requested by the servers hosted in presentation layer on behalf of internet users. 4.3 Data In Data Tier core servers such as database servers, directory servers that contain confidential database are placed. This tier contains most confidential data of bank like account information of users and customer record. The workflow of a web-based multi-tier application can be like this. Users from the internet generate a request to web server via web browser. The request is then processed by web server and being sent to middleware tire. Then the middleware component interacts with the database servers for the requested query. After processing the query the request is being responded to the web server then the web server relays the result to the internet user directly. By using this methodology there is no such direct communication between the public user and the core database servers. Explaing firewall deployment using single subnet After segregating the segments into groups it help us to analyze the risk and exposure of the devices over public network that how we restrict the direct interaction of critical servers from the internet users. The acceptable amount of risk on each of the server vary from case to case so there are reasons behind to create different kind of zones and VLANs and put these servers in the relevant zones and VLANs and which security level is needed by each server. An example of Internet banking application that works on different servers. Different types of servers are playing different roles in the overall workflow of this application. The server that is playing the role of FRONT-end server doesnt require such strict level of security policy as compare to the server on which customer account information exist(Core Database server). But in single subnet methodology all the servers are place behind the firewall and same security level is provided to each server either web server or banks database server. They all will be equally protected from the threats both from internet users and from the locally compromised server. Explaing single firewall deployment with multiple SUBNETS Deploying firewall in such manner that using physical and virtual interfaces of the firewall to create different subnets. Segregate the network into particular logical tiers create different subnet and inside each subnet each tier will provide more strict level of security than using single subnet. In this type of deployment the outer most tiers (presentation tier) only interacts with middle one (middleware Tier) and middleware tier only interacts with inner most tier (data tier) only. Proposing Solution to a Financial Organization In the proposed design the internet facing routers are serving as perimeter routers and acting as first line of defense. Routers are working in High availability mode. After that two firewalls performing second line of defense to the Servers, these firewall contains all the Zones and VLANs on it. Rules will be created here. Application flow control will be handling at this level. Both of the Firewalls are working in a high availability mode providing backup to each other. In case of physical interface or logical interface failure or the whole device failure network will be run smoothly. These Firewalls are then connected to Layer two switches using gigabit interfaces. Servers will be terminating on the same switches or if needed on other switches. Layer two trunks will be created between the switches as well in order to cater the case of device or interface failure. Spanning tree would be configured on the switches in order to avoid loop between the switches and provide contingency. The basic theme is to create different zones according to the relevant security levels. Following zones should be created on the firewall. Internet Access Zone Public Access Zone Trusted Sever Zone Business Access Zone 7.1 Internet Access Zone The router on which internet link is terminating should be assigned in this zone. Strict rulebase /policies would be implemented. 7.2 Public Access Zone The VLANs that need to be accessed from the internet by any mean would be assigned in this Zone. Different VLANs are created in this zone. Like Internet Banking Front end server, and Email servers. 7.3 Trusted Sever Zone Core Business Application and other critical financial Applications VLANs are assigned in this zone. These servers are critical servers and very strict policies would be implemented for these servers. Only legitimate traffic would be permitted between the zones and within the zones between the VLANs. Following are some example of VLANs that would be created in this zone. Core Business Application VLAN, Internet banking DB VLAN, ATM PHEONIX VLAN, CTL VLAN 7.4 Business Access Zone These are the extranets or you can say external connectivity between the Bank and the other corporate entities. Like NADRA, UFONE This zone is used to host the servers for the following VLANs like i.e. NADRA, SWIFT VLAN, UFONE VLAN, SMS VLAN, 1-Link VLAN, Central Banking servers. Explaining Traffic Flow between different zones / within the zones between the VLANs Internet banking application is design to work in multi tier architecture. Clients coming from the internet will first hit the front-end servers which are publically available, thats why these servers are placed in Public Access Zone. Then restricted policies are implemented between Public Access Zone and Transition Server Zone. Only these servers can send request for communication to Transition Server zones VLANs. Then only these servers will communicate with the Trusted Zones VLANs. Only these transition application servers will communicate with Banks Core Database Servers. This model is beneficial for the bank so as to secure Banks critical servers. There is no direct communication between outside network like internet users and core business servers. conclusion For any financial organization Security is an indispensable concern. Core Business servers needs to protected not just from the Outside public world but also from the Inside entities. For this a proper Network design should be implemented in which the placement and role of the firewall is very important. The Solution proposed in this independent study is how the applications that are working in multiple tiers can be secured properly and by segregating each type of application in separate zone you can restrict the non legitimate traffic from the other zone and also within the zone by creating different types of VLANs, this restrict the intra zone unwanted traffic. By using this methodology traffic flow can be control much more tightly without the need of creating as number of zones as equal to number of VLANs. This tightly controlled traffic flow will restrict the interaction between each tier. In short this methodology will restrict inter-zone traffic and inter-zone traffic as well. Any traffic like intra-zone or inter-zone should be first lookup in the access control policy if it exists then communication will occur else the packets would be just dropped. The Caveat of using this methodology can be bottleneck occurrence due to traffic load between the zones and within the zones, every traffic should be passed first through firewall but to overcome this issue deploy the firewall and switch in a manner using gigabit interface trunks between them and also calculate the inter-zone and intra-zone traffic by traffic analyzers and if needed built bundles between Firewall and Switches. And moving in such manner will help us to protect our network and not to compromise on security. Lastly I would say that this Independent Study provides recommendations and secure model and cost effective solution for Multi-Tier environments.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
My Physical Education Philosophy :: Teaching Teachers P.E. Essays
My Physical Education Philosophy The goal of this paper is to inform others of my reasoning why physical educators are important and why it is my dream to become one. There are three main points I would like to discuss: the value of physical education ,being a role model ,and why it is my dream to become one. The value of physical education P.E. teachers bring to schools and their students. P.E. has an effect on everyday life. With this in mind I feel P.E. is highly valuable. Physical education activities have development in mind. Children can participate in a variety of activities and are encouraged to achieve overall wellness by continuously staying active. In physical education, children are not evaluated on how well they can play a specific game. This in turn helps children achieve overall self esteem. To acquire good self esteem, one must have a good model. Role models can make a huge difference in a child's life. My Physical Education teacher had a major impact of effecting of what I want to be now. Aleta Jo Crotty helped me to learn to take responsibility for my actions, and in my choices I am in control. By using guidelines that was set by her for my life, I hope to reach just one child. P.E. teachers must also encourage creative ability and the importance of overall health, socially, physically and emotionally. I feel that if a student has a good role model than they can achieve success in all of the areas mentioned. P. E. teachers teach skills that I know are necessary to mold healthy children for a healthy future. In order to achieve such skills it is also important that children have a safe environment in which to exercise motor skills. As children grow, they become more interested in the world around them through the use of motor skills . P.E. can help each child with development of these skills. P.E. teachers can take the time to look at children as a whole rather than in separate parts.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The State of Solar Power Policy And Incentives in Vermont Essay
The State of Solar Power Policy And Incentives in Vermont Vermont has become widely known as a progressive, even cutting-edge state in terms of its public policy. With two out of three of its Congressional delegation officially independent, a groundbreaking civil-unions law, and no fast-food franchises in its state capitol, perhaps that reputation is well-deserved. Energy; its generation, transmission, usage, and impacts upon the Earth, has arisen as a tempestuous, geo-political issue in the past few decades. As the petroleum era explodes (or should we say implodes?), the development and utilization of renewable energy sources has become vitally important for the survival of humanity and all the other species on our shared Earth. So then, how is the tiny green state of Vermont doing in terms of the development of solar energy, one of the central tenets of the renewable energy movement? What policies exist to help direct its agencies and organizations? What financial incentives are in place to encourage a homeowner to invest in solar techno logy and design? In one year, the equivalent of over 5 million kilowatt hours of solar energy hits each acre in Vt. (Vt. Solar Energy Guide, 1993) How well is the government of Vermont motivating people to stick something in front of all that energy? The main agency entrusted with renewable energy in Vt. is the Dept. of Public Service (D.P.S.) formerly headed up by Richard Sedano, now run by Davis O’Brien. This office works with many of the other groups in the state that push for the use of more solar power and other renewable energy sources. From the D.P.S. website we can read former governor Dean’s official Energy Initiative (Dec. 2001): It â€Å"is a long-term vision for Vermont that looks ... ...nd people wanting to help. Although there could always be more money waved around to persuade more people to invest in solar, the state of Vermont seems to be taking forward-thinking, yet cautious, stand in support of renewable energy. Bibliography Renewable Energy Resource Center Vt. Public Service Dept Renewable Energy Vermont Vt. Energy Investment Co. Burlington Electric Co. 10 % Challenge Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy Million Solar Roofs
Friday, October 11, 2019
General Electric: From Jack Welch To Jeffrey Immelt
S w 908M09 GENERAL ELECTRIC: FROM JACK WELCH TO JEFFREY IMMELT Ken Mark wrote this case under the supervision of Professor Stewart Thornhill solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality. Ivey Management Services prohibits any form of reproduction, storage or transmittal without its written permission. Reproduction of this material is not covered under authorization by any reproduction rights organization.To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services, c/o Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail [email protected] uwo. ca. Copyright  © 2008, Ivey Management Services Version: (A) 2008-04-18 INTR ODUCTION General Electric (GE) was a U. S. conglomerate with businesses in a wide range of industries, including aerospace, power systems, health care, commercial finance and consumer finance. In 2007, GE earned US$22. billion in net profit from US$170 billion in sales. In 2008, GE expected to generate US$30 billion in cash from operations. Driving GE’s growth was what many commentators considered to be the â€Å"deepest bench of executive talent in U. S. business,†1 the result of two decades of investment in its management training programs by its former chief executive officer (CEO), John F. (Jack) Welch, Jr. The current CEO, Jeffrey Immelt, took over from Jack Welch four days before September 11, 2001, and had spent the last few years preparing the firm for its next stage of growth. GENERAL ELECTRICGE’s roots could be traced back to a Menlo Park, New Jersey laboratory where Thomas Alva Edison invented the incandescent electric lamp. GE was founded when Thomso n-Houston Electric and Edison General Electric merged in 1892. Its first few products included light bulbs, motors, elevators, and toasters. Growing organically and through acquisitions, GE’s revenues reached $27 billion in 1981. By 2007, its businesses sold a wide variety of products such as lighting, industrial equipment and vehicles, materials, and services such as the generation and transmission of electricity, and asset finance.Its divisions included GE Industrial, GE Infrastructure, GE Healthcare, GE Commercial Finance, GE Consumer Finance, and NBC Universal. 2 1 Diane Brady, â€Å"Jack Welch: Management Evangelist,†Business Week, October 25, 2004. Available http://www. businessweek. com/magazine/content/04_43/b3905032_mz072. htm, accessed November 12, 2007. 2 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/General_Electric, accessed November 12, 2007. at Page 2 9B08M009 For more than 125 years, GE was a leader in management practices, â€Å"establishing its strength with the d isciplined oversight of some of the world’s most effective business people. 3 When he became chairman and CEO in 1972, Reginald Jones was the seventh man to lead General Electric since Edison. Jones focused on shifting the company’s attention to growth areas such as services, transportation, materials and natural resources, and away from electrical equipment and appliances. He implemented the concept of strategic planning at GE, creating 43 strategic business units to oversee strategic planning for its groups, divisions and departments. By 1977, in order to manage the information generated by 43 strategic plans, Jones added another management layer, sectors, on top of the strategic business units.Sectors represented high level groupings of businesses: consumer products, power systems, and technical products. 4 In the 1970s, Jones was voted CEO of the Year three times by his peers, with one leading business journal dubbing him CEO of the Decade in 1979. When he retired in 1981, the Wall Street Journal proclaimed Jones a â€Å"management legend. †Under Jones’s administration, the company’s sales more than doubled ($10 billion to $27 billion) and earnings grew even faster ($572 million to $1. 7 billion). 5 Jack Welch Becomes CEO In terms of his early working life, Welch had:Worked for GE not much more than a year when in 1961 he abruptly quit his $10,500 job as a junior engineer in Pittsfield, Mass. He felt stifled by the company’s bureaucracy, underappreciated by his boss, and offended by the civil service-style $1,000 raise he was given. Welch wanted out, and to get out he had accepted a job offer from International Minerals & Chemicals in Skokie, Ill. But Reuben Gutoff, then a young executive a layer up from Welch, had other ideas. He had been impressed by the young upstart and was shocked to hear of his impending departure and farewell party just two days away.Desperate to keep him, Gutoff coaxed Welch and his wife, Carolyn, out to dinner that night. For four straight hours at the Yellow Aster in Pittsfield, he made his pitch: Gutoff swore he would prevent Welch from being entangled in GE red tape and vowed to create for him a small-company environment with big-company resources. These were themes that would later dominate Welch's own thinking as CEO. 6 In his memoirs, Welch noted that the CEO’s job was â€Å"close to 75 per cent about people and 25 per cent about other stuff. †7But Welch knew that his path to become CEO of GE was anything but smooth. As he recalled: 3 General Electric, â€Å"Our History: Our Company. †Available at http://www. ge. com/company/history/index. html, accessed June 4, 2007. 4 Christopher A. Bartlett and Meg Wozny, â€Å"GE’s Two-Decade Transformation: Jack Welch’s Leadership,†Harvard Business School Case, May 3, 2005, pp. 1–2. 5 Christopher A. Bartlett and Meg Wozny, â€Å"GE’s Two-Decade Transformation: Jac k Welch’s Leadership,†Harvard Business School Case, May 3, 2005, p. 2. 6 John A.Byrne, â€Å"How Jack Welch Runs GE,†Business Week, June 8, 1998. Available at http://www. businessweek. com/1998/23/b3581001. htm, accessed June 4, 2007. 7 Jack Welch, Straight from the Gut, Warner Books, New York, 2001, p. xii. Page 3 9B08M009 The odds were against me. Many of my peers regarded me as the round peg in a square hole, too different for GE. I was brutally honest and outspoken. I was impatient and, to many, abrasive. My behavior wasn’t the norm, especially the frequent parties at local bars to celebrate business victories, large or small. 8For Welch, there was a seven-person â€Å"horse race†to become CEO that was, in his words, â€Å"brutal, complicated by heavy politics and big egos, my own included. It was awful. †9 In the end, however, Welch prevailed, becoming CEO in April 1981. Later, he learned that he had been left off the short list of ca ndidates until late into the process. Welch recalled: I didn’t know that when the list was narrowed to ten names by 1975, I still wasn’t on it. . . . One official HR [human resources] view of me stated at the time: â€Å"Not on best candidate list despite past operating success.Emerging issue is overwhelming results focus. Intimidating subordinate relationships. Seeds of company stewardship concerns. Present business adversity will severely test. Watching closely. †10 1981 to 1987: Number One or Number Two and Delayering Welch wanted the company to do away with its formal reporting structure and unnecessary bureaucracy. He wanted to recreate the firm along the lines of the nimble plastics organization he had come from. He stated: I knew the benefits of staying small, even as GE was getting bigger. The good businesses had to be sorted out from the bad ones. . . We had to act faster and get the damn bureaucracy out of the way. 11 Welch developed this strategy base d on work by Peter Drucker, a management thinker, who asked: â€Å"If you weren’t already in the business, would you enter it today? And if the answer is no, what are you going to do about it? †12 Welch communicated his restructuring efforts by insisting that any GE business be the number one or number two business in its industry, or be fixed, sold or closed. He illustrated this concept with the use of a three-circle tool.The businesses inside the three circles  services, high technology, and core  could attain (or had attained) top positions in their industries. The selected few included many service businesses, such as financial and information systems. Outside of the three circles were organizations in manufacturing-heavy sectors facing a high degree of competition from lower cost rivals, such as central air conditioning, housewares, small appliances and semiconductors. Employment at GE fell from 404,000 in 1980 to 330,000 by 1984 and 292,000 by 198 9.The changes prompted strong reactions from former employees and community leaders. Welch was the target of further criticism when he invested nearly $75 million into a major upgrade of Crotonville, GE’s management development center. 13 Welch saw leadership training as key to GE’s growth. 8 Jack Welch, Straight from the Gut, Warner Books, New York, 2001, p. xii. Ibid, p. xiii. 10 Ibid, p. 77. 11 Ibid, p. 92. 12 Ibid, p. 108. 13 Ibid, p. 121. 9 Page 4 9B08M009 In addition, Welch undertook a streamlining exercise.By his estimate, GE in 1980 had too many layers of management, in some cases as many as 12 levels between the factory floor and the CEO’s office. The sector level was removed, and a massive downsizing effort put into place. Compared with the traditional norm of five to eight direct reports per manager, GE senior managers had 15 or more direct reports. Successful senior managers shrugged off their workload, indicating that Welch liberated them to behave like entrepreneurs. They argued that the extra pressure forced them to set strict priorities on how they spent their time, and to abandon many past procedures.Observers believed GE was running two main risks: having inadequate internal communication between senior managers and people who now reported to each of them; and the overwork, stress, demotivation and inefficiency on the part of managers down the line who had extra work assigned by their hard-pressed superiors. In 1989, an article in the Harvard Business Review reported â€Å"much bitter internal frustration and ill-feeling among the troops at GE. †14 During this period, Welch earned his â€Å"Neutron Jack†moniker, a reference to a type of bomb that would kill people while leaving buildings intact.On the other hand, Welch could see that changes had to be made to make GE more competitive. He recalled: Truth was, we were the first big healthy and profitable company in the mainstream that took actions to get more competitive. . . . There was no stage set for us. We looked too good, too strong, too profitable, to be restructuring. . . . However, we were facing our own reality. In 1980, the U. S. economy was in a recession. Inflation was rampant. Oil sold for $30 a barrel, and some predicted it would go to $100 if we could even get it.And the Japanese, benefiting from a weak yen and good technology, were increasing their exports into many of our mainstream businesses from cars to consumer electronics. 15 But Welch’s strategy was not simply a cost-reduction effort: from 1981 to 1987, while 200 businesses were sold, 370 were acquired, for a net spend of $10 billion. The turmoil that these changes caused earned Welch the title of â€Å"toughest boss in America,†in a Fortune magazine survey of the 10 most hard-nosed senior executives. In tallying the votes, Welch received twice as many nominations as the runners-up. Managers at GE used to hide out-of-favor employees from Welch†™s gun sights so they could keep their jobs,†Fortune said. â€Å"According to former employees, Welch conducts meetings so aggressively that people tremble. †16 But Welch’s credibility was bolstered by GE’s stock performance: After years of being stuck, GE stock and the market began to take off, reinforcing the idea that we were on the right track. For many years, stock options weren’t worth all that much. In 1981, when I became chairman, options gains for everyone at GE totaled only $6 million.The next year, they jumped to $38 million, and then $52 million in 1985. For the first time, people at GE were starting to feel good times in their pocketbooks. The buy-in had begun. 17 14 â€Å"General Electric Learns the Corporate and Human Costs of Delayering,†Financial Times, September 25, 1989, p. 44. Jack Welch, Straight from the Gut, Warner Books, New York, 2001, pp. 125–126. 16 â€Å"Fortune Survey Lists Nation’s Toughest Bos ses,†The Washington Post, July 19, 1984, p. B3. 17 Jack Welch, Straight from the Gut, Warner Books, New York, 2001, p. 173. 15 Page 5 9B08M009Late 1980s: Work-Out, Boundaryless and Best Practices Welch used GE’s Crotonville facility to upgrade the level of management skills and to instill a common corporate culture. After reading comments from participants, Welch realized that many of them were frustrated when they returned to their offices because many of their superiors had discounted the Crotonville experience and worked actively to maintain the status quo. Welch wondered: Why can’t we get the Crotonville openness everywhere? . . . We have to re-create the Crotonville Pit [a circular, tiered lecture hall at Crotonville] all over the company. . . The Crotonville Pit was working because people felt free to speak. While I was technically their â€Å"boss,†I had little or no impact on their personal careers  especially in the lowerlevel classes. . . . Work-Out was patterned after the traditional New England town meetings. Groups of 40 to 100 employees were invested to share their views on the business and the bureaucracy that got in their way, particularly approvals, reports, meetings and measurements. Work-Out meant just what the words implied: taking unnecessary work out of the system. 8 Work-Out sessions were held over two to three days. The team’s manager would start the session with a presentation, after which the manager would leave the facility. Without their superior present, the remaining employees, with the help of a neutral facilitator, would list problems and develop solutions for many of the challenges in the business. Then the manager returned, listening to employees present their many ideas for change. Managers were expected to make an immediate yes-or-no decision on 75 per cent of the ideas presented.Welch was pleased with Work-Out: Work-Out had become a huge success. . . . Ideas were flowing faster al l over the company. I was groping for a way to describe this, something that might capture the whole organization  and take idea sharing to the next level. . . . I kept talking about all the boundaries that Work-Out was breaking down. Suddenly, the word boundaryless popped into my head. . . . The boundaryless company . . . would remove all the barriers among the functions: engineering, manufacturing, marketing and the rest.It would recognize no distinction between â€Å"domestic†and â€Å"foreign†operations. . . . Boundaryless would also open us up to the best ideas and practices from other companies. 19 Welch’s relentless pursuit of ideas to increase productivity  from both inside and outside of the company  resulted in the birth of a related movement called Best Practices. In the summer of 1988, Welch gave Michael Frazier of GE’s Business Development department a simple challenge: How can we learn from other companies that are achieving higher productivity growth than GE?Frazier selected for study nine companies with different best practices, including Ford, Hewlett-Packard, Xerox and Toshiba. In addition to specific tools and practices, Frazier’s team also identified several characteristics common to the successful companies: they focused more on developing effective processes than on controlling individual activities; they used customer satisfaction as their main gauge of performance; they treated their suppliers as partners and they emphasized the need for a constant stream of high-quality new products designed for efficient manufacturing.On reviewing Frazier’s report, Welch became an instant convert and committed to a major new training program to introduce Best Practices thinking throughout the organization, integrating it into the ongoing agenda of Work-Out teams. 20 18 Jack Welch, Straight from the Gut, Warner Books, New York, 2001, p. 182. Ibid, pp. 185–187. 20 Christopher A. Bartlett and Meg Wozny, â€Å"GE’s Two-Decade Transformation: Jack Welch’s Leadership,†Harvard Business School Case, May 3 2005, p. 5. 19 Page 6 9B08M009 To encourage employees to put extra effort into reaching their goals, Welch instituted the idea of â€Å"stretch. He was frustrated with the compromise that was occurring as work teams tried to lower targets and top management tried to raise targets. With stretch, teams were asked to develop two plans: the first reflecting what they expected to do; and the second that reflected the toughest targets they thought they had a chance of reaching. Welch explained: The team knows they’re going to be measured against the prior year and relative performance against competitors  not against a highly negotiated internal number. Their stretch target keeps them reaching. . . Sometimes we found cases where managers at lower levels took stretch numbers and called them budgets, punishing those who missed. I do n’t think it happens much anymore, but I wouldn’t bet on it. 21 1990s: Six Sigma and the Vitality Curve One well-known program popularized by GE was process improvement, or Six Sigma. As a result of GE’s Best Practices program, Welch learned from Lawrence Bossidy, a former GE executive, how AlliedSignal’s Six Sigma quality program was improving quality, lowering costs and increasing productivity. Welch asked Gary Reiner, a vice-president, to lead a quality initiative for GE.On the basis of Reiner’s findings, Welch announced a goal of reaching Six Sigma quality levels company-wide by the year 2000, describing the program as â€Å"the biggest opportunity for growth, increased profitability, and individual employee satisfaction in the history of our company. †22 Subsequently, every GE employee underwent at least minimal training in Six Sigma, whose terms and tools became part of the global language of GE. For example, expressions like â€Å"CT Q,†were used to refer to customer requirements that were â€Å"critical to quality†in new products or services. 3 Whereas Six Sigma was focused on process improvement, to develop GE’s talent pool, Welch looked to differentiate his people. He remarked: â€Å"In manufacturing, we try to stamp out variance. With people, variance is everything. †Welch knew that identifying and ranking people in a large organization was not a simple task. GE began using what became known as 360-degree evaluations, in which managers and supervisors were evaluated by their subordinates and their peers as well as by their bosses. One exception was Welch. He did not get evaluated by his subordinates. I’ve peaked out,†he said. Nor did he evaluate the top executives immediately below him. 24 Next, Welch put in place an assessment based on a â€Å"vitality curve,†roughly shaped like a bell curve. He asked his managers to rank all their staff into the â€Å"to p 20,†â€Å"the Vital 70†and the â€Å"bottom 10,†with the intent to force executives to differentiate their employees. The â€Å"top 20†were groomed for larger assignments, and the â€Å"bottom 10†were coached out of the organization. In addition, Welch advocated categorizing employees as â€Å"A, B or C†players.He explained that how both assessment tools worked together: The vitality curve is the dynamic way we sort out As, Bs, and Cs. . . . Ranking employees on a 20-70-10 grid forces managers to make tough decisions. The vitality curve doesn’t perfectly translate to my A-B-C evaluation of talent. It’s possible  even likely  for A 21 Jack Welch, Straight from the Gut, Warner Books, New York, 2001, p. 386. Christopher A. Bartlett and Meg Wozny, â€Å"GE’s Two-Decade Transformation: Jack Welch’s Leadership,†Harvard Business School Case, May 3, 2005, p. 12. 23Matt Murray, â€Å"Can GE Find Another Conductor Like Jack Welch? †The Wall Street Journal Europe, April 13, 2000. 24 Frank Swoboda, â€Å"Up Against the Walls,†The Washington Post, February 27, 1994, p. H01. 22 Page 7 9B08M009 players to be in the vital 70. That’s because not every A player has the ambition to go further in the organization. Yet, they still want to be the best at what they do. Managers who can’t differentiate soon find themselves in the C category. 25 Welch reinforced the importance of the ranking system by matching it with an appropriate compensation structure.The A players received raises that were two to three times the increases given to Bs, and the As also received a significant portion of the stock option grants. C players received no raises or options. Welch admitted: Dealing with the bottom 10 is tougher. . . . Some think it’s cruel or brutal to remove the bottom 10 per cent of our people. It isn’t. It’s just the opposite. What I thi nk is brutal and â€Å"false kindness†is keeping people around who aren’t going to grow and prosper. There’s no cruelty like waiting and telling people late in their careers that they don’t belong. 6 In GE’s people review process, known as â€Å"Session C,†managers were expected to discuss and defend their choices and rankings. During these sessions, Welch was known to challenge his managers’ talent decisions aggressively, expecting them to defend their choices with passion. Welch was prone to making quick judgment calls on talent, and these snap decisions could be perceived both positively and negatively. An observer commented: Welch is impetuous, inclined to make lightning strikes and wage blitzkrieg.His decisions on people, assets, and strategies can be made in a heartbeat; one bad review with Jack may be the end of a long career. And the record shows that many of Welch’s snap decisions have turned out to be stupendous blu nders. 27 One example was Welch’s purchase of Kidder Peabody, then one of Wall Street’s most prominent investment banks. Although his board of directors was opposed to the idea, Welch’s persuasive arguments carried the day. But merging the two cultures proved more difficult than he imagined. Welch stated that at Kidder Peabody, â€Å"the concept of idea sharing and team play was completely foreign.If you were in investment banking or trading and your group had a good year, it didn’t matter what happened to the firm overall. †28 In addition, Kidder Peabody was hit by two public scandals: insider trading and fictitious trades that led to a $350 million writedown. Another example was NBC’s partnership with Vince McMahon in January 2001 to launch the XFL, an alternative football league to the NFL. After losing $35 million on the venture in four months, and accompanied by falling viewership, the league shut down in May 2001. 29 Some managers were worn down by the constantly evolving programs.A chemist who once worked for GE Power Systems stated: It’s management by buzzword. People chant Jack’s slogans without thinking intelligently about what they’re doing. I’ve been stretched so much I feel like Gumby. All Welch understands is increasing profits. That, and getting rid of people, is what he considers a vision. Good people, tremendous people, have been let go, and it is hurting our business. 25 Jack Welch, Straight from the Gut, Warner Books, New York, 2001, p. 160. Ibid, 2001, pp. 160–162. 27 Thomas F. Boyle, At Any Cost, Vintage Books, New York, 1998, pp. 1–12. 28 Jack Welch, Straight from the Gut, Warner Books, New York, 2001, p. 222. 29 Eric Boehlert, â€Å"Why the XFL Tanked. †Available at http://archive. salon. com/ent/feature/2001/05/11/xfl_demise/index. html, accessed January 11, 2008. 26 Page 8 9B08M009 I’m trying to meet the competition, but his policies aren ’t helping me. It’s crazy, and the craziness has got to stop. 30 Welch believed otherwise: â€Å"No one at GE loses a job because of a missed quarter, a missed year, or a mistake. That’s nonsense and everyone knows it. . . . People get second chances. 31 Over his tenure as CEO, Welch had grown GE’s market capitalization by 27 times, from $18 billion to $500 billion. The company was trading 28 times forward earnings versus about 24 for the Standard & Poor’s 500. 32 See Exhibit 1 for selected GE information over 25 years. After two decades as GE’s CEO, Welch retired, nominating Jeffrey Immelt as his successor. Immelt was one of three candidates short-listed for the job. Observers noted that Immelt was â€Å"starting his tenure at the end of an unprecedented bull market and in the midst of a global economic slowdown. 33 Despite GE’s consistent earnings growth even during the economic downturn, GE’s stock had fallen 33 per cent f rom its high of about $60 per share in August 2000. Many attributed this steady drop to the anticipation surrounding Welch’s departure. 34 Immelt’s first day on the job was September 7, 2001, four days before the terrorist attacks in the United States. The Transition from Welch to Jeffrey Immelt Immelt joined GE in 1982 and held several global leadership positions in GE’s Plastics, Appliance and Medical businesses. 5 At GE Medical, his last assignment before becoming CEO, Immelt became a star by: persuading a growing number of cash-strapped hospitals to trade in their old-fashioned equipment for digital machines that were capable of generating more dynamic images much faster. He inked lucrative, long-term deals with such hospital giants as HCA and Premier, and bought a number of smaller companies to round out his product line, all the while growing GE’s market share from 25 per cent to 34 per cent and moving the company into services such as data mining. 36Only the ninth man to lead GE since 1896, Immelt followed in the footsteps of his predecessors by abandoning the leadership approach favored by Welch. In contrast with Welch’s need to control and cajole his management, Immelt was â€Å"less a commander than a commanding presence. †37 â€Å"If you, say, missed your numbers, you wouldn’t leave a meeting with him feeling beat up but more like you let your dad down,†said Peter Foss, a longtime friend and colleague of Immelt’s and president of GE Polymerland, part of GE’s plastics business. 38 Immelt believed that leaders exhibited three traits: 30 Thomas F.Boyle, At Any Cost: Jack Welch, General Electric, and the Pursuit of Profit, Vintage Books, New York, 1998, p. 223. 31 Ibid, p. 274. 32 William Hanley, â€Å"An Eye on GE as Jack Bows Out,†National Post, August 23, 2001, p. D01. 33 Daniel Eisenberg and Julie Rawe, â€Å"Jack Who? †Time, September 10, 2001, p. 42. 34 Ibid. 35 â€Å"Jeff Immelt, CEO. †Available at http://www. ge. com/company/leadership/ceo. html, accessed January 6, 2008. 36 Daniel Eisenberg and Julie Rawe, â€Å"Jack Who? †Time, September 10, 2001, p. 42. 37 Jerry Useem, â€Å"Another Boss Another Revolution,†Fortune, April 5, 2004, p. 112. 38Daniel Eisenberg and Julie Rawe, â€Å"Jack Who? †Time, September 10, 2001, p. 42. Page 9 9B08M009 It’s curiosity. It’s being good with people. And it’s having perseverance, hard work, thick skin. Those are the three traits that every successful person I’ve ever known has in common. 39 Immelt aimed to continue GE’s transition â€Å"from a low-margin manufacturer to a more lucrative services company. †40 During Welch’s tenure, although revenues from services had grown from 15 per cent of revenues to 70 per cent, the majority of the revenues came from GE Capital (renamed GE Consumer Finance and GE Commercial Finance).In 2001, Immelt believed there was still room to grow services in many of its divisions, such as aircraft maintenance and monitoring contracts, and medical software and billing services. 41 There were differences in strategic approach as well. Whereas Welch had courted Wall Street by setting  and hitting  pinpoint earnings targets, Immelt gave the Street’s short-term demands a back seat to long-term strategy. Whereas Welch rapidly rotated managers through different divisions to develop generalists, Immelt wanted to keep them in place longer to develop specialists.Immelt explained: I absolutely loathe the notion of professional management. Which is not an endorsement of unprofessional management but a statement that, for instance, the best jet engines are built by jet-engine people, not by appliance people. Rotate managers too fast, moreover, and they won’t experience the fallout from their mistakes  nor will they invest in innovations that don†™t have an immediate payoff. 42 By 2007, Immelt had divested GE units representing 40 per cent of revenues.To grow $20 billion a year and more, new investments were made in areas where sizeable players had an advantage. Infrastructure and infrastructure technology, according to Immelt, was â€Å"a $70 billion business that will grow 15 per cent a year for the next five years. That’s a business where small people need not apply. †43 In addition, Immelt was focused on growing revenues in emerging markets such as China, India, Turkey, Eastern Europe, Russia, and Latin America. Immelt believed that the international arena was where GE’s future growth would come:In 2007, for the first time in the history of GE, we’ll have more revenue outside the United States that we’ll have inside the United States. Our business outside the United States will grow between 15 per cent and 20 per cent next year. We’re a $172 billion company. In 2008, with the U . S. economy growing at 1. 5 per cent, we’ll grow revenue by 15 per cent because we’re in the right places with the right products at the right time. 44 39 David Lieberman, â€Å"GE Chief Sees Growth Opportunities in 2008,†USA Today, December 14, 2007, p. B1.Daniel Eisenberg and Julie Rawe, â€Å"Jack Who? †Time, September 10, 2001, p. 42. 41 Ibid. 42 Jerry Useem, â€Å"Another Boss Another Revolution,†Fortune, April 5, 2004, p. 112. 43 David Lieberman, â€Å"GE Chief Sees Growth Opportunities in 2008,†USA Today, December 14, 2007, p. B1. 44 Ibid. 40 Page 10 9B08M009 EXHIBIT 1 GE: Selected Information from 1981 to 2008 ($ billions) Revenues Net Profit 1981 27. 2 1. 7 1986 36. 7 2. 5 1991 52. 3 2. 6 1996 79. 2 7. 3 2001 125. 9 14. 1 GE Stock Price 1975-2008 (Logarithmic, Adjusted for Dividends and Splits) 000 W elch announces retirement in 2001 Stock: $9. 31 Jack Welch becomes CEO Stock: $0. 65 Jeffrey Immelt becomes CEO Stock: $32. 58 $ 100 Best Practices Delayering, Six Sigma Bought 370 businesses Sold 200 businesses 10 e-business Stretch 1 Work-Out! Boundarylessness #1 or #2 Source: Case writers. Stock information from finance. yahoo. com, accessed January 5, 2008. 1/2/2007 1/2/2005 1/2/2003 1/2/2001 1/2/1999 1/2/1997 1/2/1995 1/2/1993 1/2/1991 1/2/1989 1/2/1987 1/2/1985 1/2/1983 1/2/1981 1/2/1979 1/2/1977 1/2/1975 0. 1 2006 163. 4 20. 7 General Electric: From Jack Welch to Jeffrey Immelt The need for Jeffrey Immelt to develop into a level 5 leader is imperative for GE to continue to grow and prosper in the current economic conditions of global expansion and constant change. Immelt can also benefit GE by becoming a level 5 leader by focusing on developing and empowering employee values and intrinsic motivations rather than facilitating initiatives to carry out his own vision. By Immelt developing into a level 5 leader and creating an open and trusting environment, he will empower employees to rebuild GE’s infrastructure that can hold strong and prosper through the new and demanding global expansion.Jack Welch led the way that was authentic to him and what economic conditions valued at the time. He was successful by giving the company of GE a clear vision and opening up opportunities for employees to efficiently carry out his objectives. He gave stability to shareholders at a time of economic worry and more than doubled GE’s market cap. Although his prac tices deemed profitable he did not build internal company infrastructure that would carry GE into the future. Instead he weakened internal relationships and did not empower employees to use their talents to embark on new and innovative projects.Immelt is faced with the challenge of getting the GE employees to develop a trusting and open relationship that can grow GE into new markets and hold stable in a time of constant change. His humility and professional will create a new environment for GE that will be profitable from long-term investments, social responsibility, and employee empowerment. Immelt is already leading in his own authentic way by being people-oriented and concentrating on effectiveness rather than efficiency.If he can continue to stay true to his authentic values while developing them further into a level 5 leader, GE will manage to stay competitive in the new economic market. Although authentic in his actions, Jack Welch had uprooted the GE internal infrastructure t o become a number generating, cash focused conglomerate that did not serve the intrinsic needs of GE’s talented employees. GE seemed to be thriving under Welch’s reign with stock prices continually rising and it’s market cap growing from $18 million to $500 billion. However there are more factors to a company that tell about its â€Å"success†than its cash generating enterprises.Many of the employees at GE felt worn down and stretched too far with their expectations being forced to drive success from extrinsic motivators and short-term returns. After thorough evaluation of the movement of CEOS from Jack Welch to Jeffrey Immelt, lays the fundamental management problem of a change of company values led by a previous level 4 leader, Welch, to a level 5 leader, Immelt. The GE company needs to recognize and be led to the different values that Jeffrey Immelt believes in order to drive success under a new environment.Immelt is focused more on long term strategi c investments that will require invested energy and cooperation from his employees to finally reach the high numbers and stock price returns that come along with the change to a strong infrastructure. While Welch was CEO he inspired the GE company by providing them with the vision that GE was meant for big returns, rapid expansion, and continually expanding market caps. He proved he was a level 4 leader by being focused on efficiency, and committing to a clear vision that â€Å"stimulated higher performance standards†.Everyone was aware of Welch’s vision: to act fast, push bureaucracy out of the way, and to generate numbers and cash. People who did not meet the results-delivered mindset were let go and ideas that did not deliver immediate results were abandoned. This level 4 leadership did not allow for the employees of GE to develop and grow the intrinsic values of the company and themselves because they were too nervous and focused on delivering results from small-ri sk projects. Welch did not focus on developing people; instead he focused on developing numbers.For example, his â€Å"vitality curve program†cut the â€Å"bottom 10% of employees†and rewarded the â€Å"top 20%†. The Vitality Curve organized people into three categories based on their past performance and deliverables. Although Welch implemented a number of â€Å"leadership development†programs, they ironically did not focus on molding leaders but molding opportunities for profit-centered growth. The underlying problem was that the employees of GE were expected to carry out Welch’s vision and return high profits to stockholders.It wasn’t that Welch wasn’t clear on his objectives or ways to complete objectives; it was the fact that employees were focused on completing work to produce Welch’s vision instead of using their own talents and ideas to grow the company’s infrastructure that could endure future economic condit ions. By Welch being a level 4 leader he facilitated employees to meet expectations in an efficient and demanding manner, which crushed innovation and employee self- fulfillment. According to Fortune Magazine â€Å"Welch conducts meetings so aggressively that people tremble.†Although this type of tough leadership produced high profits, it left employee satisfaction and infrastructure stability wounded. Welch was constantly implementing new projects and workshops that supported his vision and gave employees clearer objectives of his vision that produced results. Each time he implemented a new project GE stock prices rose; but this was at a time where the environment GE was competing in was domestic and results driven, which didn’t demand long term company infrastructure but rather thrived on short term high profits.Welch led the way the economy demanded, which led him to success and high numbers. Welch’s methodology was based upon cost cutting, efficiency, and de al making which would deliver high, reliable profits. Welch led at a time of an economic recession with high unemployment, high interest rates, and domestic competition. The idea of developing society and GE employees was put aside to develop high profits, which gave stockholders a sense of dependability and stability in a time of unknown and economic turmoil.This focus worked at the time, but would not continue to work in the current economy that holds new values and expectations. It is crucial that Immelt become a level 5 leader that invests in long term, strong infrastructure to continue to be able grow, expand, and stay profitable. For Immelt to become a level 5 leader he must discard the idea that â€Å"leaders must be the ones providing the direction or vision†and instead enable the implementation of additional drivers, such as employees or opportunities, that will take GE from good to great.Immelt is leading at a time of economic global slowdown and increased global c ompetition, which demands an infrastructure that can endure a change of markets and compete at a global level. Immelt’s responsibility isn’t to have one vision that the entire company follows, but to inspire GE employees to evaluate their own visions that correspond to their intrinsic values and allow them to act upon them with trust and resources. To enable and inspire employees to re-create the GE infrastructure Immelt needs to pave the way for employees to re-build their trust with GE and himself by increasing their motivation through a more open environment.Immelt can act upon becoming a level 5 leader and making GE into a growth engine for the future by investing in leadership programs that focus on developing employees as leaders and allowing them to create their own vision through their own intrinsic values. Welch’s leadership development programs focused on trimming the company’s edges instead of developing them to pave the way for number growing opportunities and profit based endeavors. Immelt can have leadership programs that ask employees to evaluate what values they have for their work and what are areas that can be improved to help them reach their goals.Immelt can also share his inspiration to facilitate external growth by moving markets into developing countries through risk taking, sophisticated marketing, and innovation. He can prove to employees that he wants them to embark on meaningful, long-term projects by notifying them that rotations will be removed to allow for specialists that are the most knowledgeable in their field, and therefore have the ability to produce the most effective long-term projects and returns.Immelt can teach the employees of GE of his values and leadership practices through company wide meetings, emails, or letters. He then needs to be mindful to follow through with his values to foster an open and trusting environment. Jeffery Immelt is leading as CEO in a time of worldwide growth and exp ansion that demands a different type of leadership style than the efficiency based style of Jack Welch in order for GE to stay profitable, and continue to be a leader in the business market.In addition to changing leadership styles in order to keep GE growing profits, Immelt has the opportunity to make GE employee’s jobs more meaningful and fulfilling by creating an open and trusting environment that will enable them to use their talents to carry out visions of their own that resonate with their intrinsic values. It is imperative that Immelt become a level 5 leader that will force GE to move from being a cash generator to a growth engine that will thrive in the current global expansion. General Electric: From Jack Welch to Jeffrey Immelt The need for Jeffrey Immelt to develop into a level 5 leader is imperative for GE to continue to grow and prosper in the current economic conditions of global expansion and constant change. Immelt can also benefit GE by becoming a level 5 leader by focusing on developing and empowering employee values and intrinsic motivations rather than facilitating initiatives to carry out his own vision. By Immelt developing into a level 5 leader and creating an open and trusting environment, he will empower employees to rebuild GE’s infrastructure that can hold strong and prosper through the new and demanding global expansion.Jack Welch led the way that was authentic to him and what economic conditions valued at the time. He was successful by giving the company of GE a clear vision and opening up opportunities for employees to efficiently carry out his objectives. He gave stability to shareholders at a time of economic worry and more than doubled GE’s market cap. Although his prac tices deemed profitable he did not build internal company infrastructure that would carry GE into the future. Instead he weakened internal relationships and did not empower employees to use their talents to embark on new and innovative projects.Immelt is faced with the challenge of getting the GE employees to develop a trusting and open relationship that can grow GE into new markets and hold stable in a time of constant change. His humility and professional will create a new environment for GE that will be profitable from long-term investments, social responsibility, and employee empowerment. Immelt is already leading in his own authentic way by being people-oriented and concentrating on effectiveness rather than efficiency.If he can continue to stay true to his authentic values while developing them further into a level 5 leader, GE will manage to stay competitive in the new economic market. Although authentic in his actions, Jack Welch had uprooted the GE internal infrastructure t o become a number generating, cash focused conglomerate that did not serve the intrinsic needs of GE’s talented employees. GE seemed to be thriving under Welch’s reign with stock prices continually rising and it’s market cap growing from $18 million to $500 billion. However there are more factors to a company that tell about its â€Å"success†than its cash generating enterprises.Many of the employees at GE felt worn down and stretched too far with their expectations being forced to drive success from extrinsic motivators and short-term returns. After thorough evaluation of the movement of CEOS from Jack Welch to Jeffrey Immelt, lays the fundamental management problem of a change of company values led by a previous level 4 leader, Welch, to a level 5 leader, Immelt. The GE company needs to recognize and be led to the different values that Jeffrey Immelt believes in order to drive success under a new environment.Immelt is focused more on long term strategi c investments that will require invested energy and cooperation from his employees to finally reach the high numbers and stock price returns that come along with the change to a strong infrastructure. While Welch was CEO he inspired the GE company by providing them with the vision that GE was meant for big returns, rapid expansion, and continually expanding market caps. He proved he was a level 4 leader by being focused on efficiency, and committing to a clear vision that â€Å"stimulated higher performance standards†.Everyone was aware of Welch’s vision: to act fast, push bureaucracy out of the way, and to generate numbers and cash. People who did not meet the results-delivered mindset were let go and ideas that did not deliver immediate results were abandoned. This level 4 leadership did not allow for the employees of GE to develop and grow the intrinsic values of the company and themselves because they were too nervous and focused on delivering results from small-ri sk projects. Welch did not focus on developing people; instead he focused on developing numbers.For example, his â€Å"vitality curve program†cut the â€Å"bottom 10% of employees†and rewarded the â€Å"top 20%†. The Vitality Curve organized people into three categories based on their past performance and deliverables. Although Welch implemented a number of â€Å"leadership development†programs, they ironically did not focus on molding leaders but molding opportunities for profit-centered growth. The underlying problem was that the employees of GE were expected to carry out Welch’s vision and return high profits to stockholders.It wasn’t that Welch wasn’t clear on his objectives or ways to complete objectives; it was the fact that employees were focused on completing work to produce Welch’s vision instead of using their own talents and ideas to grow the company’s infrastructure that could endure future economic condit ions. By Welch being a level 4 leader he facilitated employees to meet expectations in an efficient and demanding manner, which crushed innovation and employee self- fulfillment. According to Fortune Magazine â€Å"Welch conducts meetings so aggressively that people tremble.†Although this type of tough leadership produced high profits, it left employee satisfaction and infrastructure stability wounded. Welch was constantly implementing new projects and workshops that supported his vision and gave employees clearer objectives of his vision that produced results. Each time he implemented a new project GE stock prices rose; but this was at a time where the environment GE was competing in was domestic and results driven, which didn’t demand long term company infrastructure but rather thrived on short term high profits.Welch led the way the economy demanded, which led him to success and high numbers. Welch’s methodology was based upon cost cutting, efficiency, and de al making which would deliver high, reliable profits. Welch led at a time of an economic recession with high unemployment, high interest rates, and domestic competition. The idea of developing society and GE employees was put aside to develop high profits, which gave stockholders a sense of dependability and stability in a time of unknown and economic turmoil.This focus worked at the time, but would not continue to work in the current economy that holds new values and expectations. It is crucial that Immelt become a level 5 leader that invests in long term, strong infrastructure to continue to be able grow, expand, and stay profitable. For Immelt to become a level 5 leader he must discard the idea that â€Å"leaders must be the ones providing the direction or vision†and instead enable the implementation of additional drivers, such as employees or opportunities, that will take GE from good to great.Immelt is leading at a time of economic global slowdown and increased global c ompetition, which demands an infrastructure that can endure a change of markets and compete at a global level. Immelt’s responsibility isn’t to have one vision that the entire company follows, but to inspire GE employees to evaluate their own visions that correspond to their intrinsic values and allow them to act upon them with trust and resources. To enable and inspire employees to re-create the GE infrastructure Immelt needs to pave the way for employees to re-build their trust with GE and himself by increasing their motivation through a more open environment.Immelt can act upon becoming a level 5 leader and making GE into a growth engine for the future by investing in leadership programs that focus on developing employees as leaders and allowing them to create their own vision through their own intrinsic values. Welch’s leadership development programs focused on trimming the company’s edges instead of developing them to pave the way for number growing opportunities and profit based endeavors. Immelt can have leadership programs that ask employees to evaluate what values they have for their work and what are areas that can be improved to help them reach their goals.Immelt can also share his inspiration to facilitate external growth by moving markets into developing countries through risk taking, sophisticated marketing, and innovation. He can prove to employees that he wants them to embark on meaningful, long-term projects by notifying them that rotations will be removed to allow for specialists that are the most knowledgeable in their field, and therefore have the ability to produce the most effective long-term projects and returns.Immelt can teach the employees of GE of his values and leadership practices through company wide meetings, emails, or letters. He then needs to be mindful to follow through with his values to foster an open and trusting environment. Jeffery Immelt is leading as CEO in a time of worldwide growth and exp ansion that demands a different type of leadership style than the efficiency based style of Jack Welch in order for GE to stay profitable, and continue to be a leader in the business market.In addition to changing leadership styles in order to keep GE growing profits, Immelt has the opportunity to make GE employee’s jobs more meaningful and fulfilling by creating an open and trusting environment that will enable them to use their talents to carry out visions of their own that resonate with their intrinsic values. It is imperative that Immelt become a level 5 leader that will force GE to move from being a cash generator to a growth engine that will thrive in the current global expansion.
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